Which of Trumps policies had America/Americans on a path of degradation/regression?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Everybody I talk to seems to believe Trump policies were improving and enhancing America for Americans…Obviously many don’t share that sentiment. So I ask, which of his polices had America on a negative slide?
Great question .. it's always concept and high level .. let's hear specifics thou Trump haters, and provide some substance instead of libtard talking points.
Everybody I talk to seems to believe Trump policies were improving and enhancing America for Americans…Obviously many don’t share that sentiment. So I ask, which of his polices had America on a negative slide?

Which of Trumps policies had America/Americans on a path of degradation/regression?
1. Attacking the free press and mainstream media as fake news even when reporting was accurate and truthful.
2. Attacking law enforcement, simply because their activity interfered with his goals of having them distrusted, just because he likes breaking the laws of the land with impunity.
3. Attacking the courts and validity of the judges and juries, including judgements made by Trump appointed judges, ruling like all other judges when his legal/illegal claims were refuted or the courts acted in ways, not to his benefit. These things done to invalidate the legal system in the eyes of his mindless minority follower.
4. His policy that it is OK to overthrow the elections by the people of the US, simply to hold on to power, knowing his own people informed him, he lost the election.

These are just a few. I am surprised you had to ask. Everybody knows these and other policy/policy like moves of him and his supporters controlled by him.
Everybody I talk to seems to believe Trump policies were improving and enhancing America for Americans…Obviously many don’t share that sentiment. So I ask, which of his polices had America on a negative slide?
Trump led an attempted coup to take down America's democratic government. There's no greater crime possible.

America's failure to deal with a traitor immediately and with finality has now put America at risk of the attempted coup succeeding.

If Trump can become president again, he will declare the 2020 election to be stolen and thus, democracy will be stolen from America.

All those who are planning to support Trump, be aware of what you're hoping for!
1. Attacking the free press and mainstream media as fake news even when reporting was accurate and truthful.
You believe media and social media aren’t/weren’t bias and favorable toward Democrats?
Did you follow any of the Russia collusion bullshit?
2. Attacking law enforcement, simply because their activity interfered with his goals of having them distrusted, just because he likes breaking the laws of the land with impunity.
Hold on…you think the FBi is above board and on the up and up?
3. Attacking the courts and validity of the judges and juries, including judgements made by Trump appointed judges, ruling like all other judges when his legal/illegal claims were refuted or the courts acted in ways, not to his benefit. These things done to invalidate the legal system in the eyes of his mindless minority follower.
Hold on…you think all judges are legitimate? Don’t we have one that can’t tell us what a woman is?
4. His policy that it is OK to overthrow the elections by the people of the US, simply to hold on to power, knowing his own people informed him, he lost the election.
There may have been an attempt to delay/stay the election results….NOBODY EVER sought to “OVERTHROW” an election…that’s wacko leftist talk that’s all.
These are just a few. I am surprised you had to ask. Everybody knows these and other policy/policy like moves of him and his supporters controlled by him.
“Everybody” you say?
Don’t you really mean….fags, wetbacks, chicks with dicks, feminazis, beggars, degenerates, criminals and purple hair weirdos?
Trump led an attempted coup to take down America's democratic government. There's no greater crime possible.
There may have been an attempt to delay/stay the election results….NOBODY EVER attempted a “coup to take down government”…that’s all wacko leftist talk that’s all.
America's failure to deal with a traitor immediately and with finality has now put America at risk of the attempted coup succeeding.
A “traitor” is someone who would beg the thirdworld to passively invade and destroy foundations and institutions.
1. Attacking the free press and mainstream media as fake news even when reporting was accurate and truthful. I read you're pussified leftist with no sense about you. The media lies with every breath, only an undeveloped brain would deny it. And in fact leftist, we know for a FACT the Democrats interfere with what's reported. Pay the fuck attention for a change. The Democrat's govt. strong arms the media, have you read what they did surrounding Hunter's computer? That you dipshit is interfering with the election, justice and the first amendment. Don't project.

2. Attacking law enforcement, simply because their activity interfered with his goals of having them distrusted, just because he likes breaking the laws of the land with impunity. Trump attacked law enforcement? I believe that's code for he calling out the left for weaponizing the justice departments which is a proven fact. Don't project.

3. Attacking the courts and validity of the judges and juries, including judgements made by Trump appointed judges, ruling like all other judges when his legal/illegal claims were refuted or the courts acted in ways, not to his benefit. These things done to invalidate the legal system in the eyes of his mindless minority follower. Don't look know but the leftist declares that Trump should roll over and pee on himself as he faces multiple BS indictments built by the communist left. Don't project.

4. His policy that it is OK to overthrow the elections by the people of the US, simply to hold on to power, knowing his own people informed him, he lost the election. It was your kind who developed covid, shut down the economy and instilled riots to "justify" ballot harvesting. Don't project.

These are just a few. I am surprised you had to ask. Everybody knows these and other policy/policy like moves of him and his supporters controlled. "Everybody" is code for you're insecure. Don't project.
You believe media and social media aren’t/weren’t bias and favorable toward Democrats?
Did you follow any of the Russia collusion bullshit?

Hold on…you think the FBi is above board and on the up and up?

Hold on…you think all judges are legitimate? Don’t we have one that can’t tell us what a woman is?

There may have been an attempt to delay/stay the election results….NOBODY EVER sought to “OVERTHROW” an election…that’s wacko leftist talk that’s all.

“Everybody” you say?
Don’t you really mean….fags, wetbacks, chicks with dicks, feminazis, beggars, degenerates, criminals and purple hair weirdos?
You don't hear me still whining about Russian collusion from 2016 that trump even knew, there was no law against collusion on the Federal books and never has been. You cultist have always been more torn up over that than anybody on the left. As you well know, Mueller refused to go after collusion for that very reason, instead concentrating on the actual crimes and the criminals that committed them.

Overall, I approve of the FBI, and as an American, they have my support on most of their activities and findings. Most of the heads for the last 8 years have been appointed by Republicans, anyway.

The vast majority of Judges do their jobs, mostly without bias or at least in conformance to our laws and procedures, including those appointed by Trump, which is more than can be said for Trump and the lawyers he hires and runs with to represent him and the cult.

Good luck to you and your fake electors and all your minions of the January 6 attack, now serving their sentences for crimes against our country.
Everybody I talk to seems to believe Trump policies were improving and enhancing America for Americans…Obviously many don’t share that sentiment. So I ask, which of his polices had America on a negative slide?
1) The one where we were energy independent. Oh wait….

2) The one where he lowered corporate tax rates and reduced business regulations so that their growth and success was allowed to happen, and then lots of new hiring and REAL wage growth. Oh, wait….not that either….

3) I got it! The one where he had illegals with their bogus asylum claims waiting in Mexico rather than welcome them here with their demands for hotel rooms. UM…..no maybe not….

4) His strength prevented countries like Russia invading countries. Uh, no…..

5) The one where he did NOT take prime time air space to call half of Americans threats to democracy. No, not that either.

I give up.

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