America's Race Whore-N-Divider- The Obama WH


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Holder's stop in Ferguson is deeply personal

"It's not the law it's personal," said Eric Holder. How personal is it to a white mother of a dead child who died at the hands of a black man??? The disgusting racist display of this Administration sends the message that truth be damned.. It doesn't matter that the law enforcement officer was beaten to a pulp and nearly ALL witnesses state he fought for his own gun as the thug/criminal went for it.. If you are black and a criminal.. this WH gives you permission to not only trash the law and those who try to keep cities safe, but will close their eyes to private business being pillaged, destroyed, stolen from.. ALL FOR COLOR..
LGS. I agree and my apologies from earlier. I was wrong and am sorry.
No apologies necessary.. but thank you very much.. Not many people have the honor and integrity that you do .. < hug > I'm sorry too.

We got off on a bad foot:) I think I knew you from another board? Perhaps the Hannity Forum? If so, I see a few of them on here. IMHO that board got way to strict, esp. the religion forum.

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