Americans out of control spending.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Americans living beyond their means.

Americans are as guilty as the government for the present economically failure. Americans spent money they did not have, borrowing from credit cards, taking out second loans on their homes, and unnecessary spending. Buying homes they could not afford on their incomes. Defaulting on credit cards and loans bankrupting banks, auto industries, etc. Buying bigger and more expensive homes, cars and more expensive electronics year after year for ourselves and our children. Americans are accomplices with the Government for the failing economy. We are teaching our children the same bad habits. I have used the same cell phone for the past ten years. $500 for a cell phone that tells you when to go to the bathroom? And when Americans defaulted they look to their accomplice, Government, to bail them out causing more Government spending. We have to live within our mean just like Government must live within it’s means. Americans and government need to get back to basic. Responsible spending. I live and save on Social Security of $900. I went from paying $600 for rent to paying $200 because it was affordable for me. My daughter pays $2200 on a mortgage on her $40,000 salary alone. Not responsible.
Jesus and Muhammad both taught modesty and we must take care of our own first then give excess to the poor. Not to take care of people here illegally at the expense of our own. Charity begins at home. We will always have the poor among us and they should come before the worlds. We are feeding children of illegal aliens and we have one million homeless and hungry children of our own. We are building roads and bridges in the Middle East and ours are falling down. We are making it easier for children of illegal aliens to get an education and making it harder for our own.

1 Tim 5;4,8. “Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of their own household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.”
If you take a step back and look at the past 40 years, one can make the case that the American policy of providing assistance to Israel has had the effect, if not the express intent, of weakening Israel's political resolve,
(Golda Meir refused to launch a preemptive strike for fear of angering Washington.)
making Israel more easily bend to the American will

[ame=]Israel forced to buy worthless US bonds for "aid" - YouTube[/ame]

American workers have been losing purchaing power my entire adult lifetime.

We put our women to work, and that caused still more inflation. We borrowed just to keep going, causing more inflation. Finally as the real estate bubble inflated, many of us took some of the equity we'd acrued just to keep afloat.

Now so many American families are do deeply in debt, they need to full time grown up incomes just to pay the bills they ramped up trying to maintain their quality of life.

Americans are paying down those debts right now.

This is a large part of why this depression is so depressing.

What kind of math is that? We have 8 million in the work force. Doing low wage jobs American will not do. If the 8 million earned $40,000 a year how can their taxes amount to $9 billion? Even including sale taxes. I know I have lost some math skills because of MS but even this should not be hard for me to figure out. :confused::eek:

"about $75 billion in wages from people who filed W2 forms with incorrect or mismatched data, about $9 billion in taxes was paid."
Illegal Immigrants Pay Billion in Taxes – Immigration Reform could be the reason - Video

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