Americans Exiled within America


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Americans Exiled within America
Americans Exiled within America - American Thinker
18 Apr 2021 ~~ By Fay Voshell

A corrupt voting process has deprived millions of meaningful participation within their republic. Meanwhile, integrity of citizenship itself is imperiled by the erasure of the nation's boundaries and the granting of privileges to non-citizens.
The miracle of America has been due in large part to the permeability and fluidity of its classes, which in turn has been due to the adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law as applicable to everyone regardless of class or status. The vanishing of that fluidity and of the country's capacity for continued reform via the rule of law and the Constitution has invited the beast of totalitarianism, which is always fed by a singularity of interpretation. Be it race, sex, or "science," the ideological equivalent of the Theory of Everything is a singularity that leads to totalitarianism. Singularities have been characteristic of every dictator of the last century or more.
The answer to the rapid encroachment of totalitarianism in America and the resultant exile of its millions of citizens: restoration of the rule of law, particularly as expressed in the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Therein lie the guarantees for freedom and justice for all.

This is certainly worth reading the whole article. We all know about the politically suppressive effects of isolation, distancing and they prevent us from staying in touch with our friends and communities and, particularly, with like-minded people. The Progressive Marxist Democrat left has been very successful in working through the Federal government, the media and the corporations to produce a totalitarian state with a silenced populace.
The question remains whether the PMS/DSA Commies stumbled upon Covid-19 and realized it was a perfect vehicle for their ambitions, or whether this was the plan from the very beginning.
Americans Exiled within America
Americans Exiled within America - American Thinker
18 Apr 2021 ~~ By Fay Voshell

A corrupt voting process has deprived millions of meaningful participation within their republic. Meanwhile, integrity of citizenship itself is imperiled by the erasure of the nation's boundaries and the granting of privileges to non-citizens.
The miracle of America has been due in large part to the permeability and fluidity of its classes, which in turn has been due to the adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law as applicable to everyone regardless of class or status. The vanishing of that fluidity and of the country's capacity for continued reform via the rule of law and the Constitution has invited the beast of totalitarianism, which is always fed by a singularity of interpretation. Be it race, sex, or "science," the ideological equivalent of the Theory of Everything is a singularity that leads to totalitarianism. Singularities have been characteristic of every dictator of the last century or more.
The answer to the rapid encroachment of totalitarianism in America and the resultant exile of its millions of citizens: restoration of the rule of law, particularly as expressed in the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Therein lie the guarantees for freedom and justice for all.

This is certainly worth reading the whole article. We all know about the politically suppressive effects of isolation, distancing and they prevent us from staying in touch with our friends and communities and, particularly, with like-minded people. The Progressive Marxist Democrat left has been very successful in working through the Federal government, the media and the corporations to produce a totalitarian state with a silenced populace.
The question remains whether the PMS/DSA Commies stumbled upon Covid-19 and realized it was a perfect vehicle for their ambitions, or whether this was the plan from the very beginning.

That is certainly a question that is being discussed by conspiracy theorists across the country. Most don't see it as anything more than just another silly conspiracy theory, but that never stopped the hard core conspiracy theory nuts before.
Americans Exiled within America
Americans Exiled within America - American Thinker
18 Apr 2021 ~~ By Fay Voshell

A corrupt voting process has deprived millions of meaningful participation within their republic. Meanwhile, integrity of citizenship itself is imperiled by the erasure of the nation's boundaries and the granting of privileges to non-citizens.
The miracle of America has been due in large part to the permeability and fluidity of its classes, which in turn has been due to the adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law as applicable to everyone regardless of class or status. The vanishing of that fluidity and of the country's capacity for continued reform via the rule of law and the Constitution has invited the beast of totalitarianism, which is always fed by a singularity of interpretation. Be it race, sex, or "science," the ideological equivalent of the Theory of Everything is a singularity that leads to totalitarianism. Singularities have been characteristic of every dictator of the last century or more.
The answer to the rapid encroachment of totalitarianism in America and the resultant exile of its millions of citizens: restoration of the rule of law, particularly as expressed in the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Therein lie the guarantees for freedom and justice for all.

This is certainly worth reading the whole article. We all know about the politically suppressive effects of isolation, distancing and they prevent us from staying in touch with our friends and communities and, particularly, with like-minded people. The Progressive Marxist Democrat left has been very successful in working through the Federal government, the media and the corporations to produce a totalitarian state with a silenced populace.
The question remains whether the PMS/DSA Commies stumbled upon Covid-19 and realized it was a perfect vehicle for their ambitions, or whether this was the plan from the very beginning.

I love how white grievance is so blind to the grievances of others. You fools are complaining about being treated the same way you racists have been treating minorities for years. You don't like it when the police start treating white people as being armed, dangerous and out of control. You're still being treated better than the police and state government has been treating non-white citizens for decades.

They only shot one protestor at the Capital Building. Compare that to the police on the Edmund Pettis Bridge, or the police in Minniapolis during the riots this week.

When Black Lives Matter marched to the Capitol, this is what greeted them:


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Americans Exiled within America
Americans Exiled within America - American Thinker
18 Apr 2021 ~~ By Fay Voshell

A corrupt voting process has deprived millions of meaningful participation within their republic. Meanwhile, integrity of citizenship itself is imperiled by the erasure of the nation's boundaries and the granting of privileges to non-citizens.
The miracle of America has been due in large part to the permeability and fluidity of its classes, which in turn has been due to the adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law as applicable to everyone regardless of class or status. The vanishing of that fluidity and of the country's capacity for continued reform via the rule of law and the Constitution has invited the beast of totalitarianism, which is always fed by a singularity of interpretation. Be it race, sex, or "science," the ideological equivalent of the Theory of Everything is a singularity that leads to totalitarianism. Singularities have been characteristic of every dictator of the last century or more.
The answer to the rapid encroachment of totalitarianism in America and the resultant exile of its millions of citizens: restoration of the rule of law, particularly as expressed in the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Therein lie the guarantees for freedom and justice for all.

This is certainly worth reading the whole article. We all know about the politically suppressive effects of isolation, distancing and they prevent us from staying in touch with our friends and communities and, particularly, with like-minded people. The Progressive Marxist Democrat left has been very successful in working through the Federal government, the media and the corporations to produce a totalitarian state with a silenced populace.
The question remains whether the PMS/DSA Commies stumbled upon Covid-19 and realized it was a perfect vehicle for their ambitions, or whether this was the plan from the very beginning.

I love how white grievance is so blind to the grievances of others. You fools are complaining about being treated the same way you racists have been treating minorities for years. You don't like it when the police start treating white people as being armed, dangerous and out of control. You're still being treated better than the police and state government has been treating non-white citizens for decades.

They only shot one protestor at the Capital Building. Compare that to the police on the Edmund Pettis Bridge, or the police in Minniapolis during the riots this week.

When Black Lives Matter marched to the Capitol, this is what greeted them:

Yes, that's why no one wants to come here, we're a bunch of brown hating racists, sure we are. Get mental help, Mrs Kravitz

The corruption of the "Big Lie" is what is disenfranchising those that believe it from reality.
Americans Exiled within America
Americans Exiled within America - American Thinker
18 Apr 2021 ~~ By Fay Voshell

A corrupt voting process has deprived millions of meaningful participation within their republic. Meanwhile, integrity of citizenship itself is imperiled by the erasure of the nation's boundaries and the granting of privileges to non-citizens.
The miracle of America has been due in large part to the permeability and fluidity of its classes, which in turn has been due to the adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law as applicable to everyone regardless of class or status. The vanishing of that fluidity and of the country's capacity for continued reform via the rule of law and the Constitution has invited the beast of totalitarianism, which is always fed by a singularity of interpretation. Be it race, sex, or "science," the ideological equivalent of the Theory of Everything is a singularity that leads to totalitarianism. Singularities have been characteristic of every dictator of the last century or more.
The answer to the rapid encroachment of totalitarianism in America and the resultant exile of its millions of citizens: restoration of the rule of law, particularly as expressed in the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Therein lie the guarantees for freedom and justice for all.

This is certainly worth reading the whole article. We all know about the politically suppressive effects of isolation, distancing and they prevent us from staying in touch with our friends and communities and, particularly, with like-minded people. The Progressive Marxist Democrat left has been very successful in working through the Federal government, the media and the corporations to produce a totalitarian state with a silenced populace.
The question remains whether the PMS/DSA Commies stumbled upon Covid-19 and realized it was a perfect vehicle for their ambitions, or whether this was the plan from the very beginning.

I love how white grievance is so blind to the grievances of others. You fools are complaining about being treated the same way you racists have been treating minorities for years. You don't like it when the police start treating white people as being armed, dangerous and out of control. You're still being treated better than the police and state government has been treating non-white citizens for decades.

They only shot one protestor at the Capital Building. Compare that to the police on the Edmund Pettis Bridge, or the police in Minniapolis during the riots this week.

When Black Lives Matter marched to the Capitol, this is what greeted them:

BLM is a domestic terrorist organization whose founders conjure up spirits and sorcery. They're all yours.

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