"American Justice 2016: The Political Supreme Court"

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
Reading from this book, written by Lincoln Caplan, is a product taken from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

When the Democrat-appointed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg criticized Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, she triggered concerns about judicial ethics. But the political concerns were even more serious. The Supreme Court is supposed to be what Alexander Hamilton called "the least dangerous" branch of government, because it is the least political. Justices have lifetime appointments to ensure their "complete independence" when deciding cases and controversies. But in the Roberts Court's most contested and important rulings, it has divided along partisan lines for the first time in American history: Republican presidents appointed the conservatives, Democrats appointed the liberals. Justice Ginsburg's criticisms suggested that partisan politics drive the Court's most profound disagreements. Well-respected political science supports that view.​

Retarded and dishonest liberal douche bags accuse the SCOTUS of (oh nozies) being “political” the moment it ceases to be an arm of liberal activism.
Retarded and dishonest liberal douche bags accuse the SCOTUS of (oh nozies) being “political” the moment it ceases to be an arm of liberal activism.
You just admitted how political the “conservative” Justices are
You just admitted how political the “conservative” Justices are
Link please. IMHO the USSC has followed/interpreted the US Constitution religiously.
Its the left that wants to misinterpret the Constitution.
Abortion is NOT a Federal responsibility, prove us wrong.

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