"American Jesus" . . . Huh?!

Netflix has put multiple projects based on properties from Mark Millar’s Millarworld into development as original series, Variety has learned.

One of those projects is “American Jesus,” based on the Millarworld comic of the same name. The series follows a twelve-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead.

Netflix to Develop Series Based on Mark Millar’s ‘American Jesus,’ ‘Jupiter’s Legacy’

'American Jesus' follows a 12-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead! How will he deal with the destiny to lead the world in a conflict thousands of years in the making?

Mark Millar 1st Netflix Slate Includes TV Series About Reincarnated Jesus

Does anyone else think this is going to be an insultingly disrespectful, theologically illiterate mess, even when you leave aside the entertainment industry's typical lack of curiosity about the realities of Judeo-Christian religion?

I mean, let's just start with what's obvious at the moment: IF the kid is really Jesus reincarnated, why is reincarnation not so much as mentioned in passing in the Bible? Why is it not part of either Judaism or Christianity? Why is it, precisely, that this little scenario bears no resemblance whatsoever to anything in the Bible, and more specifically, in Christ's own teachings?

lol.... Jesus wasn't very respectful the first time....Why would he be any different if he appeared a second time?

Anyway Jesus did say that he would come again... How else could he come again unless he was reincarnated into another body?

And what other country on earth would he appear in if not America with freedom of expression and where people at least profess to being dedicated to liberty truth justice and all that....

In what other country would he have an even chance of surviving into adulthood ? Where else might his teaching be understood?

Who can say? Should be a hoot.
Anyway Jesus did say that he would come again... How else could he come again unless he was reincarnated into another body?
maybe he will be returning in his actual form.....
Maybe. I heard he's coming with a lot of others too.

at least the ACA was not free.
nor was it affordable.

American Jesus will have no redeeming value. It is turning Christ into a Hollywood clown. It won't last long...

Well if you were on it , it was affordable. I know what people paid. What now is not affordable. The ACA.

Well we have all the Easter movies, the Passion of Christ, every year he gets better looking and those 6 pack abs are sure to enthuse some. They have that place down south where they have a Jesus. Then there is an ark somewhere in the US. Big money into Christian stuff.

Then we have the stories how people go to heaven and actually see Jesus, near death exp. None of it is believable, the ark or the near death stories or anyone who claims to be Jesus.
at least the ACA was not free.
nor was it affordable.

American Jesus will have no redeeming value. It is turning Christ into a Hollywood clown. It won't last long...

Well if you were on it , it was affordable. I know what people paid. What now is not affordable. Well we have all the Easter movies, the Passion of Christ, every year he gets better looking and those 6 pack abs are sure to enthuse some. They have that place down south where they have a Jesus. Then there is an ark somewhere in the US. Big money into Christian stuff.

Then we have the stories how people go to heaven and actually see Jesus, near death exp. None of it is believable, the ark or the near death stories or anyone who claims to be Jesus.

lol... when he appeared the first time he wasn't exactly what they expected, eh?

Why would it be any different if he appeared a second time?
at least the ACA was not free.
nor was it affordable.

American Jesus will have no redeeming value. It is turning Christ into a Hollywood clown. It won't last long...

Well if you were on it , it was affordable. I know what people paid. What now is not affordable. Well we have all the Easter movies, the Passion of Christ, every year he gets better looking and those 6 pack abs are sure to enthuse some. They have that place down south where they have a Jesus. Then there is an ark somewhere in the US. Big money into Christian stuff.

Then we have the stories how people go to heaven and actually see Jesus, near death exp. None of it is believable, the ark or the near death stories or anyone who claims to be Jesus.

lol... when he appeared the first time he wasn't exactly what they expected, eh?

Why would it be any different if he appeared a second time?

Well lets see there were 11 Jesus's (according to Josephus and some historians)by the time of the temple destruction by the Jews, so who in the heck even knows who he is or looks like.
Not if, but when. His mission the first time was to remove the condemnation of our sins from us. He was our sacrificial Lamb. He will not a Lamb on his next and final trip, but a Lion of the Tribe of Judah. His mission will be to prevent us from destroying all life on earth. He'll be staying next time...
God was plenty happy filling hell up for thousands of years. But hell, what an I doing debating an ancient, fictional story anyways.

And poorly, I might add. You just accused someone in whom you don't believe of committing machinations against the human race. :eusa_doh:
If he does exist, then he’s a sick, death worshipping monster

He defeated death. He is a life giving gentle soul, willing to die in our place. And provide His blood as a gift to cover anyone who accepts it. Bad, bad Jesus to spend His life on earth healing and forgiving....
God was plenty happy filling hell up for thousands of years. But hell, what an I doing debating an ancient, fictional story anyways.

And poorly, I might add. You just accused someone in whom you don't believe of committing machinations against the human race. :eusa_doh:
If he does exist, then he’s a sick, death worshipping monster

He defeated death. He is a life giving gentle soul, willing to die in our place. And provide His blood as a gift to cover anyone who accepts it. Bad, bad Jesus to spend His life on earth healing and forgiving....
Jesus is an admirable character. But his pop is a psychopathic murderer. Too bad Jesus’ teachings have no bearing on the 100+ million strong evangelical plague that infects this country.
Netflix has put multiple projects based on properties from Mark Millar’s Millarworld into development as original series, Variety has learned.

One of those projects is “American Jesus,” based on the Millarworld comic of the same name. The series follows a twelve-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead.

Netflix to Develop Series Based on Mark Millar’s ‘American Jesus,’ ‘Jupiter’s Legacy’

'American Jesus' follows a 12-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead! How will he deal with the destiny to lead the world in a conflict thousands of years in the making?

Mark Millar 1st Netflix Slate Includes TV Series About Reincarnated Jesus

Does anyone else think this is going to be an insultingly disrespectful, theologically illiterate mess, even when you leave aside the entertainment industry's typical lack of curiosity about the realities of Judeo-Christian religion?

I mean, let's just start with what's obvious at the moment: IF the kid is really Jesus reincarnated, why is reincarnation not so much as mentioned in passing in the Bible? Why is it not part of either Judaism or Christianity? Why is it, precisely, that this little scenario bears no resemblance whatsoever to anything in the Bible, and more specifically, in Christ's own teachings?
Relax – it’s just a TV show.

Conservatives are so doctrinal and inflexible, thin-skinned, humorless, joyless, judgmental, and authoritarian – conservatives are truly sad individuals.
I don't understand how someone can get so upset over a movie. There are several shows out now that have a religious theme, Living Biblically is one that I enjoy watching, because it is about a dude who decides to live his life by the Bible and gets a priest and a rabbi to advise him along the way. Some of the situations are kinda funny, and it does bring about an interesting view of religion.

One that is coming out this fall that I'm looking forward to is "God Friended Me", and apparently, God decides to friend this dude on Facebook.

And yeah, it would be interesting to see how the writers would think Jesus would act in a modern world.

Was any of you people offended by Bruce Almighty? How about the Oh God series of movies with George Burns?
at least the ACA was not free.
nor was it affordable.

American Jesus will have no redeeming value. It is turning Christ into a Hollywood clown. It won't last long...

Well if you were on it , it was affordable. I know what people paid. What now is not affordable. Well we have all the Easter movies, the Passion of Christ, every year he gets better looking and those 6 pack abs are sure to enthuse some. They have that place down south where they have a Jesus. Then there is an ark somewhere in the US. Big money into Christian stuff.

Then we have the stories how people go to heaven and actually see Jesus, near death exp. None of it is believable, the ark or the near death stories or anyone who claims to be Jesus.

lol... when he appeared the first time he wasn't exactly what they expected, eh?

Why would it be any different if he appeared a second time?

Well lets see there were 11 Jesus's (according to Josephus and some historians)by the time of the temple destruction by the Jews, so who in the heck even knows who he is or looks like.

True. When his disciples asked Jesus how would they know how to find him when he returned,

He answered, " Where the vultures gather, there lies the corpse." Does that help?

When Jesus appeared the first time he challenged his contemporaries to renounce everything they had been lead to believe about God for over a thousand years of tradition and accept a more rational teaching that no one had ever heard before. Religious experts were embarrassed and got pissed off.

If someone comes along and challenges you to toss everything that you have been led to believe about Jesus in the trash, thousands of years of tradition, and accept something more rational that no one has ever heard before pissing off and embarrassing a lot of religious experts you might not want to jump to irrational emotional conclusions.

We all know how that turns out.
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God was plenty happy filling hell up for thousands of years. But hell, what an I doing debating an ancient, fictional story anyways.

And poorly, I might add. You just accused someone in whom you don't believe of committing machinations against the human race. :eusa_doh:
If he does exist, then he’s a sick, death worshipping monster

He defeated death. He is a life giving gentle soul, willing to die in our place. And provide His blood as a gift to cover anyone who accepts it. Bad, bad Jesus to spend His life on earth healing and forgiving....
Jesus is an admirable character. But his pop is a psychopathic murderer. Too bad Jesus’ teachings have no bearing on the 100+ million strong evangelical plague that infects this country.
No bearing? Don't be silly.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."
Netflix has put multiple projects based on properties from Mark Millar’s Millarworld into development as original series, Variety has learned.

One of those projects is “American Jesus,” based on the Millarworld comic of the same name. The series follows a twelve-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead.

Netflix to Develop Series Based on Mark Millar’s ‘American Jesus,’ ‘Jupiter’s Legacy’

'American Jesus' follows a 12-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead! How will he deal with the destiny to lead the world in a conflict thousands of years in the making?

Mark Millar 1st Netflix Slate Includes TV Series About Reincarnated Jesus

Does anyone else think this is going to be an insultingly disrespectful, theologically illiterate mess, even when you leave aside the entertainment industry's typical lack of curiosity about the realities of Judeo-Christian religion?

I mean, let's just start with what's obvious at the moment: IF the kid is really Jesus reincarnated, why is reincarnation not so much as mentioned in passing in the Bible? Why is it not part of either Judaism or Christianity? Why is it, precisely, that this little scenario bears no resemblance whatsoever to anything in the Bible, and more specifically, in Christ's own teachings?
Relax – it’s just a TV show.

Conservatives are so doctrinal and inflexible, thin-skinned, humorless, joyless, judgmental, and authoritarian – conservatives are truly sad individuals.

I could point out what an easy-going, tolerant bunch leftists are as they verbally attack people in restaurants and gas stations and whatnot over political opinions, but that would require me to take you seriously as an actual human, and I don't.
Fauxrage in this thread is hilarious!

If you fools really believe in Jesus (other than the orange one squatting in the WH) you wouldn't act the way you do or support the policies you do.

Also, and most importantly: ITS A TV SHOW!

Get over it.
And if Jesus came back looking like He did back in the day, you right wing assholes would be calling Him a hippy and a communist.
A militant atheist and a JW walk into a bar...

..and expect someone else to buy their drinks.
God was plenty happy filling hell up for thousands of years. But hell, what an I doing debating an ancient, fictional story anyways.

And poorly, I might add. You just accused someone in whom you don't believe of committing machinations against the human race. :eusa_doh:
If he does exist, then he’s a sick, death worshipping monster

He defeated death. He is a life giving gentle soul, willing to die in our place. And provide His blood as a gift to cover anyone who accepts it. Bad, bad Jesus to spend His life on earth healing and forgiving....
Jesus is an admirable character. But his pop is a psychopathic murderer. Too bad Jesus’ teachings have no bearing on the 100+ million strong evangelical plague that infects this country.

My Father and I are one. As Jesus is, so is Pop. Our Father is so in love with His children that from the very beginning, He forgave us WHILE we were sinning. <That quick to forgive He is. There were no 600+ rules and regulations given to Adam and Eve.
These rules that send you to hell if you break one, apply to one group and one group only. The Jews that bet God they could be righteous on their own and asked for the Law to prove they could keep it. God gave it to the haughty Jews that came out of Egypt, just as they asked for. BUT ONLY TO THEM. Not to Adam, not to Abraham, not to us.
They turned a forgiving Father into a by the book Judge. He didn't like that role and said so. Emanuel came to fulfill the Law for the Jews so that God could go back to a loving and forgiving on the spot Father, in their case A new covenant. The Jews said, "No thank you." The Gentiles said, "Please." And so we were grafted in to the new covenant that is Christ.
Netflix has put multiple projects based on properties from Mark Millar’s Millarworld into development as original series, Variety has learned.

One of those projects is “American Jesus,” based on the Millarworld comic of the same name. The series follows a twelve-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead.

Netflix to Develop Series Based on Mark Millar’s ‘American Jesus,’ ‘Jupiter’s Legacy’

'American Jesus' follows a 12-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead! How will he deal with the destiny to lead the world in a conflict thousands of years in the making?

Mark Millar 1st Netflix Slate Includes TV Series About Reincarnated Jesus

Does anyone else think this is going to be an insultingly disrespectful, theologically illiterate mess, even when you leave aside the entertainment industry's typical lack of curiosity about the realities of Judeo-Christian religion?

I mean, let's just start with what's obvious at the moment: IF the kid is really Jesus reincarnated, why is reincarnation not so much as mentioned in passing in the Bible? Why is it not part of either Judaism or Christianity? Why is it, precisely, that this little scenario bears no resemblance whatsoever to anything in the Bible, and more specifically, in Christ's own teachings?
Isn’t Jesus supposed to come back? Meaning reincarnate?
And if it doesn’t resemble anything in the bible, were you expecting Jesus to come back in a bible outfit given birth to by a supposed virgin...? Or is this just you with a permanent cob up your ass?
No, the Scriptures do not teach reincarnation. They do not say that Christ comes in the flesh. In fact, they say he is in the church; his body is the church.

The cob is yours, mostly because you don't understand Christianity, and also because that faith appears to be the bane of your existence.

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