America will swing Blue in 2020


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thoughts From An Independent:

With less than 5 months to go, things continue to show a downward slide for President Trump and the GOP. Former vice president Joe Biden's lead nationally has held steady at 8+ percentage points for several months. To make matters worse for Trump, Biden leads in every battleground state, except North Carolina, where Trump holds a razor thin lead.

Things are breaking the Liberals way in the upper chamber as well. Senate Democrats got an unexpected boost when Jon Ossoff eked above the 50% plateau in the party primary and, in so doing, avoided a runoff for the right to face Republican Sen. David Perdue in Georgia in the fall. In clearing the 50% mark, Ossoff -- along with national Democrats -- avoids what would have been a two-month runoff that would have not only been costly but also would have truncated the timeline to rally behind the eventual nominee.

Trump supporters: You can yell "fake news" all you want, but America will swing blue in 2020 :bye1:

Thoughts From An Independent:

With less than 5 months to go, things continue to show a downward slide for President Trump and the GOP. Former vice president Joe Biden's lead nationally has held steady at 8+ percentage points for several months. To make matters worse for Trump, Biden leads in every battleground state, except North Carolina, where Trump holds a razor thin lead.

Things are breaking the Liberals way in the upper chamber as well. Senate Democrats got an unexpected boost when Jon Ossoff eked above the 50% plateau in the party primary and, in so doing, avoided a runoff for the right to face Republican Sen. David Perdue in Georgia in the fall. In clearing the 50% mark, Ossoff -- along with national Democrats -- avoids what would have been a two-month runoff that would have not only been costly but also would have truncated the timeline to rally behind the eventual nominee.

Trump supporters: You can yell "fake news" all you want, but America will swing blue in 2020 :bye1:

The pollsters are liars

the only poll that counts is in november
Taking bets?

We'll see which illogical, irrational, counterproductive emotion will win out, soon enough.
NOt that you would care one way or the other
whatever is bad for America is good for the fence sitters

My side of the fence is opposite Ideological Fundamentalists like Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties.

Plenty of folks on my side of the fence.
We'll see which illogical, irrational, counterproductive emotion will win out, soon enough.
NOt that you would care one way or the other
whatever is bad for America is good for the fence sitters

My side of the fence is opposite Ideological Fundamentalists like Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties.

Plenty of folks on my side of the fence.
Your side of the fence is tucking penises.
Thoughts From An Independent:

With less than 5 months to go, things continue to show a downward slide for President Trump and the GOP. Former vice president Joe Biden's lead nationally has held steady at 8+ percentage points for several months. To make matters worse for Trump, Biden leads in every battleground state, except North Carolina, where Trump holds a razor thin lead.

Things are breaking the Liberals way in the upper chamber as well. Senate Democrats got an unexpected boost when Jon Ossoff eked above the 50% plateau in the party primary and, in so doing, avoided a runoff for the right to face Republican Sen. David Perdue in Georgia in the fall. In clearing the 50% mark, Ossoff -- along with national Democrats -- avoids what would have been a two-month runoff that would have not only been costly but also would have truncated the timeline to rally behind the eventual nominee.

Trump supporters: You can yell "fake news" all you want, but America will swing blue in 2020 :bye1:

You are certainly entitled to your opinion of course.

But I just don't see Sleepy Joe as a very effective and convincing candidate. The former Vice President is far off of his peak cognitively speaking- and he wasn't too terrific to start with.

Perhaps the electorate will choose a future course of Bidenism, but i just don't see it. America is a lot less together than I would have thought if they do.
Thoughts From An Independent:

With less than 5 months to go, things continue to show a downward slide for President Trump and the GOP. Former vice president Joe Biden's lead nationally has held steady at 8+ percentage points for several months. To make matters worse for Trump, Biden leads in every battleground state, except North Carolina, where Trump holds a razor thin lead.

Things are breaking the Liberals way in the upper chamber as well. Senate Democrats got an unexpected boost when Jon Ossoff eked above the 50% plateau in the party primary and, in so doing, avoided a runoff for the right to face Republican Sen. David Perdue in Georgia in the fall. In clearing the 50% mark, Ossoff -- along with national Democrats -- avoids what would have been a two-month runoff that would have not only been costly but also would have truncated the timeline to rally behind the eventual nominee.

Trump supporters: You can yell "fake news" all you want, but America will swing blue in 2020 :bye1:

Voting for Democrats is voting for looting and riots.
Where do I sign?
Thoughts From An Independent:

With less than 5 months to go, things continue to show a downward slide for President Trump and the GOP. Former vice president Joe Biden's lead nationally has held steady at 8+ percentage points for several months. To make matters worse for Trump, Biden leads in every battleground state, except North Carolina, where Trump holds a razor thin lead.

Things are breaking the Liberals way in the upper chamber as well. Senate Democrats got an unexpected boost when Jon Ossoff eked above the 50% plateau in the party primary and, in so doing, avoided a runoff for the right to face Republican Sen. David Perdue in Georgia in the fall. In clearing the 50% mark, Ossoff -- along with national Democrats -- avoids what would have been a two-month runoff that would have not only been costly but also would have truncated the timeline to rally behind the eventual nominee.

Trump supporters: You can yell "fake news" all you want, but America will swing blue in 2020 :bye1:

Just remember people like what the stupid black bitch tried to do down in Southern Florida, lie, steal and cheat to get her candidate in office. She needed to know how many extra ballets she needed to find, so Andrew the Communist Felon Gillum, could be the Governor of the state, but unfortunately for her, many of those she found in the trunk of her car, just didnt add up...

Florida Democrats on defense amid election fraud investigation
Under state law governing “fraudulent practices,” it’s a third-degree felony to “knowingly and willfully ... make or use any false document, knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry” connected to the Department of State. While the fraud statute is not contained in the state’s election code, it relates to the 2018 election because the affidavit in question concerned the elections division, which falls under the Department of State.

This reminds me of 1972 with all the filthy Left Wing shit that was going on in the country. Richard Nixon won by almost the largest landslide in history.

The Democrats not only have a terrible agenda for this country against a very successful incumbent President but they are running a terrible candidate. Biden is corrupt, stupid and part of the worst administration this country ever had.

Trump will win by a landslide.

This reminds me of 1972 with all the filthy Left Wing shit that was going on in the country. Richard Nixon won by almost the largest landslide in history.

The Democrats not only have a terrible agenda for this country against a very successful incumbent President but they are running a terrible candidate. Biden is corrupt, stupid and part of the worst administration this country ever had.

Trump will win by a landslide.

I agree. Biden is a piss poor candidate but that's who they have to run.

Trump will win and the lefty loons will have four more years to moan, groan and complain.

I'll be LMAO again.

This reminds me of 1972 with all the filthy Left Wing shit that was going on in the country. Richard Nixon won by almost the largest landslide in history.

The Democrats not only have a terrible agenda for this country against a very successful incumbent President but they are running a terrible candidate. Biden is corrupt, stupid and part of the worst administration this country ever had.

Trump will win by a landslide.
You do remember Nixon “quit and left office in disgrace and is a republican whipping boy, because he was just like trump”

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