amelia bownow, leader of shout your abortion movement, teaching kids why abortions are good.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

This typical fucking creature from the left (disgusting white female socialist pig) telling kids how it is a good thing.

She brags about abortion. She is proud of them. She is the worst sort of human that walks among us.
Oh don't you worry your poor little heads about that, Convington High is on the case recruiting and shaping the next generation of Bart O'Kavanaughs.
Who is this pig amelia?

Some more disgusting fucking pigs promoted by that frucking pig.

Another one from this fucking pig


This typical fucking creature from the left (disgusting white female socialist pig) telling kids how it is a good thing.

She brags about abortion. She is proud of them. She is the worst sort of human that walks among us.

These kids already knew about abortion and it was a discussion about abortion which was in no way an advocation of abortion, it's called a discussion..

This typical fucking creature from the left (disgusting white female socialist pig) telling kids how it is a good thing.

She brags about abortion. She is proud of them. She is the worst sort of human that walks among us.

These kids already knew about abortion and it was a discussion about abortion which was in no way an advocation of abortion, it's called a discussion..

She's advocating it, dumbass

Gawd why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Just dry up

This typical fucking creature from the left (disgusting white female socialist pig) telling kids how it is a good thing.

She brags about abortion. She is proud of them. She is the worst sort of human that walks among us.

These kids already knew about abortion and it was a discussion about abortion which was in no way an advocation of abortion, it's called a discussion..

She's advocating it, dumbass

Gawd why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Just dry up

She in no way tried to force her views during the discussion..everyone was allowed to speak and ask questions..Yet again most kids at their age already know about abortion and reproduction, the internet is a tool of knowledge and not just a game spot.
Is she telling them that abortion is how we kill your brother and sister. It's how liberals want to kill you too.
Instead of abortion, the skanks shown on this thread need to be sterilized. They should never be allowed to reproduce. Are they the prototypical females that the public school system is producing? Time to home school...
Is she telling them that abortion is how we kill your brother and sister. It's how liberals want to kill you too.
Hardly so since demographics of party allegiance or political philosophy is not tabulated for stats. at the time of an abortion.
I know many liberals that have never had an abortion I am one. Nor do they kill any humans, I am also in that club.
Most abortions are done by the poor and some have a religion they do claim so you are very wrong in yer assumption of opinion over fact.
I’m pro-choice, but ShoutYourAbortion has to be one of the most fucked up “movements” I’ve come across. Most people probably wish they could forget about having an abortion and though I’ve never had one I can’t imagine how it’d EVER be something to be proud of. It’s about as inspirational as ShoutYourHemorrhoids.
I’m pro-choice, but ShoutYourAbortion has to be one of the most fucked up “movements” I’ve come across. Most people probably wish they could forget about having an abortion and though I’ve never had one I can’t imagine how it’d EVER be something to be proud of. It’s about as inspirational as ShoutYourHemorrhoids.
For some people it is better to talk about an issue than sit and stew..
I’m pro-choice, but ShoutYourAbortion has to be one of the most fucked up “movements” I’ve come across. Most people probably wish they could forget about having an abortion and though I’ve never had one I can’t imagine how it’d EVER be something to be proud of. It’s about as inspirational as ShoutYourHemorrhoids.
For some people it is better to talk about an issue than sit and stew..

Whether or not it’s their intention, it reeks of the desire to normalize (dare I say even glorify) abortion and just make it “one of those (pesky) things” life brings your way. It should be treated seriously and never light-heartedly. We should be talking about how to prevent abortions (aside from what’s beyond one’s control, like rape or incest).

I believe most people, even those who claim to be pro-life, are really pro-choice. If someone says, “I’m against it, except for when...” they’re really pro-choice.

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