Amazing predictions from 1958 that came true will blow your Mind

Do you mean the youtube video?

I am still laughing. Ok:

Really, this is too easy. Everything that man says I can combat with actual facts that mean that his "prophecies" are nothing more than the butthurt ravings of a John Bircher.

Want to play some more?

Yeah, sorry, some of us don't live on USMB. I saw your post, but I noticed you didn't address mine directly. If you had, I don't suppose this response would be necessary.

I am sort of disappointed by your attitude, but you know, it happens. We sometimes let the anonymity of the internet make us arrogant in the self-righteousness of our own beliefs. I am sure you actually believe you have refuted everything posted. My belief is you have made a first class boob of yourself. When you first arrived at USMB, you seemed so level headed and logical too. Pity.

Frankly, I am shocked at you. I didn't think you were just another vapid nonsensical unthinking partisan. Being friends with BD, I thought you had a free mind and were an independent thinking person, not so prone to believe in CFR propaganda.

I happen to know what side of this issue that real progressives, the likes of Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, and Ralph Nader come down on. They are completely against the policies of the corporatists, as fascists seek to globalize and destroy the lives of the poor in favor of the corporate elites. Why would you side with the elites? Brainwashing? I can't imagine why. Maybe you have a thing for totalitarianism?

If you believe this is a left/right issue, you have blinders on, you really do. The last administration was as guilty of these problems as this one is. This nation wanted the last administration impeached for basically the same reasons they want this one impeached, over stepping it's constitutional authority and manipulating US policy in ways that are against the voters and congress' wishes.

Naomi Wolf is a committed Progressive who rang the warning bells a while ago. Were you sleeping? This what she warned about six years ago. And what do you know? This was all before the passage of the NDAA. Scary how predictive this all was.

[ame=]The End Of America 2008 Full Film - YouTube[/ame]

Since it appears you need some University instruction on the constitution, let's start with some basics, from a person that is FROM THE LEFT and the right. Just so you know that I am not partisan. Here's a Harvard Law School lecture from Ralph Nader and, well, Bruce Fein just to balance things out. :tongue: (Interesting how many of the things Naomi warned about in her film have come to pass on Nader's list at around 44 min. :eek:)
[ame=]Nader and Fein at HLS: "America's Lawless Empire: The Constitutional Crimes of Bush and Obama" - YouTube[/ame]

So, I guess it really comes down to a matter of perspective. From a real progressive's point of view, the internationalist corporate elites have used America as a globalist police state. From the real Libertarians point of view, the internationalists have subverted the Constitution to establish their global tyrannical world socialist state, basing it in New York.

Potato, Potatah. I really don't understand why you would let corporate media divide you from your fellow Americans. This is a fight we need to stand together to win.

Mark Twain once said about statistics, you can make them say what ever you want. I see that you have done precisely that with your one and only post that is substantive in this thread in a vain attempt to deny the reality of what is going on.

I really liked what Ralph Nader said at the beginning of his lecture to those law students. Often times, experts in our fields our experts for a very good reason, they are expert at lying to themselves. Be careful that you don't let cognitive dissonance bite you in the arse. If you don't understand how to interpret numbers, or understand which numbers are actually the significant numbers, you can pick out what ever numbers you like, and make them say what ever you want. I debated for four year in high school and three years on a big ten debate team. I was educated in the social sciences taking University level statistics classes, I know what data is important. It is my belief that you may, just possibly, have made some methodological mistakes in your partisan attempts to prove the thesis of the thread wrong.

So, are UN blue-helmets occupying US soil? No.
Is any other nation controllling our us military? No.
First off, if you had bothered to read my initial post in this thread, you would realize, that the elites, or the internationalists have subverted the Constitution. They have no need to place "UN blue-helmets" on Main Street USA. Did you want the NDAA passed? I sure as hell didn't. And most other Americans I know didn't either. Now we find out the NSA knows everything you and I do. The UN forces are our own military. They are Canada's military. They are Russia's military and Mexico's military, and yes, they are already here. Most people just aren't aware of it. How do you suppose the conservatives and trigger happy folks would react to international troops training here?
And the day the international banking cartel decides to call in their paper and collapse the dollar, you can bet, they will be on the streets, and most Americans will be begging for them to keep order.

US DEBT to GDP is still less right now than in 1945.

Just barely. And in 1945, everything the speaker said in that video was true, the government had complete control of the economy. I can't believe you seriously want to go there. Do you have any idea how completely controlled the American economy was in 1945? Fine, you win that round if that is where you want this nation to go. Complete and utter government control. Just like the speaker in the video warned about.

Everybody, go plant a victory garden this spring, otherwise, get ready for rationing.


Taxes on millionaires during the Eisenhower administration: 90%
Taxes on the rich today: under 25%.
What an angry canard. I've already addressed that in my first post. Nobody ever paid that 90%. Back then, there were so many loop holes, any one worth their salt had a decent accountant that could find the requisite loop holes and shelters that they actually paid less taxes than before Regan's great compromise with the Democrats to eliminate those shelters.

Besides, I'm not concerned with the wealthiest 400 individuals. I am most concerned with the number and variety of different kinds of taxes, and the percentage amount. For instance, What I am concerned with is the expiration of the payroll tax. What about that Cashier that lives pay check to pay check, that extra $400 dollars a month means EVERYTHING. So glad you don't think so.


The end of the tax break would effectively raise taxes for all wage earners next year, a potential surprise for many despite the expected extension of most individual income-tax rates. That would mean the highest tax burdens since 2008 for most U.S. households, before the Obama administration pushed a tax credit in the 2009 stimulus law and the payroll-tax break.
Thanks for watchin' out for the super wealthy though. :doubt:

There is no such thing. A budget is either balanced or it is not and the US has been in debt every year of its existence, save 1835, if I recall.

I don't spend as much time here as you. Though I have been a member much longer, and I read far more than I post. I would like to think wisdom comes from observing more than acting, and only intervening when necessary. For instance, when you see utter tripe and willful ignorance. Now you can't seriously mean this statement. For budgeting is NOT like losing one's virginity. It IS NOT an either or, absolute proposition. It is after all, a matter of degrees.

When a person is deciding what University they wish to attend, or what house or car they would like to buy, if they have to borrow, how much they have to borrow to pay for it, IS a consideration. What you have written makes it sound like it just doesn't matter. You can't really mean this. If you do, no one should ever take a thing you post seriously ever again. Either that, or YOU are a symptom of the corruption I wrote about in the first post I addressed in this thread.

The US may have been in debt every year, but it has not had programs that are called "mandatory budgeting obligations." Nor has it had the amount of interest payments on the debt that it has now. Should the FED decide to adjust rates upward, the government could have very little funds to run the government. I sometimes wonder about the very little comprehension that some people have about how the government, baseline budgeting, and the economy work. The isn't a partisan issue, it really isn't.



You may be on to something, there. If you run this calculator, you will see some amazing facts:

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2014

With Kennedy/Johnson from 1961-1969, it was 22.7%, under DEMOCRATIC administrations.
With Nixon/Ford from 1969-1977, it was 65%
Under Carter, from 1977-1981, it was 50%
With Reagan/ Bush from 1981-1993, it was 60%.
With Clinton from 1993-2001, it was just 22.5%, under a DEMOCRATIC president.
Under Bush 43, from 2001-2009, it was 21.2%, a very good rate.
Under Obama, from 2009-2014, it was 8.9%, the lowest inflation since the 1950s.

The two highest runaway inflationary periods happened both under Republican rule. Inflation under Carter was even less!

Go ahead, run the calculator yourself.

Yes, we know, the FED has been forced to push the effective interest rates down next to zero, do you know why? Do you actually think, in all of your partisan salivating rancor that interest rates have ANYTHING to do with whether a R or a D is in office? Really? REALLY?

The lowest inflation since the 1950's? :eusa_wall: 9% of nothing is still nothing. lol You have to learn to see the forest for the trees. If the US dollar has already been devalued to practically worthless, what does inflation mean? The next stop is hyper inflation Skippy. We aren't talking about effective funds rates anymore. We are talking about Quantitative Easing, flooding the market with moola. Ever hear of currency wars? Yeah, they are going on as we speak. That's what went on right before WWII. Pretty scary stuff for those who pay attention to this stuff.

Like I said, you must have missed my previous post, so I guess you missed my previous graph, so I'll post another one, but it drives home the point. The international banking cartel is the one that determines the value, (or the devaluation) of the dollar. And every administration since Kennedy has been indebted for it's campaign funds to it. The devaluation of the dollar is a regressive tax on the middle class and the poor. But your previous points have already shown that you are in it for the elites and the bankers, aren't you?

Maybe this video will help you understand that QE really is nothing new. It's something they have always used, but it's a tool they have used up. They currency wars are heating up!
[ame=]Quantitative Easing Is Nothing New - YouTube[/ame]
As you can see, the value of the dollar keeps going down, thus the price of goods and service keeps going up. I care not one whit if this trend is exaggerated more or less under a D or R regime. They are all internationalists working with the BIS and the IMF in my view. Did you know US funds transfers from the FED to the IMF to stabilize the Euro are not subject to audit? That's right, US taxpayers have bailed out the Euro via Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, etc. THAT is what I meant earlier by the elites export our inflation.

The only president in recent history to freeze prices or wages was: Richard M. Nixon.
Fine, if the bar is set that you are only going to accept a literal interpretation of what the speaker said, then I am not going to reiterate what I said in my first post in this thread. Let us agree to disagree. I recommend you take an economics class though.

Dow Jones history, 2000 to the present:

Dow Jones Industrial Average (2000 - Present Daily) - Charting Tools -

Dow Jones, January 2001: 11,337.90
Dow Jones, December 2008: 7,552.29 (End of Bush era)

Change under Bush: -3,758.61

Dow Jones, January 2009: 6,547.05 (beginning of Obama era)
Dow Jones, current: 15,680.35

Change till now under Obama: +9,133.30

If this is how "socialism" is supposed to destroy the Free Market, I want more of it!!!

I have to smirk at this. It's apparent from this that we have very different outlooks on how the economy is run. I see the government and the FED as meddling and manipulating the economy. You see it as a free market. You're obviously a Keynesian, I believe that Hayek and the Austrian school of thought was a better way to view this situation. But, I guess we'll see coming up this year, shan't we?

In my view, all of those gains you are talking about is nothing but liquidity injected into the market. It was a false sense of prosperity. None of that translated into real prosperity on main-street. People stopped looking for jobs. You must have some white collar job and live in a very wealthy district isolated from the main of middle America, not really knowing what it is like for 60% of America. The news may tell you there is an unemployment rate of 6-7%, but in truth, a lot of people just stopped looking for jobs. A lot of folks are also trying to game the system. You know, working in the underground economy, just so they too can get a "government bailout." They are sick of the corporatists being the only ones getting government cheese.

QE translates into profits for those with investments on Wall-street. It comes at the expense of devaluing the dollar. That makes food, gas, college, medicine, housing, and everything else the middle class and poor need more expensive. But you know what? The FED has signaled they are ending it. So if YOU are right, and the government is not the one manipulating our prosperity, well then, you should have nothing to worry about Daddy War bucks. If you are wrong, we are either in big trouble because the economy will now tank, or the Oligarchs and internationalists that this thread is warning about will take us into war to continue their mission to set up a world socialist state.

Honestly, I really do hope you are right. So far in the first quarter? It doesn't look like it. Things are starting to unravel fast. I've seen more propaganda aimed at Syria, every morning Nation Propaganda Radio has some story trying to make me feel sorry for the poor down trodden souls of Syria, or else it has a story about why I should hate the Russians. Nice job government radio. Then again, I can't say the conservative and liberal controlled CFR media outlets are any better.

Fed Presidents Say Stock Decline Unlikely to Derail QE Taper
Dallas Fed President Fisher – Market Drop Won’t Impact Taper Decision
We applaud Mr. Fisher’s aversion to QE and appreciate his comments warning about inflation and how the Fed is debasing the dollar. We particularly enjoyed his comment: “We cannot live in fear that gee whiz, the market is going to be unhappy that we are not giving them more monetary cocaine.”

We take issue, however, with Mr. Fisher’s contention that the Fed is focused not on the stock market, but the real economy. The Fed’s policies, by design have helped lift the stock and real estate markets but have not helped the overall economy. Indeed, the stock market has out performed the overall economy by a wide margin. We have argued that a rising stock market has been the basis for the economic “recovery’ and that if the stock market takes a dive it will take the real estate market and the entire economy with it.

What are the odds that when things get shitty, rather then start a war, your Keynesian High Priestess starts the printing press rolling again? Don't tell me they don't interfere, they sure as hell do. And the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. And you just love that regressive tax, don't you? I quote. . .

If this is how "socialism" is supposed to destroy the Free Market, I want more of it!!!


GE/P ratio (number of US employees / US population)

The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012 - Forbes

Reagan: 7.2%
Bush 41: 7.3%
Clinton: 7.3%
Bush 43: 7.4%
Obama: 6.9%

Really, this is too easy. Everything that man says I can combat with actual facts that mean that his "prophecies" are nothing more than the butthurt ravings of a John Bircher.

So, your contention is, that the percentage of government employees per population has not substantially grown, therefor the government has not grown? IS that it then?

How about I ask you a hypothetical question. First, I am going to proceed from the assumption that you watched the Naomi Wolf video.

After the G.W. Bush Administration, BlackWater was renamed DyneCorp. because it got such a bad name and had such a bad public image. It's exploits overseas were infamous, and it's civil rights abuses here at home, (in New Orleans) during crises became the stuff of an Orwellian Nightmare.

If during a national disaster, DyneCorp. were to come to YOUR house and say, shoot your dog, rape your wife/ daughter/ mother, pillage your belongings, and then take you off to a community gathering point for your "safety," and you wished to file a report, how would you feel knowing you couldn't? Why? Well, because they are immune to any prosecution because, like you so astutely pointed out, they aren't part of the government. They are a government contractor. Those figures you listed don't include government contractors, facilities, or the employees of facilities rented by the government.

As this nation progresses into the 21st century, the art of public administration is the art of streamlining the bureaucracy. I know a little about this as it was my concentration in my political science degree. Clinton was famous for reforming the welfare state. HUD and the prison system contract out all of their work now. Most people believe the war in Iraq is over, fat chance. It's just a private war now. It's all handled by private contractors. And now, there is healthcare. The government has got one more industry it is going to contract workers out in. Does that mean we have a small streamlined government? No, it just means taxes are being controlled by those bureaucrats you so astutely pointed out now have much more power and control in the central bureaucracy. Hey, thanks for your hard work! I don't know about you, but I find it scary that such a small percentage of professional government elites in a far off Capital has control over my local community.

That pretty much what bother all JBS, LaRouche, OWS and Tea Party folks. Bothers most Americans come to think of it. We all believe our local politicians know how to deal with our problems better than some unelected bureaucrat.

Just because we may have the same amount of official government workers, does not mean they have the same budgets, nor does it mean they do the same things. Where once the government used to be directly responsive to the people, now corporations are the ones that do the bidding of the government. It is an unholy alliance built of lobbyist money.

Today it is healthcare, tomorrow IT WILL BE education. The NEA knows this. They are fighting it tooth and nail. But common core was the first step. The second step was the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ET AL. v. SEBELIUS, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ET AL. Why do you think one of the most "conservative" judges in the history of the Court would side with the liberals? It was about international corporatism. Within a couple decades, public schools will be a faint memory. Just as soon as corporations can figure out a way to have lobbyists get the Federal government to require folks to either pay corporations to educate their kids pay public schools, it will be the death nell for home schoolers and public schools alike. Who would pay a public school or do it themselves when the government is forcing you to choose from corporations with proven results?

I never pegged you for a fascist @Statistikhengst. :cool: Learn something new every day.

Are you drunk?

Are you also unable to point to any inaccuracies I posted in refuting the bullshit lies that RW posted in response to the OP? They are in post #16.

Thrill us with your acumen...

Do you mean the youtube video?
No, not the damn response to RW's lies

I am still laughing. Ok:
Almost crazy like...:cuckoo:

So, are UN blue-helmets occupying US soil? No.
Is any other nation controllling our us military? No.
Never said they were...try to focus

US DEBT to GDP is still less right now than in 1945.
It's the outstanding liabilities that will be the biggest problem. That wasn't an issue in 1945. Secondly, we're not in the middle of a world war. Third, that debt dropped precipitously immediately following the end of the war. Anything like that happening today? is the answer.

Taxes on millionaires during the Eisenhower administration: 90%
Taxes on the rich today: under 25%.
Total taxes paid higher today.

There is no such thing. A budget is either balanced or it is not and the US has been in debt every year of its existence, save 1835, if I recall.
About time we start to live within our means...

You may be on to something, there. If you run this calculator, you will see some amazing facts:

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2014

With Kennedy/Johnson from 1961-1969, it was 22.7%, under DEMOCRATIC administrations.
With Nixon/Ford from 1969-1977, it was 65%
Under Carter, from 1977-1981, it was 50%
With Reagan/ Bush from 1981-1993, it was 60%.
With Clinton from 1993-2001, it was just 22.5%, under a DEMOCRATIC president.
Under Bush 43, from 2001-2009, it was 21.2%, a very good rate.
Under Obama, from 2009-2014, it was 8.9%, the lowest inflation since the 1950s.

The two highest runaway inflationary periods happened both under Republican rule. Inflation under Carter was even less!

Go ahead, run the calculator yourself.

The only president in recent history to freeze prices or wages was: Richard M. Nixon.
I never suggested it was only one party that is to blame. The constant onslaught of inflation is due to the Federal Reserve. Inflation 1780 to 1913 was flat. 1913 today, about 2500%. That's on BOTH parties.

"greatly increased socialistic control over every operation of our economy and every activity of our daily lives"

Dow Jones history, 2000 to the present:

Dow Jones Industrial Average (2000 - Present Daily) - Charting Tools -

Dow Jones, January 2001: 11,337.90
Dow Jones, December 2008: 7,552.29 (End of Bush era)

Change under Bush: -3,758.61

Dow Jones, January 2009: 6,547.05 (beginning of Obama era)
Dow Jones, current: 15,680.35

Change till now under Obama: +9,133.30

If this is how "socialism" is supposed to destroy the Free Market, I want more of it!!!
The rise in stock prices is largely due to the cheap money policies of the Federal Reserve, but more importantly, what's happening in the stock market does not refute the fact that our country has been on an increasingly socialist trend for decades now. That's just a fact. If you want to debate the merits of such, you'll have to point to more than just the stock market and their cheap money sugar daddies at the Fed

"this is to be a huge increase in the size of our bureaucracy and in both the cost and reach of our domestic government"


GE/P ratio (number of US employees / US population)

The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012 - Forbes

Reagan: 7.2%
Bush 41: 7.3%
Clinton: 7.3%
Bush 43: 7.4%
Obama: 6.9%

Really, this is too easy. Everything that man says I can combat with actual facts that mean that his "prophecies" are nothing more than the butthurt ravings of a John Bircher.
Actually, the number and percentage of FEDERAL employees has steadily increased and skyrocketed under Obama. From your link: "...the number of government employees includes federal, state, local, etc." and "This decline is largely a result of the financial crisis. With revenue in shorter supply, state governments which have a mandate to balance their budgets, cut staff."

You are not being honest or transparent.

Want to play some more?
I want you to refute anything I posted in #16 that proved RW to be full of shit...if you can


Uh, reading comprehension problem? You didn't post a thing in to refute what I in #16. What RW posted was false. I showed that. You just repeated the same shit he did.


One more time: If you are capable, show me where anything I posted in #16 is untrue or does not completely refute the bullshit RW posted.

Or you can continue to obsess over the video. Your call.
Are you also unable to point to any inaccuracies I posted in refuting the bullshit lies that RW posted in response to the OP? They are in post #16.

Thrill us with your acumen...

Do you mean the youtube video?
No, not the damn response to RW's lies

I am still laughing. Ok:
Almost crazy like...:cuckoo:

So, are UN blue-helmets occupying US soil? No.
Is any other nation controllling our us military? No.
Never said they were...try to focus

US DEBT to GDP is still less right now than in 1945.
It's the outstanding liabilities that will be the biggest problem. That wasn't an issue in 1945. Secondly, we're not in the middle of a world war. Third, that debt dropped precipitously immediately following the end of the war. Anything like that happening today? is the answer.

Taxes on millionaires during the Eisenhower administration: 90%
Taxes on the rich today: under 25%.
Total taxes paid higher today.

There is no such thing. A budget is either balanced or it is not and the US has been in debt every year of its existence, save 1835, if I recall.
About time we start to live within our means...

You may be on to something, there. If you run this calculator, you will see some amazing facts:

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2014

With Kennedy/Johnson from 1961-1969, it was 22.7%, under DEMOCRATIC administrations.
With Nixon/Ford from 1969-1977, it was 65%
Under Carter, from 1977-1981, it was 50%
With Reagan/ Bush from 1981-1993, it was 60%.
With Clinton from 1993-2001, it was just 22.5%, under a DEMOCRATIC president.
Under Bush 43, from 2001-2009, it was 21.2%, a very good rate.
Under Obama, from 2009-2014, it was 8.9%, the lowest inflation since the 1950s.

The two highest runaway inflationary periods happened both under Republican rule. Inflation under Carter was even less!

Go ahead, run the calculator yourself.

The only president in recent history to freeze prices or wages was: Richard M. Nixon.
I never suggested it was only one party that is to blame. The constant onslaught of inflation is due to the Federal Reserve. Inflation 1780 to 1913 was flat. 1913 today, about 2500%. That's on BOTH parties.

Dow Jones history, 2000 to the present:

Dow Jones Industrial Average (2000 - Present Daily) - Charting Tools -

Dow Jones, January 2001: 11,337.90
Dow Jones, December 2008: 7,552.29 (End of Bush era)

Change under Bush: -3,758.61

Dow Jones, January 2009: 6,547.05 (beginning of Obama era)
Dow Jones, current: 15,680.35

Change till now under Obama: +9,133.30

If this is how "socialism" is supposed to destroy the Free Market, I want more of it!!!
The rise in stock prices is largely due to the cheap money policies of the Federal Reserve, but more importantly, what's happening in the stock market does not refute the fact that our country has been on an increasingly socialist trend for decades now. That's just a fact. If you want to debate the merits of such, you'll have to point to more than just the stock market and their cheap money sugar daddies at the Fed

"this is to be a huge increase in the size of our bureaucracy and in both the cost and reach of our domestic government"


GE/P ratio (number of US employees / US population)

The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012 - Forbes

Reagan: 7.2%
Bush 41: 7.3%
Clinton: 7.3%
Bush 43: 7.4%
Obama: 6.9%

Really, this is too easy. Everything that man says I can combat with actual facts that mean that his "prophecies" are nothing more than the butthurt ravings of a John Bircher.
Actually, the number and percentage of FEDERAL employees has steadily increased and skyrocketed under Obama. From your link: "...the number of government employees includes federal, state, local, etc." and "This decline is largely a result of the financial crisis. With revenue in shorter supply, state governments which have a mandate to balance their budgets, cut staff."

You are not being honest or transparent.

Want to play some more?
I want you to refute anything I posted in #16 that proved RW to be full of shit...if you can


Uh, reading comprehension problem? You didn't post a thing in to refute what I in #16. What RW posted was false. I showed that. You just repeated the same shit he did.


One more time: If you are capable, show me where anything I posted in #16 is untrue or does not completely refute the bullshit RW posted.

Or you can continue to obsess over the video. Your call.

Self proclaimed victories are so shallow.......don't you agree?
Do you mean the youtube video?
No, not the damn response to RW's lies

I am still laughing. Ok:
Almost crazy like...:cuckoo:

So, are UN blue-helmets occupying US soil? No.
Is any other nation controllling our us military? No.
Never said they were...try to focus

US DEBT to GDP is still less right now than in 1945.
It's the outstanding liabilities that will be the biggest problem. That wasn't an issue in 1945. Secondly, we're not in the middle of a world war. Third, that debt dropped precipitously immediately following the end of the war. Anything like that happening today? is the answer.

Taxes on millionaires during the Eisenhower administration: 90%
Taxes on the rich today: under 25%.
Total taxes paid higher today.

There is no such thing. A budget is either balanced or it is not and the US has been in debt every year of its existence, save 1835, if I recall.
About time we start to live within our means...

You may be on to something, there. If you run this calculator, you will see some amazing facts:

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2014

With Kennedy/Johnson from 1961-1969, it was 22.7%, under DEMOCRATIC administrations.
With Nixon/Ford from 1969-1977, it was 65%
Under Carter, from 1977-1981, it was 50%
With Reagan/ Bush from 1981-1993, it was 60%.
With Clinton from 1993-2001, it was just 22.5%, under a DEMOCRATIC president.
Under Bush 43, from 2001-2009, it was 21.2%, a very good rate.
Under Obama, from 2009-2014, it was 8.9%, the lowest inflation since the 1950s.

The two highest runaway inflationary periods happened both under Republican rule. Inflation under Carter was even less!

Go ahead, run the calculator yourself.

The only president in recent history to freeze prices or wages was: Richard M. Nixon.
I never suggested it was only one party that is to blame. The constant onslaught of inflation is due to the Federal Reserve. Inflation 1780 to 1913 was flat. 1913 today, about 2500%. That's on BOTH parties.

Dow Jones history, 2000 to the present:

Dow Jones Industrial Average (2000 - Present Daily) - Charting Tools -

Dow Jones, January 2001: 11,337.90
Dow Jones, December 2008: 7,552.29 (End of Bush era)

Change under Bush: -3,758.61

Dow Jones, January 2009: 6,547.05 (beginning of Obama era)
Dow Jones, current: 15,680.35

Change till now under Obama: +9,133.30

If this is how "socialism" is supposed to destroy the Free Market, I want more of it!!!
The rise in stock prices is largely due to the cheap money policies of the Federal Reserve, but more importantly, what's happening in the stock market does not refute the fact that our country has been on an increasingly socialist trend for decades now. That's just a fact. If you want to debate the merits of such, you'll have to point to more than just the stock market and their cheap money sugar daddies at the Fed


GE/P ratio (number of US employees / US population)

The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012 - Forbes

Reagan: 7.2%
Bush 41: 7.3%
Clinton: 7.3%
Bush 43: 7.4%
Obama: 6.9%

Really, this is too easy. Everything that man says I can combat with actual facts that mean that his "prophecies" are nothing more than the butthurt ravings of a John Bircher.
Actually, the number and percentage of FEDERAL employees has steadily increased and skyrocketed under Obama. From your link: "...the number of government employees includes federal, state, local, etc." and "This decline is largely a result of the financial crisis. With revenue in shorter supply, state governments which have a mandate to balance their budgets, cut staff."

You are not being honest or transparent.

Want to play some more?
I want you to refute anything I posted in #16 that proved RW to be full of shit...if you can


Uh, reading comprehension problem? You didn't post a thing in to refute what I in #16. What RW posted was false. I showed that. You just repeated the same shit he did.


One more time: If you are capable, show me where anything I posted in #16 is untrue or does not completely refute the bullshit RW posted.

Or you can continue to obsess over the video. Your call.

Self proclaimed victories are so shallow.......don't you agree?


Sure looks like I kept the dude busy.
Do you mean the youtube video?
No, not the damn response to RW's lies

I am still laughing. Ok:
Almost crazy like...:cuckoo:

So, are UN blue-helmets occupying US soil? No.
Is any other nation controllling our us military? No.
Never said they were...try to focus

US DEBT to GDP is still less right now than in 1945.
It's the outstanding liabilities that will be the biggest problem. That wasn't an issue in 1945. Secondly, we're not in the middle of a world war. Third, that debt dropped precipitously immediately following the end of the war. Anything like that happening today? is the answer.

Taxes on millionaires during the Eisenhower administration: 90%
Taxes on the rich today: under 25%.
Total taxes paid higher today.

There is no such thing. A budget is either balanced or it is not and the US has been in debt every year of its existence, save 1835, if I recall.
About time we start to live within our means...

You may be on to something, there. If you run this calculator, you will see some amazing facts:

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2014

With Kennedy/Johnson from 1961-1969, it was 22.7%, under DEMOCRATIC administrations.
With Nixon/Ford from 1969-1977, it was 65%
Under Carter, from 1977-1981, it was 50%
With Reagan/ Bush from 1981-1993, it was 60%.
With Clinton from 1993-2001, it was just 22.5%, under a DEMOCRATIC president.
Under Bush 43, from 2001-2009, it was 21.2%, a very good rate.
Under Obama, from 2009-2014, it was 8.9%, the lowest inflation since the 1950s.

The two highest runaway inflationary periods happened both under Republican rule. Inflation under Carter was even less!

Go ahead, run the calculator yourself.

The only president in recent history to freeze prices or wages was: Richard M. Nixon.
I never suggested it was only one party that is to blame. The constant onslaught of inflation is due to the Federal Reserve. Inflation 1780 to 1913 was flat. 1913 today, about 2500%. That's on BOTH parties.

Dow Jones history, 2000 to the present:

Dow Jones Industrial Average (2000 - Present Daily) - Charting Tools -

Dow Jones, January 2001: 11,337.90
Dow Jones, December 2008: 7,552.29 (End of Bush era)

Change under Bush: -3,758.61

Dow Jones, January 2009: 6,547.05 (beginning of Obama era)
Dow Jones, current: 15,680.35

Change till now under Obama: +9,133.30

If this is how "socialism" is supposed to destroy the Free Market, I want more of it!!!
The rise in stock prices is largely due to the cheap money policies of the Federal Reserve, but more importantly, what's happening in the stock market does not refute the fact that our country has been on an increasingly socialist trend for decades now. That's just a fact. If you want to debate the merits of such, you'll have to point to more than just the stock market and their cheap money sugar daddies at the Fed


GE/P ratio (number of US employees / US population)

The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012 - Forbes

Reagan: 7.2%
Bush 41: 7.3%
Clinton: 7.3%
Bush 43: 7.4%
Obama: 6.9%

Really, this is too easy. Everything that man says I can combat with actual facts that mean that his "prophecies" are nothing more than the butthurt ravings of a John Bircher.
Actually, the number and percentage of FEDERAL employees has steadily increased and skyrocketed under Obama. From your link: "...the number of government employees includes federal, state, local, etc." and "This decline is largely a result of the financial crisis. With revenue in shorter supply, state governments which have a mandate to balance their budgets, cut staff."

You are not being honest or transparent.

Want to play some more?
I want you to refute anything I posted in #16 that proved RW to be full of shit...if you can


Uh, reading comprehension problem? You didn't post a thing in to refute what I in #16. What RW posted was false. I showed that. You just repeated the same shit he did.


One more time: If you are capable, show me where anything I posted in #16 is untrue or does not completely refute the bullshit RW posted.

Or you can continue to obsess over the video. Your call.

Self proclaimed victories are so shallow.......don't you agree?

Spewing bullshit, being called out on the lies, and then failing to back up anything you said...THAT'S shallow.
Uh, reading comprehension problem? You didn't post a thing in to refute what I in #16. What RW posted was false. I showed that. You just repeated the same shit he did.


One more time: If you are capable, show me where anything I posted in #16 is untrue or does not completely refute the bullshit RW posted.

Or you can continue to obsess over the video. Your call.

Self proclaimed victories are so shallow.......don't you agree?


Sure looks like I kept the dude busy.

When you are able to refute anything I posted, here or in post #16, you let us know. Until then, your oh-so-obvious attempt at diversion is noted.
I, for one, appreciate your keeping Eflat off the streets.

Give him another doctorate thesis to write. Only next time, have him do it in Power Point.
Last edited:
I'm still looking for any of those predictions that are "Amazing"

Anyone? Anyone?

You kind of remind me of someone..... I Know....

[ame=]Black Knight - YouTube[/ame]

One of Barack Obama’s chief accomplishments has been to return the Constitution to a central place in our public discourse.

Unfortunately, the president fomented this upswing in civic interest not by talking up the constitutional aspects of his policy agenda, but by blatantly violating the strictures of our founding document. And he’s been most frustrated with the separation of powers, which doesn’t allow him to “fundamentally transform” the country without congressional acquiescence.

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013 - Forbes
yes RW IS very much like a king .
Do you mean the youtube video?

I am still laughing. Ok:

Really, this is too easy. Everything that man says I can combat with actual facts that mean that his "prophecies" are nothing more than the butthurt ravings of a John Bircher.

Want to play some more?


What an angry canard. I've already addressed that in my first post. Nobody ever paid that 90%. Back then, there were so many loop holes, any one worth their salt had a decent accountant that could find the requisite loop holes and shelters that they actually paid less taxes than before Regan's great compromise with the Democrats to eliminate those shelters.

Besides, I'm not concerned with the wealthiest 400 individuals. I am most concerned with the number and variety of different kinds of taxes, and the percentage amount. For instance, What I am concerned with is the expiration of the payroll tax. What about that Cashier that lives pay check to pay check, that extra $400 dollars a month means EVERYTHING. So glad you don't think so.

Thanks for watchin' out for the super wealthy though. :doubt:

I don't spend as much time here as you. Though I have been a member much longer, and I read far more than I post. I would like to think wisdom comes from observing more than acting, and only intervening when necessary. For instance, when you see utter tripe and willful ignorance. Now you can't seriously mean this statement. For budgeting is NOT like losing one's virginity. It IS NOT an either or, absolute proposition. It is after all, a matter of degrees.

When a person is deciding what University they wish to attend, or what house or car they would like to buy, if they have to borrow, how much they have to borrow to pay for it, IS a consideration. What you have written makes it sound like it just doesn't matter. You can't really mean this. If you do, no one should ever take a thing you post seriously ever again. Either that, or YOU are a symptom of the corruption I wrote about in the first post I addressed in this thread.

The US may have been in debt every year, but it has not had programs that are called "mandatory budgeting obligations." Nor has it had the amount of interest payments on the debt that it has now. Should the FED decide to adjust rates upward, the government could have very little funds to run the government. I sometimes wonder about the very little comprehension that some people have about how the government, baseline budgeting, and the economy work. The isn't a partisan issue, it really isn't.



edited for wall of text and complete bullshit!

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