Amateur hour is over

Let’s see how a real hardcore democrat does things.

We have officially reached the stage of democratic socialism that sends armed enforcers to your home to make sure you’re toting the party line.
I have to admit that when I read you thread title I though you were telling your skidmark to resign. Which is a great idea.

Let me ask you this; Is a temporary ban on "house parties" in the light of the irresponsible actions by your skidmark such a bad thing? Remember, I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
What law is there against holding a party? None. She is making up law as she goes along. It won't hold up in court - they won't be able to press charges - nor will they be able to extort money via citation out of them. She's an idiot for thinking she isn't trampling on the rights of others and that she has the moral authority to do so.
What law is there against holding a party? None. She is making up law as she goes along. It won't hold up in court - they won't be able to press charges - nor will they be able to extort money via citation out of them. She's an idiot for thinking she isn't trampling on the rights of others and that she has the moral authority to do so.
Our Emergency Orders forbid gatherings of more than ten. I don't know that anyone has been arrested, but Orders can be enforced. Otherwise, they wouldn't be Orders, would they?
What will she do when the jails are full of partygoers?
They'll be imposing fines, not putting them in jail. Unless the partiers start combat with the cops, refuse to go home, etc. THEN you've got resisting arrest or something.
Let’s see how a real hardcore democrat does things.

We have officially reached the stage of democratic socialism that sends armed enforcers to your home to make sure you’re toting the party line.
I have to admit that when I read you thread title I though you were telling your skidmark to resign. Which is a great idea.

Let me ask you this; Is a temporary ban on "house parties" in the light of the irresponsible actions by your skidmark such a bad thing? Remember, I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
You thought that because you’re an idiot.

You still haven’t said what an MOC is or why I should give a shit about them.
Not getting in this fight over the right or wrong of having a party, do question why when hundreds are dying every day & half the population is struggling to stay afloat you would want to have a party?

So since you aren’t having a party these types of tactics are ok. Or at least nothing to get involved in. Good to know.
Let’s see how a real hardcore democrat does things.

We have officially reached the stage of democratic socialism that sends armed enforcers to your home to make sure you’re toting the party line.

Point of information: Its not "toting" the line, its "toeing" the line. Its a military term.
Let’s see how a real hardcore democrat does things.

We have officially reached the stage of democratic socialism that sends armed enforcers to your home to make sure you’re toting the party line.
Well that's a lie.

There’s video dumbass.
It's a lie.

Watch the video.
Don't be at all surprised if the economic displacement caused in part by Capt. Chaos' epic failure in dealing with warnings about the inevitable US outbreak causes an unfortunate backlash.

That backlash having its roots in the same lurch toward right wing authoritarianism that swept through much of Europe as a consequence of the refugee crisis there.

It's happened here too, perhaps to a lesser degree, as evidenced by the fascist tendencies of Trumpleheads. Their xenophobia, advocacy of centralized power wielded by the executive branch, use of government agencies like the DOJ to enforce unilateral edicts from his Most Excellent and Infallible Leader, the purge of dedicated civil servants........replaced by unqualified, loyalist sycophants, the demonization of the free press, nepotism, the use of scapegoats as a unifying cause, the promotion of nationalism with jingoistic slogans like MAGA, the protection of corporate power,
White House and Congress clash over liability protections for businesses as firms cautiously weigh virus reopening plans

.....................and so forth.
Don't be at all surprised if the economic displacement caused in part by Capt. Chaos' epic failure in dealing with warnings about the inevitable US outbreak causes an unfortunate backlash.

That backlash having its roots in the same lurch toward right wing authoritarianism that swept through much of Europe as a consequence of the refugee crisis there.

It's happened here too, perhaps to a lesser degree, as evidenced by the fascist tendencies of Trumpleheads. Their xenophobia, advocacy of centralized power wielded by the executive branch, use of government agencies like the DOJ to enforce unilateral edicts from his Most Excellent and Infallible Leader, the purge of dedicated civil servants........replaced by unqualified, loyalist sycophants, the demonization of the free press, nepotism, the use of scapegoats as a unifying cause, the promotion of nationalism with jingoistic slogans like MAGA, the protection of corporate power,
White House and Congress clash over liability protections for businesses as firms cautiously weigh virus reopening plans

.....................and so forth.
It's already happening to some extent. Just look at the pictures of the armed thugs storming the capital in MI.

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