Am I the only one who thinks that? We shouldn't do anything about global warming just yet?

Water vapor absorbs more energy from sunlight ACROSS THE SPECTRUM than the puny trace gas CO2!!!
No one ever said that water doesn't absorb more sunlight. Is but water vapor is also naturally occurring. Climate change is caused by so much co two being put into the air vivid that it shortens the amount of time that climate change would actually have happened naturally.
What. I said went right over your head .

Stop talking about shit you don’t understand
Fuck off with your gaslighting nonsense!
Changes aren't permanent, but change IS!!!
I live on a GIANT GLACIAL MORAINE in NY called Long Island that was formed by a GIANT ICE SHEET that was a MILE THICK geologically not so long ago.....What MELTED the Laurentide Ice Sheet??????? Mammoth farts????
No one ever said that water doesn't absorb more sunlight. Is but water vapor is also naturally occurring. Climate change is caused by so much co two being put into the air vivid that it shortens the amount of time that climate change would actually have happened naturally.
Gee, that sounds like serious control-based RULES must be put into place, eh????
It would be just as stupid to stop trying to develop clean energy as it is to mandate it. Those are radical positions and are exactly what our country should avoid. Today's climate activists are short sighted, illogical, narrow minded radicals and extremists. They ask for solutions that are unachievable and wouldn't allow our country to operate even if they were possible. They're radicals. In the end, we should be expanding our capacity for clean energy but we shouldn't be doing it in a panic and we certainly shouldn't be doing it because of politics.
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Nope, we're but a pinprick. Its the height of mans arrogance to think we can cause a planets climate to change when this has been happening for eons and an even dumber idea to think we can offer solutions. The atmospheres on several planets have been changing along with the earths atmosphere. Our own sun is going through radical changes. No, this is the left's glowarm religion, earth worship crap.
It is the height of man’s arrogance to not see the climate change that has resulted from our industrialization of the last hundred years

Yes, the earths climate changes on its own and there is nothing we can do about it.
But we can do something about our contribution to that climate change
It would be just as stupid to stop trying to develop clean energy as it is to mandate it. Those are radical positions and are exactly what our country should avoid. Today's climate activists are short sighted, illogical, narrow minded radicals and extremists. They ask for solutions that are unachievable and wouldn't allow our country to operate. They're radicals. In the end, we should be expanding our capacity for clean energy but we shouldn't be doing it in a panic and we certainly shouldn't be doing it because of politics.
The slower we do it, the less urgently we do it… the harder it will be to get it done and the worse the effects will be
It is the height of man’s arrogance to not see the climate change that has resulted from our industrialization of the last hundred years

Yes, the earths climate changes on its own and there is nothing we can do about it.
But we can do something about our contribution to that climate change
And more importantly the SPEED of that change
Until the Climate Hypocrites change their opulent wasteful lifestyles, their message is a lost cause.

Frankly, they can pound sand and I will feel absolutely zero guilt driving my Hemi SUV.
Drive your gas guzzler. Fuck you. What one person does will have little effect.

We’ll move on without you
I know global warming is a major issue, but it's the same time We have a great opportunity to get rid of florida once and for all. Within twenty years the everglades will be flooded with sea water, And all the idiots who call global warming a Hoax will not have any fresh water to drink. So let's wait until after that happens before we start doing anything. Since it's only florida and a couple Other red states that rely on the everglades for their drinking water.
Nobody can control the climate. Mother Nature is in control.

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