Zone1 Am I the only one surprised when they see a commercial with all white people?

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And it keeps you up at night agonizing over it? :cuckoo:
i sleep quite well, thank you, but your mocking for my bringing up racist actions is noted. It’s an obvious way to get whitey to STFU about racist practices that go against them. You leftists have been using the same old tired tactic for years.

And why shouldn’t I be concerned about favoritism toward one race and against another? Are blacks the only ones who are allowed to be bothered by racism against them, and whites must be quiet?
Interracial marriage is now protected. Get used to it.
Nobody gives a damn about who chooses who any longer. Slaughtering babies in the womb, not the same. I live in the DEEP south and interracial couples don't even merit a second look. NO ONE CARES.
But I don't know, maybe it's just me.
No, it is not just you.

2022 will go down in American cultural history as the year that TV commercials went all out to present the ideal diverse America that liberals hope will eventually emerge.

I am so accustomed to these commercials in which people of all ethnicities and sexualities are playing and working and eating and laughing together (and in which there is NO crime!!!) that I feel something is amiss if all the actors in a commercial are Caucasians.

Yes, the intention is to accustom (brainwash) us into accepting a diverse society and it is working.

I am so old that I remember when certain folks were first shown in TV commercials in the 1960s. Of course, they had non-speaking roles. For example, they were seen eating in the background in a restaurant, for example. The goal was to accustom people into accepting them as restaurant patrons in real life. And it worked. Even President Nixon said that it was a shame that certain folks were not allowed to enter restaurants along with Caucasian folks.

(Hey! I just read that a fancy restaurant in New York City has been seating Asian diners on the second floor in order to hide them from Caucasian diners on the first floor!)
The purpose of a commercial is to sell a product or service. Nothing more. It makes no difference the color of the actors.
Right. I'm sure there are no political/social messaging motives in the commerce. Oddly enough, Caucasians are still the solid majority in the U.S. and will be for the next couple of decades so your ideas don't reflect reality. I don't care about the SJW, anti-white messaging because it doesn't really affect me. If a commercial is obviously politically motivated I just make a mental note to buy elsewhere.
Right. I'm sure there are no political/social messaging motives in the commerce. Oddly enough, Caucasians are still the solid majority in the U.S. and will be for the next couple of decades so your ideas don't reflect reality. I don't care about the SJW, anti-white messaging because it doesn't really affect me. If a commercial is obviously politically motivated I just make a mental note to buy elsewhere.
I was in the grocery store when an announcement was made on the PA to go to their website to look up which brands were black-owned and to support these businesses.

Why is a grocery store encouraging its customers to avoid white companies?
I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.
Maybe it's demographics?
Yesterday there was an advertisement on for a AIDs medication that showed to queers kissing. I made a comment to my wife that at least the commercial was trying to reach the right demographics for the product.

It was disgusting to everybody else but hit the mark for the queers that got AIDS from having anal sex with each other.
Sounds like you paid quite a bit of attention to that homo med commercial.
Your VCR is spying on you.
I don’t think my VCR is spying on me (it’s a DVR these days), but I don’t need to see men kissing and fawning all over each other. What does the former have to do the latter?
... your mocking for my bringing up racist actions ...
"Racist actions"? What racist actions? You watching a fucking commercial? Did police dogs come out of your TV screen and start tearing at you? Were you forced to sit at the back of the sofa?
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