Am I a honorary American?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Can you be an american if you are not in america and was never there not born there and not born to american citiziship parents but you are american in spirit? Because I feel as if Im a little bit american because of media "Rammstein: We are all living in America"

Sorry, mate. Scowling in front of a Big Mac does not an American make.
Can you be an american if you are not in america and was never there not born there and not born to american citiziship parents but you are american in spirit? Because I feel as if Im a little bit american because of media "Rammstein: We are all living in America"


While the big Mac thing almost puts you over the top I don't believe any of that qualifies as legal citizenship but I'm pretty sure if you own a ladder its legal for you to vote in some cities.
Can you be an american if you are not in america and was never there not born there and not born to american citiziship parents but you are american in spirit? Because I feel as if Im a little bit american because of media "Rammstein: We are all living in America"


Yeah Lafayette was one so was Churchill

I don't know, Mortimer. Do you really want to come to America? If you do, keep in mind it is a place on the map and people here are subject to the same things you are. We are subject to the wind and the weather. There are likely the same number of good guys and bad guys here. You may not get a terrific reception unless you look like and act like a prince or enjoy a 150 iq and graduated Summa cum laude from a respected university, or made a million dollars on an invention that improves life for everyday people. What you have going for you is a charming love for this country and ideals. Here, there are friends who betray and enemies. It's a plus if you have a family member or close friend here to sponsor you should you offend the wrong person.

You have a good chance to work hard and do well. A lot of foreigners who come here actually do better than kids who've had life's benefits handed to themselves on a silver platter by loving parents they decide for petty reasons never to speak to again, even though the success they have came from a loving home that gave their life structure and meaning early in life. People respect a man who marries, takes care of his own, and is kind and considerate of others.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I wish you well.
A real American would have three Big Macs on the table to eat.
Sure Mortimer....I can set that up for you.....I can get you honorary American status for a very competitive fee.....just call 1-800-wet dream... Ask for Rambunctious....:04:
Am I a honorary American?

Certainly not and thank god for that. Strike One against you: You don't even know how to hold the American flag up right! The Stars go in the upper LEFT corner, dude.
Mortimer get a copy of "1491" and the "Abridged Study of History" The US seen by non-native eyes is quite bizarre. Even Canada gets it wrong about what is going on here, not nearly as much as other countries but it is still noticeable when the snow birds arrive here and can't make sense out of how things work here in FL
But there are no cats in America

And the streets are paved with cheese

Oh, there are no cats in America

So set your mind at ease

Can you be an american if you are not in america and was never there not born there and not born to american citiziship parents but you are american in spirit? Because I feel as if Im a little bit american because of media "Rammstein: We are all living in America"


Nope. I hear it's a wonderful country but the American leftists say it's a shithole. But be thankful that you have a place to call home.


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