

Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Romance, the modern extension of the concept first expressed as “Courtly Love” in the 13th Century, is a game to be played between Lords and Ladies of good manner to entertain themselves and the rest of the Court while the real matches are made based on logic and common sense.
My hubby and I still hold hands after 36 years of marriage.

I think that's a kind of romance.
My hubby and I still hold hands after 36 years of marriage.

I think that's a kind of romance.

Romance isn't always what is depicted in romance novels. I ran into an elderly couple I have known for a long time in the parking lot of a restaurant. Before they went in, I noticed he put his hand on her chin and whispered something in her ear. He kissed her on the cheek and they went in. Later, I asked her what he had said. She said "he told me to be still cause there was a hair on my chin and he knew I wouldn't want anyone to see it. He pulled it out as he kissed my cheek. He takes care of me like that" You might disagree, but that is romance after the urgency of youth has faded..
My hubby and I still hold hands after 36 years of marriage.

I think that's a kind of romance.

That is the ideal. But I don't know that it is reasonable to expect. Only to hope for.

Do you believe the message in this song?

It Was Almost Like a Song

"Once in every life, someone comes along..."


I respect you and your relationship with your husband. And I hope neither of you minds my talking with you about romance.

I am fresh off a brief online relationship which I believe must have been ill fated because I have never before felt as much a lovesick fool as I did with her, and now that I realize she will never reciprocate my feelings, I have left things so that if I never contact her again I will have no regrets.

I said every loving and fraternal thing that I felt and there is nothing left unsaid.

I thought she was it for me. But I am starting to believe she was my latest test to demonstrate to a higher power, that I am ready for the next, "dish" in an unlimited course meal.


I feel better just writing that, no matter if you reply or not.

Thank you.

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