Already There Are So Many News Articles Documenting Trump Double-Crossing His Fans


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back

Coming from a bed wetter who can't even type PUSSY?



In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


These people voted willingly for a sexual predator. Out in the open they voted for a sexual predator. They have lost the ability to have morals and ethics. They finally crossed the bridge of no return into the land of abject debauchery. There isn't anything they would do or anyone else would do inside their bubble that would register as wrong. The kneel and pray to their political party only, nothing else.

It's easy to feel sorry for them but they are animals now. A mob. They certainly are not Americans anymore.
These people voted willingly for a sexual predator. Out in the open they voted for a sexual predator. They have lost the ability to have morals and ethics. They finally crossed the bridge of no return into the land of abject debauchery. There isn't anything they would do or anyone else would do inside their bubble that would register as wrong. The kneel and pray to their political party only, nothing else.

It's easy to feel sorry for them but they are animals now. A mob. They certainly are not Americans anymore.

Bill Clinton, acting as POTUS stuffed a cigar into the vag of a 19 year old intern and you maintain the gall to bloviate about morals and ethics? Was the floor the doctor dropped you on made of concrete?

Too bad it wasn't "Dr".Hermit Gosnell's dumpster.


Ha, ha! Trump is loading up his team with establishment players.
Man, many, many of our posters who threw out their "true conservative values" to the wind, to support Trump, are already looking like suckers and it's just beginning! This is going to be great entertainment. :popcorn:
Trump's transition team signals return to GOP establishment
As I've said before, a lot of establishment team players can make good little Trump team players.
Ha, ha! Trump is loading up his team with establishment players.
Man, many, many of our posters who threw out their "true conservative values" to the wind, to support Trump, are already looking like suckers and it's just beginning! This is going to be great entertainment. :popcorn:
Trump's transition team signals return to GOP establishment

And the hildabitch will never make a supreme court appointment. Mission accomplished.

Trump is not a Republican, never has been, never will be. So I am not real certain what kind of Supreme court nominee you think you'll get out of him. Regardless of his campaign rhetoric-- Today he stated that the Supreme Court is the law of the land-when asked about Gay marriage--meaning he has no intention of going after that or Roe v Wade or anything else that the court has already decided on. Coming from New York, and living in a court room, I doubt you're going to see another conservative justice nominee coming out of Donald Trump.

Obama calls him more pragmatic than an Ideolog. Meaning he's not going to keep the Reich wing of the Republican party that nominated him real happy.
Ha, ha! Trump is loading up his team with establishment players.
Man, many, many of our posters who threw out their "true conservative values" to the wind, to support Trump, are already looking like suckers and it's just beginning! This is going to be great entertainment. :popcorn:
Trump's transition team signals return to GOP establishment

And the hildabitch will never make a supreme court appointment. Mission accomplished.

Trump is not a Republican, never has been, never will be. So I am not real certain what kind of Supreme court nominee you think you'll get out of him. Regardless of his campaign rhetoric-- Today he stated that the Supreme Court is the law of the land-when asked about Gay marriage--meaning he has no intention of going after that or Roe v Wade or anything else that the court has already decided on. Coming from New York, and living in a court room, I doubt you're going to see another conservative justice nominee coming out of Donald Trump.

Obama calls him more pragmatic than an Ideolog. Meaning he's not going to keep the Reich wing of the Republican party that nominated him real happy.
Good, he's going to do what he actually said he would instead. Fair trade and reform of immigration.

Abortion is not the problem it once was, the people already know it's evil. And marriage is so totally unrecognizable that gay marriage is irrelevant (and a joke, actually).
Trump might turn out to be a lazy lump letting his team do all the work while he enjoys being the most powerful man in the world. As soon as one of his underling sycophants causes bad publicity, Trump will fire him or her and bring-in a replacement to clean-up the mess.

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


Pay no attention --- that's just the increasingly irrelevant alt-left press trying to spin a non-story.
Ha, ha! Trump is loading up his team with establishment players.
Man, many, many of our posters who threw out their "true conservative values" to the wind, to support Trump, are already looking like suckers and it's just beginning! This is going to be great entertainment. :popcorn:
Trump's transition team signals return to GOP establishment

And the hildabitch will never make a supreme court appointment. Mission accomplished.

Trump is not a Republican, never has been, never will be. So I am not real certain what kind of Supreme court nominee you think you'll get out of him. Regardless of his campaign rhetoric-- Today he stated that the Supreme Court is the law of the land-when asked about Gay marriage--meaning he has no intention of going after that or Roe v Wade or anything else that the court has already decided on. Coming from New York, and living in a court room, I doubt you're going to see another conservative justice nominee coming out of Donald Trump.

Obama calls him more pragmatic than an Ideolog. Meaning he's not going to keep the Reich wing of the Republican party that nominated him real happy.
Waa waa waa waa waa ---- you're starting to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.
Ha, ha! Trump is loading up his team with establishment players.
Man, many, many of our posters who threw out their "true conservative values" to the wind, to support Trump, are already looking like suckers and it's just beginning! This is going to be great entertainment. :popcorn:
Trump's transition team signals return to GOP establishment

And the hildabitch will never make a supreme court appointment. Mission accomplished.

Trump is not a Republican, never has been, never will be. So I am not real certain what kind of Supreme court nominee you think you'll get out of him. Regardless of his campaign rhetoric-- Today he stated that the Supreme Court is the law of the land-when asked about Gay marriage--meaning he has no intention of going after that or Roe v Wade or anything else that the court has already decided on. Coming from New York, and living in a court room, I doubt you're going to see another conservative justice nominee coming out of Donald Trump.

Obama calls him more pragmatic than an Ideolog. Meaning he's not going to keep the Reich wing of the Republican party that nominated him real happy.
Waa waa waa waa waa ---- you're starting to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.

In less than one week, Trump has flipped on his core campaign issues, pissing off a lot of his supporters, and it's just going to downhill from here.

Trump announced he is not going to build a "wall"--it will be a fence--LOL If you've ever been to the border there are fences everywhere, many with holes in them the size of trucks. Mexico won't pay for a fence either. He also states tonight that illegals are "terrific--terrific" people, and after the border is secured--they'll decide what to do with the ones here. He campaigned all along on deporting 11 million illegals. Last week he stated that he would only deport illegals in this country that were criminals. (That's something every President has done.)

2. OBAMACARE--NEWS FLASH ---Trump is not going to repeal it. After an hour and half meeting with Obama, he's going to keep it, specifically pre-existing conditions, and children being left on their parents plan until they're 26 or 27. The mandate to have medical insurance will remain intact. So basically nothing is going to change here. Trump couldn't have repealed it anyway, of course his supporters would never understand basic civics. It took a sitting Democrat President, with a "super majority of Democrats in both houses" to give us Obamacare, and that's the only way to get rid of it. Hopefully they can get the premiums down, but who knows?

Next will be trade: Our trade agreements are written into law, and Republicans have always been very pro-free trade. The North American trade agreement between Canada & Mexico aka NAFTA isn't going away. Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. There are Walmarts, McDonalds and every other American corporation that have flooded these countries, so Trump not only has Republicans to deal with on these issues, but some very top level American corporations. Republicans will not approve of tariffs on imported goods, that only raise the price on goods to the American consumer and have never created a single job, and they sure as heck aren't going to impose a 35% tax on American auto makers because they purchasing car parts that were manufactured in another country. So if you thought those rusted out factories were going to re--open--forget it--those jobs are gone for good. No investors are going to open up factories so they can lose money.

So the Honeymoon is already over. I am seeing it everywhere, major buyer remorse. And one of these protests put a another nail into the Presidency of Donald Trump.

For the first time in this nation's history, the President Elect has had to barricade himself in the Trump Tower, and this doesn't bode well for confidence, as House & Senate Republicans are watching this--and the one thing they will always protect are their own seats FIRST. Trump may be our first lame duck President before he even gets sworn in. He's made a lot of enemies in congress, and paybacks are HELL.

Ha.Ha.--I don't think that's going to happen. You can't insult and degrade the American population for 18 long months and expect them to come around. They'll be taking this picture and using it for target practice. If Trump isn't going to respect the American population as a whole, they won't respect him, nor regard him as their President. This is called the United States, not the Divided States of America.

For the first time in this Nations history, the President Elect has had to barricade himself inside of the Trump tower, and his method of communication has been reduced to a Tweeter account.

In 2018 Democrats will retake the House and Senate, in 2020 the SEWER gets drained.

These people voted willingly for a sexual predator. Out in the open they voted for a sexual predator. They have lost the ability to have morals and ethics. They finally crossed the bridge of no return into the land of abject debauchery. There isn't anything they would do or anyone else would do inside their bubble that would register as wrong. The kneel and pray to their political party only, nothing else.

It's easy to feel sorry for them but they are animals now. A mob. They certainly are not Americans anymore.

Bill Clinton, acting as POTUS stuffed a cigar into the vag of a 19 year old intern and you maintain the gall to bloviate about morals and ethics? Was the floor the doctor dropped you on made of concrete?

Too bad it wasn't "Dr".Hermit Gosnell's dumpster.


What does Bill Clinton have to do with piece.of.shit trump. P.O.shit trump is a sexual predator, regardless of what anyone else has done. You voted for a sexual predator. Period.

You saw he was a sexual predator, like the ones that are arrested on the show To Catch A Predator, and that is who you voted for. What anyone else does is irrelevant. You chose a sexual predator. One who dreams of having sex with his own daughter. This is the immorality that is conservatism now.

Ha.Ha.--I don't think that's going to happen. You can't insult and degrade the American population for 18 long months and expect them to come around. They'll be taking this picture and using it for target practice. If Trump isn't going to respect the American population as a whole, they won't respect him, nor regard him as their President. This is called the United States, not the Divided States of America.

For the first time in this Nations history, the President Elect has had to barricade himself inside of the Trump tower, and his method of communication has been reduced to a Tweeter account.

In 2018 Democrats will retake the House and Senate, in 2020 the SEWER gets drained.

President Trump's decisive victory seems to have taken a considerably higher toll on you than most of the losers around here. I like that. LMAO!


In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


These people voted willingly for a sexual predator. Out in the open they voted for a sexual predator. They have lost the ability to have morals and ethics. They finally crossed the bridge of no return into the land of abject debauchery. There isn't anything they would do or anyone else would do inside their bubble that would register as wrong. The kneel and pray to their political party only, nothing else.

It's easy to feel sorry for them but they are animals now. A mob. They certainly are not Americans anymore.

Someone has been listening to mainstream media...

Why don't you go and loot your own community now that hate has won?

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