Already There Are So Many News Articles Documenting Trump Double-Crossing His Fans


You know, the media is still calling Trump supporters racists for electing him... fuck all whites...

You have a lot to learn. At this rate he will be a two term president.

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


And you are one big joke. Get a life dumbass

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back

It doesn't matter.

This was a Cult of Personality election, just like 2008, and there is VERY little chance that his fans will criticize him in public.

Whatever he does, they'll buy into it, they'll spin for him.
It doesn't matter.

This was a Cult of Personality election, just like 2008, and there is VERY little chance that his fans will criticize him in public.

Whatever he does, they'll buy into it, they'll spin for him.

Completely agree.

While I am totally gratified and actually still smiling over the defeat of a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag, I can't be overly optimistic about Trump. I must admit I was stunned that so many in the GOP bought into The World's Richest Professional Clown, and zealously promoted him while excoriating those of us who stuck to principle and rejected the candidacy of a man who has taken both sides of so many issues. I had to issue a public apology to the forum's bed wetters.

My dumbass said:
I want to apologize to all the sniveling mindless stupid fucking bed wetting libturds on this forum who I've been severely ridiculing and marginalizing for the past few years. Of course I do find you to be the most incredibly stupid, vapid, servile and insipid little parrots on the planet, it has occurred to me that idiocy is not simply limited to libturd parasites because of your genetic defects.

It has become painfully obvious to me that even people that I once believed were conservative can be stricken with an absolute paralysis of their frontal lobe. I truly did believe that it took a birth defect in the brain to be the sort of tool that adheres themselves to a cult of personality and completely ignore all facts and reality.

Just as I've seen many of you bed wetters ignore countless statistics, facts and arguments and regurgitate total distortions and outright lies robotically. I am now recently witnessing people who I once believed were at least above-average intelligence resort to the same tactics that you turds call arguments.

The Trumptards have proven to me that it isn't just liberals who can be oblivious to reality and join in with a trendy campaign of an empty suit.

So congratulations when your criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag soundly defeats the world's richest professional clown. You'll be able to sleep comfortably on Election night celebrating the fact that America is in its final stage of decline.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I'm still delighted Hitlary lost.


It still feels good to type it....

Hitlary LOST....


In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


Fans is a good word for the Trump voter.

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


These articles are all by the same people who said Trump could never win and predicted his demise over a dozen times.

Enough said.
Ha, ha! Trump is loading up his team with establishment players.
Man, many, many of our posters who threw out their "true conservative values" to the wind, to support Trump, are already looking like suckers and it's just beginning! This is going to be great entertainment. :popcorn:
Trump's transition team signals return to GOP establishment

And the hildabitch will never make a supreme court appointment. Mission accomplished.

Trump is not a Republican, never has been, never will be. So I am not real certain what kind of Supreme court nominee you think you'll get out of him. Regardless of his campaign rhetoric-- Today he stated that the Supreme Court is the law of the land-when asked about Gay marriage--meaning he has no intention of going after that or Roe v Wade or anything else that the court has already decided on. Coming from New York, and living in a court room, I doubt you're going to see another conservative justice nominee coming out of Donald Trump.

Obama calls him more pragmatic than an Ideolog. Meaning he's not going to keep the Reich wing of the Republican party that nominated him real happy.

Your first wrong claim: Trump is a registered Republican. He's more Republican than George Bush.
Ha, ha! Trump is loading up his team with establishment players.
Man, many, many of our posters who threw out their "true conservative values" to the wind, to support Trump, are already looking like suckers and it's just beginning! This is going to be great entertainment. :popcorn:
Trump's transition team signals return to GOP establishment

And the hildabitch will never make a supreme court appointment. Mission accomplished.

Trump is not a Republican, never has been, never will be. So I am not real certain what kind of Supreme court nominee you think you'll get out of him. Regardless of his campaign rhetoric-- Today he stated that the Supreme Court is the law of the land-when asked about Gay marriage--meaning he has no intention of going after that or Roe v Wade or anything else that the court has already decided on. Coming from New York, and living in a court room, I doubt you're going to see another conservative justice nominee coming out of Donald Trump.

Obama calls him more pragmatic than an Ideolog. Meaning he's not going to keep the Reich wing of the Republican party that nominated him real happy.

Feel free to keep making assumptions with no real facts. Trump plainly said this campaign has changed him, I think I'll chose to give him a chance to prove it. So you regressives keep up your crap and see what that gets you in a couple of years.
.In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies.
Kinda hard to reneg on policies when you aren't even on the job yet. Lots of smear pieces out there already? Well duh, it's what they have been doing for many many years. Anyone on the right is Satan. Only fools buy it at this point.
These people voted willingly for a sexual predator. Out in the open they voted for a sexual predator. They have lost the ability to have morals and ethics. They finally crossed the bridge of no return into the land of abject debauchery. There isn't anything they would do or anyone else would do inside their bubble that would register as wrong. The kneel and pray to their political party only, nothing else.

It's easy to feel sorry for them but they are animals now. A mob. They certainly are not Americans anymore.

Bill Clinton, acting as POTUS stuffed a cigar into the vag of a 19 year old intern and you maintain the gall to bloviate about morals and ethics? Was the floor the doctor dropped you on made of concrete?

Too bad it wasn't "Dr".Hermit Gosnell's dumpster.


What does Bill Clinton have to do with piece.of.shit trump. P.O.shit trump is a sexual predator, regardless of what anyone else has done. You voted for a sexual predator. Period.

You saw he was a sexual predator, like the ones that are arrested on the show To Catch A Predator, and that is who you voted for. What anyone else does is irrelevant. You chose a sexual predator. One who dreams of having sex with his own daughter. This is the immorality that is conservatism now.

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


The media will go wild for the next four years with anti Trump articles. They will never forgive him for winning the white house. Don't matter to me, the wicked witch is dead. Suck it up, Trump will be our prez in a few weeks. Let's see how he does before coming down on him.
These people voted willingly for a sexual predator. Out in the open they voted for a sexual predator. They have lost the ability to have morals and ethics. They finally crossed the bridge of no return into the land of abject debauchery. There isn't anything they would do or anyone else would do inside their bubble that would register as wrong. The kneel and pray to their political party only, nothing else.

It's easy to feel sorry for them but they are animals now. A mob. They certainly are not Americans anymore.

Bill Clinton, acting as POTUS stuffed a cigar into the vag of a 19 year old intern and you maintain the gall to bloviate about morals and ethics? Was the floor the doctor dropped you on made of concrete?

Too bad it wasn't "Dr".Hermit Gosnell's dumpster.


What does Bill Clinton have to do with piece.of.shit trump. P.O.shit trump is a sexual predator, regardless of what anyone else has done. You voted for a sexual predator. Period.

You saw he was a sexual predator, like the ones that are arrested on the show To Catch A Predator, and that is who you voted for. What anyone else does is irrelevant. You chose a sexual predator. One who dreams of having sex with his own daughter. This is the immorality that is conservatism now.

It is astounding how blithering idiots like that survive so long without walking into machinery.

When that vapid parasite finally becomes fertilizer, I'll bet the actual Issac Newton will get a free pass in and out of hell just to throat punch that fuckin retard before the demons butt fuck his soul.


In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


Nothing official has been done yet. Nothing unofficial has been confirmed as of yet. All this is is your side keeping up it's 2 minute hate.

And yet you gladly ate up Obama's BS, and were willing to wash it down with Hillary's.

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


These people voted willingly for a sexual predator. Out in the open they voted for a sexual predator. They have lost the ability to have morals and ethics. They finally crossed the bridge of no return into the land of abject debauchery. There isn't anything they would do or anyone else would do inside their bubble that would register as wrong. The kneel and pray to their political party only, nothing else.

It's easy to feel sorry for them but they are animals now. A mob. They certainly are not Americans anymore.
Was Bill running AGAIN?

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


Moron.......the same democrat press that was actively helping hilary and recieving directions from the hilary campaign are the same ones lying about Trump now...they haven't are the fool......the press tore off the mask, they didn't care who saw them as they really are...and now they want fools like you to think they are objective and reporting the truth....

If you believe are a moron.

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back


Moron.......the same democrat press that was actively helping hilary and recieving directions from the hilary campaign are the same ones lying about Trump now...they haven't are the fool......the press tore off the mask, they didn't care who saw them as they really are...and now they want fools like you to think they are objective and reporting the truth....

If you believe are a moron.

So you're denying that Trump in his own words has backed off on many of his campaign promises?

In the few days since the election, it has been difficult to keep up with the many reports of Trump’s reneging on his promised policies. He is already double-crossing the fools who supported his campaign weeks before he is inaugurated.

Of course, it has been apparent for many years that right-wingers have very, very short memories, and forget facts and events quickly. But it has been such a short period of time since The Donald accused hedge fund managers of, "getting away with murder" and told his easily fooled supporters that Hillary Clinton was a "Wall Street puppet” that even the memory challenged conservatives must remember his statements.

Your P*ssy-grabber-in-chief wanted you simple-minded, woefully uninformed folks to believe he was on your side.

Well, it is obvious you were scammed, again, this time, believing his populist promises to you concerning the Wall Street crooks. He is now packing his transition team and staff of advisers with the very people he accused of, "getting away with murder", and his plans are to let them continue shafting you and other small investors. Now, that's funny.

You people are such suckers, and deserve every screwing Trump and his Republican congress will certainly hand you in the coming months.

Unfortunately, those of us who saw through his BS, just as we saw through Dubya’s, will be forced to suffer along with you. But we will have the satisfaction of telling you, “we told you so,” again and again and again...

Here's exactly how Donald Trump could hurt the middle class - and how to fight back

These are the same news outlets that assured us Trump could not win the election? The same news outlets that reported every accusation Clinton made, no matter how ludicrous, as if it were gospel and refused to ask her any tough questions? These are the same news outlets a recent Gallup poll showed fewer than 1 in 3 Americans trusted anymore?

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