All this talk about civil war


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020
has me wondering just how everyone came up with these fantasy ideas of what they think it will look like.:confused:
Seriously, where is all this shit coming from?

The right thinks they're going to be kitted up in plate carriers and laying down fire from their AR platforms in some urban street battle against antifa, which while it is not impossible, sure seems unlikely to me.

The left thinks that government agents will be rounding up
conservatives at their homes, and at roadside checkpoints, working from a list of shit posted on twitter and FB over the last decade, and that any resistance will be dealt with by SWAT teams and drones (as though the SWAT guys and the drone operators are not the least bit concerned about murdering fellow Americans, and totally forget that they and their families live here, too.)

My personal opinion? I think it's going to look a lot like Northern Ireland did, just with more advanced tech....
I think there will be a lot of "lone wolf" attacks, simply because they are the hardest to prevent and interdict. And they have a huge return on investment in time, materials, and effort.

Remember these guys?
-Chris Dorner
-Micah Johnson
-Tim McVeigh
-Gordon Kahl
-Mark Anthony Conditt

Go look up how much damage they did, and I don't just mean KIA's, look at how much money was spent trying to deal with them, how many lawsuits were part of the fallout, how much insurance money was paid out, etc. Look at how many cops were taken off the board, never returning to duty after being injured.

Now imagine the city you live in having a Chris Dorner, a Micah Johnson, and a Tim McVeigh doing their thing all in the same city on the same day..... does that sound like fun?

Suppose the targets are DAs and judges rather than cops?
Or IRS agents, EPA inspectors, Health department personnel, political campaign offices, or how about a truck bomb at the door of an ER (or every big ER) in your city?
Imagine a few thousand (or even a few million) Gordon Kahls out there refusing to pay taxes to a government they don't recognize, and being willing to shoot the guys who show up to confront them over it?

Suppose there is another Metcalf Sniper attack on the grid at the same time? Suppose there are a dozen such attacks?
Suppose every police car that is left parked for more than a few minutes gets either it's tires slashed, it's brake lines cut, or gets set afire? Or all 3?
Suppose every street and traffic camera get shot out?
It costs money to replace all these cameras, repair or replace all these cars, and fix the grid...... who is paying for that?

I just think that all the folks talking about this stuff don't have any real idea of how this is going to look. I do think the left is going to have it a lot worse than the right if for no other reason than they are all concentrated in cities, which makes them much more vulnerable to both direct and indirect attacks.

I also think people are forgetting that all this shit will cause regular violent crime to go way up, as well. Because the crazier shit gets, the less the cops are going to be able to address any of it...... everyone is too busy taunting their political opposites to consider the ramifications.
I'd say that sounds more like it. People have thought of all kinds of ways to not get caught. This one is pretty creepy. Make sure it's a hot day. Get hold a of a mortar with ammo. Of course you have to know how to use it. Then get a plastic cup wider than the mouth of the mortar tube, and fill it with water. Put a mortar shell nose first into the cup and water and freeze it. Once frozen put it in an ice chest and go set your morter up and dial in your target. Cut the plastic cup off the shell and put the tail of it into the mortar tube. The ice won't let it fall into the tube. Haul ass. When the ice melts the mortar shell falls down the tube and fires. You are long gone.
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he's way too short...
Al Pacino, Danny DeVito, Dustin Hoffman, Mike Myers, Ben Stiller,....he's in pretty good company.
And little Bobby Dinero.

And they also stick a bottle up his ass to get that look on his face.
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He's excluded from my vocabulary and DVD collection after TDS took over his last few brain cells.
Even Trump, who is significantly above average in height, has resorted to using high heels to make himself look taller as he ages and gets a little shorter. Works great until you have to walk down a steep ramp. Then it's kinda embarrassing.
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has me wondering just how everyone came up with these fantasy ideas of what they think it will look like.:confused:
Seriously, where is all this shit coming from?

The right thinks they're going to be kitted up in plate carriers and laying down fire from their AR platforms in some urban street battle against antifa, which while it is not impossible, sure seems unlikely to me.

The left thinks that government agents will be rounding up
conservatives at their homes, and at roadside checkpoints, working from a list of shit posted on twitter and FB over the last decade, and that any resistance will be dealt with by SWAT teams and drones (as though the SWAT guys and the drone operators are not the least bit concerned about murdering fellow Americans, and totally forget that they and their families live here, too.)

My personal opinion? I think it's going to look a lot like Northern Ireland did, just with more advanced tech....
I think there will be a lot of "lone wolf" attacks, simply because they are the hardest to prevent and interdict. And they have a huge return on investment in time, materials, and effort.

Remember these guys?
-Chris Dorner
-Micah Johnson
-Tim McVeigh
-Gordon Kahl
-Mark Anthony Conditt

Go look up how much damage they did, and I don't just mean KIA's, look at how much money was spent trying to deal with them, how many lawsuits were part of the fallout, how much insurance money was paid out, etc. Look at how many cops were taken off the board, never returning to duty after being injured.

Now imagine the city you live in having a Chris Dorner, a Micah Johnson, and a Tim McVeigh doing their thing all in the same city on the same day..... does that sound like fun?

Suppose the targets are DAs and judges rather than cops?
Or IRS agents, EPA inspectors, Health department personnel, political campaign offices, or how about a truck bomb at the door of an ER (or every big ER) in your city?
Imagine a few thousand (or even a few million) Gordon Kahls out there refusing to pay taxes to a government they don't recognize, and being willing to shoot the guys who show up to confront them over it?

Suppose there is another Metcalf Sniper attack on the grid at the same time? Suppose there are a dozen such attacks?
Suppose every police car that is left parked for more than a few minutes gets either it's tires slashed, it's brake lines cut, or gets set afire? Or all 3?
Suppose every street and traffic camera get shot out?
It costs money to replace all these cameras, repair or replace all these cars, and fix the grid...... who is paying for that?

I just think that all the folks talking about this stuff don't have any real idea of how this is going to look. I do think the left is going to have it a lot worse than the right if for no other reason than they are all concentrated in cities, which makes them much more vulnerable to both direct and indirect attacks.

I also think people are forgetting that all this shit will cause regular violent crime to go way up, as well. Because the crazier shit gets, the less the cops are going to be able to address any of it...... everyone is too busy taunting their political opposites to consider the ramifications.
Civil war in the USA is exactly what the CCP wants. They also want carbon cap&trade in the USA. Anything to knock down the USA. Unrestricted warfare.
A fun thing to do would be to start replacing license plates on every car you can, with an identical set that someone has made up..... if every car out there has the same plate, then use of plate numbers as an identification feature simply goes away.

And then all the folks who use vehicles as mobile sniper platforms are even harder to catch.
I just think that all the folks talking about this stuff don't have any real idea of how this is going to look.
Let's face it - you are the smartest person in the United States and you should be the president who unite us and ushers in domestic tranquility.

I also think people are forgetting that all this shit will cause regular violent crime to go way up, as well. Because the crazier shit gets, the less the cops are going to be able to address any of it...... everyone is too busy taunting their political opposites to consider the ramifications.
You are right - the conservatives cannot figure that out. The conservatives watched the riots this summer and thought . . .WAR!!!

Did you not hear, last week, there was a big uproar about secession???

That is in an effort to avoid war.

Furthermore, there are a few very very smart people who are anticipating the need for a constitutional convention to reorder the way we deliberate social issues and regulate the tremendous social diversity that the nation has evolved to.

What else is there to do at the end of the "war" that you so well imagine?

Do you think people are going to submit to your ideas about peace?
Even Trump, who is above average in height, has resorted to using high heels to make himself look taller as he ages and gets a little shorter. Works great until you have to walk down a steep ramp. Then it's kinda embarrassing.
Really ? I thought he was about 6'3".
"Was" is the operative word. Like when he was in college. People tend to get significantly shorter in old age for a variety of physiological reasons.
Was" is the operative word. Like when he was in college. People tend to get significantly shorter in old age for a variety of physiological reasons.
At 18 I was 6' 2" 185.
Now at 59, I'm 6' 3" 185 . (My weight over the years has ranged from 161 to 221, but I can't explain how I grew an inch taller) Maybe my posture has improved or something, not too much heavy lifting , that sort of thing.

Don't tell the FDA...they may want to study me in a lab in New Mexico....
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I just think that all the folks talking about this stuff don't have any real idea of how this is going to look.
Let's face it - you are the smartest person in the United States and you should be the president who unite us and ushers in domestic tranquility.

I also think people are forgetting that all this shit will cause regular violent crime to go way up, as well. Because the crazier shit gets, the less the cops are going to be able to address any of it...... everyone is too busy taunting their political opposites to consider the ramifications.
You are right - the conservatives cannot figure that out. The conservatives watched the riots this summer and thought . . .WAR!!!

Did you not hear, last week, there was a big uproar about secession???

That is in an effort to avoid war.

Furthermore, there are a few very very smart people who are anticipating the need for a constitutional convention to reorder the way we deliberate social issues and regulate the tremendous social diversity that the nation has evolved to.

What else is there to do at the end of the "war" that you so well imagine?

Do you think people are going to submit to your ideas about peace?
What the hell are you going on about?
Was" is the operative word. Like when he was in college. People tend to get significantly shorter in old age for a variety of physiological reasons.
At 18 I was 6' 2" 185.
Now at 59, I'm 6' 3" 185 . (My weight over the years has ranged from 161 to 221, but I can't explain how I grew an inch taller) Maybe my posture has improved or something, not too much heavy lifting , that sort of thing.

Don't tell the FDA...they may want to study me in a lab in New Mexico....View attachment 431659
I was 5' 8' 125 lbs when I joined the Navy - home from boot camp I weighed 135 lbs-
Today, at 73, I'm 5' 6 1/2" 145 lbs- I did get 160 once upon a time, but, it was short lived.
All this talk about civil war

Is nothing more than "internet tough guy" with imaginary friends.
This is what I meant about taunting people. :rolleyes:

Go ahead, keep making sure people know that you don't care what they say, feel, think, believe, or will tolerate, you are just going to keep on keeping on until someone physically stops you....... and someone will. Because you made it abundantly clear that no other options exist anymore.
And then you can act horrified and outraged (assuming you are not one of the dead) and pretend that this was not of your own making.

All this talk about civil war

Is nothing more than "internet tough guy" with imaginary friends.
This is what I meant about taunting people. :rolleyes:

Go ahead, keep making sure people know that you don't care what they say, feel, think, believe, or will tolerate, you are just going to keep on keeping on until someone physically stops you....... and someone will. Because you made it abundantly clear that no other options exist anymore.
And then you can act horrified and outraged (assuming you are not one of the dead) and pretend that this was not of your own making.


pfffffffffffffffft. You want me to feel intimidated by this shit? :auiqs.jpg:

Ain't gone hap'm cap'm. Trust me. Anyone who actually entertains fantasies, whether offensive or defensive, that any such malarkey is actually going to take place, has a way more vivid imagination than I do, as well as a death wish.

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