All these meetings and all these "my bad, I forgot"


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Who's really believing this?

In order to see nothing there you'd have to believe that all these guys have really good memories and serve us well except when it comes to who they met from Russia.

Now the total is more than you can count on 2 hands but all of them "forgot" about meetings with Russia? And the ones that did remember "accidentally" remembered the meetings were about something else until the news reminded them?

All of them? If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you and if you need financing I know a Prince from Nigeria that only needs your routing number to get funding.
Russia, Russia, Russia....

What if partnership with Russia will benefit your country? Look how well American Astronauts and Russian cosmonauts have been working together for years, it keeps benefiting both countries. Why not to give it a try in other areas? Seems like liberals and their Deep State puppeteers are just terrified that it may work and actually, it may work pretty darn good. They also are in such a hurry to impeach Trump: he may actually make America great again and expose how useless and harmful Libs and their puppeteers have been for years.

All this senseless noise about Russia reminds me a parable. God to a man: "I'll give you everything you want, but your neighbor will get twice more than yourself. So, make a wish". And the man said: "Pluck my eye out." Looks like libs would pluck their eyes if it hurts Russia. How stupid.

P.S. Rating the posts you libs hate to see "funny" is pretty childish. Kindergarten level. Like farting in a room when you badly want to express yourself but don't know how.
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Watch for the new excuse, partnering with a foreign country against your rivals in an election is not specifically illegal, so it's all good.
Cool story bro, but you missed addressing the topic by a mile. We all know liberals are bad blah blah...but what you haven't explained is why so many meeting and topics are being "forgotten".

I understand that meetings with people don't mean anything unless you're Clinton and Lynch but when you have Trump in a Russian music video you have to think that's not the normal Trump business.
Russia, Russia, Russia....

What if partnership with Russia will benefit your country? Look how well American Astronauts and Russian cosmonauts have been working together for years, it keeps benefiting both countries. Why not to give it a try in other areas? Seems like liberals and their Deep State puppeteers are just terrified that it may work and actually, it may work pretty darn good. They also are in such a hurry to impeach Trump: he may actually make America great again and expose how useless and harmful Libs and their puppeteers have been for years.

All this senseless noise about Russia reminds me a parable. God to a man: "I'll give you everything you want, but your neighbor will get twice more than yourself. So, make a wish". And the man said: "Pluck my eye out."

That’s exactly what liberals are doing.
Remember Reagan colluded with Iran to hold the hostages until after the election.

This is an old Republican trick.

Russia will stab Trump in the back too. Yes I hope tillerson is getting Russia to let Exxon do all the drilling now but Russia was being sanctioned for invading another country. Now we don't care? I suppose we can't say much after we invaded Iraq.

But I don't see why we need to make Russia happy. Russia has been irrilivent for decades. Trump just made Russia matter again why?
Russia, Russia, Russia....

What if partnership with Russia will benefit your country? Look how well American Astronauts and Russian cosmonauts have been working together for years, it keeps benefiting both countries. Why not to give it a try in other areas? Seems like liberals and their Deep State puppeteers are just terrified that it may work and actually, it may work pretty darn good. They also are in such a hurry to impeach Trump: he may actually make America great again and expose how useless and harmful Libs and their puppeteers have been for years.

All this senseless noise about Russia reminds me a parable. God to a man: "I'll give you everything you want, but your neighbor will get twice more than yourself. So, make a wish". And the man said: "Pluck my eye out."

That’s exactly what liberals are doing.
Remember Reagan colluded with Iran to hold the hostages until after the election.

This is an old Republican trick.

Russia will stab Trump in the back too. Yes I hope tillerson is getting Russia to let Exxon do all the drilling now but Russia was being sanctioned for invading another country. Now we don't care? I suppose we can't say much after we invaded Iraq.

But I don't see why we need to make Russia happy. Russia has been irrilivent for decades. Trump just made Russia matter again why?
Trump is being blackmailed that's why. You can bet your bottom dollar Russian intelligence recorded every conversation Trump and his associates have ever had with anyone in Russia, not to mention filmed every hot Russian spy whore they send to their bugged hotel rooms, compliments of the house.
What if partnership with Russia will benefit your country?

What if a partnership with the guy that broke onto your house will benefit your family? Durrr!

The same reason Trump pulled that stupid Idea about partnering with Russia on cyber security. Because it's a dumb fucking idea. That's why. Too bad he didn't know that before tweeting about it.
Like you give a shit about forgetting stuff
Disingenuous malarkey

...uh, that's all you got? Sheesh, even you're finding it hard to defend and that's saying something!

Maybe it's coincidence that Trump tweeted about finding the lost emails the day of the meeting with Trump Jr and the Russian spy chick? Just weird timing...again
What if partnership with Russia will benefit your country?

What if a partnership with the guy that broke onto your house will benefit your family? Durrr!

The same reason Trump pulled that stupid Idea about partnering with Russia on cyber security. Because it's a dumb fucking idea. That's why. Too bad he didn't know that before tweeting about it.
A partnership with Putin is exactly like the partnerships the mob has with "legitimate" businesses.
Like you give a shit about forgetting stuff
Disingenuous malarkey

...uh, that's all you got? Sheesh, even you're finding it hard to defend and that's saying something!

Maybe it's coincidence that Trump tweeted about finding the lost emails the day of the meeting with Trump Jr and the Russian spy chick? Just weird timing...again
Why would I defend it?
I just thought your OP was funny as shit. Cause I know damn well you don't REALLY gibe a shit
Like you give a shit about forgetting stuff
Disingenuous malarkey

...uh, that's all you got? Sheesh, even you're finding it hard to defend and that's saying something!

Maybe it's coincidence that Trump tweeted about finding the lost emails the day of the meeting with Trump Jr and the Russian spy chick? Just weird timing...again
Why would I defend it?
I just thought your OP was funny as shit.

I didn't ask you defend it, I stated that you cannot defend it. You proved me right.
Who's really believing this?
Trump Team Met With No Ordinary Russian Lawyer
by BooMan
Mon Jul 10th, 2017 at 01:17:44 PM EST

Sergei Magnitsky was a lawyer retained by Hermitage Capital Management to discover how and why several of their subsidiaries had been stolen by Russian mobsters, sued in courts for breaches of contract, and then had the huge resulting penalties used as tax write-offs. He was the first one to discover that the crime was carried out with the complicity of interior and tax ministry officials.

In 2009, Russian lawyer and auditor Sergei Magnitsky died in a Moscow prison after investigating fraud involving Russian tax officials. While in prison, Magnitsky developed gall stones, pancreatitis and calculous cholecystitis and was refused medical treatment for months. Finally, after almost a year of imprisonment and on the verge of death, Magnitsky was transferred to a Moscow hospital. There he was greeted not by a doctor but by a number of Russian OMON who bludgeoned him to death.

Vladimir Putin was extremely upset about the Magnitsky Act because it ultimately sanctioned 44 Russian citizens, and he utilized Natalia Veselnitskaya to lobby for its repeal. This is where we get the nexus between these Russian mobsters and Vladimir Putin.

Natalia Veselnitskaya is a “Russian lawyer whose clients include Russian “state-owned businesses”, including Petr Katsyv’s son, Denis Katsyv. The latter owns Prevezon Holdings, an investment firm, and his father is the “vice president of the state-owned Russian Railways and a former deputy governor of the Moscow region”.

Prevezon Holdings is the firm that Preet Bharara took to court for helping to launder the money from the tax heist by using the proceeds to purchase pricey New York City real estate.
And, naturally, one doesn’t get to be the vice-president of Russian Railways without being very tight with Putin. Veselnitskaya represented the Katsyv’s interests, but she also represented Putin.

Veselnitskaya is known for leading a “multi-pronged” attack against “the Magnitsky Act
, which provoked a Cold War-style, tit-for-tat row with the Kremlin when President Barack Obama signed it into law in 2012”. Veselnitskaya’s campaign included an unsuccessful attempt in Washington to repeal the Act and to “keep Mr. Magnitsky’s name off the Law. She was “also deeply involved in the making of The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes—an anti-Magnitsky film that premiered in June 2016. She provided the film crew with “the real proofs and records of testimony” according to RussiaTV5, a “station whose owners are known to be close to Mr. Putin”. In response to the adoption of the Magnitsky Act, the Russian government denied Americans adoption of Russian children, issued a list of US officials prohibited from entering Russia, and posthumously convicted Magnitsky as guilty.

On that last point, the Russians convicted Magnitsky of tax fraud after they bludgeoned him to death while in their custody.

Preet Bharara was of course fired while conducting this case and it was recently settled for about 6 million dollars without Katsyv or his companies having to acknowledge any guilt.

Now, going back to June of last year, when the meeting between Trump’s inner circle and Ms. Veselnitskaya took place in Trump Tower, we are expected to believe that no one on Trump’s side knew who Veselnitskaya actually was or what kind of connections she might have that made it plausible that she had dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Trump Team Met With No Ordinary Russian Lawyer
Who's really believing this?
Trump Son Told Info Was From Russian Government
July 10, 2017

“Before arranging a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer he believed would offer him compromising information about Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Jr. was informed in an email that the material was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy,” the New York Times reports.

“The email to the younger Mr. Trump was sent by Rob Goldstone, a publicist and former British tabloid reporter who helped broker the June 2016 meeting… Mr. Goldstone’s message, as described to The New York Times by the three people, indicates that the Russian government was the source of the potentially damaging information.

“It does not elaborate on the wider effort by Moscow to help the Trump campaign… But the email is likely to be of keen interest to the Justice Department and congressional investigators, who are examining whether any of President Trump’s associates colluded with the Russian government to disrupt last year’s election.”
Don't you know , 3 top members of Trumps team agreed to meet with this lady to talk about.......Adopting Russian babies ! Lol , yeah that's it! I think it was a top priority of the Trump campaigns to reopen the Russian baby pipeline!
I'm sorry guys but unless you come up with some evidence of law breaking this narrative is going to bite your ass in the midterms. I realize Rachel Madcow and Keith Oddballman are keeping your little peckers hard, thinking you're about to get Trump... but you still have a big 'ol nothing burger.
I'm sorry guys but unless you come up with some evidence of law breaking this narrative is going to bite your ass in the midterms. I realize Rachel Madcow and Keith Oddballman are keeping your little peckers hard, thinking you're about to get Trump... but you still have a big 'ol nothing burger.

When a foreign country is trying to screw with the US election and you are in cahoots with that , that's a crime !

It'd be different if it was some American dropping a dime, say hillarys disgruntled maid or somthing . But this is another country ! Our main rival by the way .
we are expected to believe that no one on Trump’s side knew who Veselnitskaya actually was or what kind of connections she might have that made it plausible that she had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

You trying to claim it's okay for political operatives to obtain a dossier on Trump but not okay for anyone to obtain dirt on Hillary? Are we expected to believe you have an ounce of objective integrity or honesty?
I'm sorry guys but unless you come up with some evidence of law breaking this narrative is going to bite your ass in the midterms. I realize Rachel Madcow and Keith Oddballman are keeping your little peckers hard, thinking you're about to get Trump... but you still have a big 'ol nothing burger.

Don't care who you are, predictions are not worth a shit anymore. Nostradamus would shit-can his crystal ball in this political climate. Also it's time to quit gloating and defend this toddler you wanted so badly. What good is winning elections if they still cannot pass anything of consequence? Good or bad.

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