Random question for whoever.


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Assume a candidate is everything you could ever want minus a couple of details. What's possible for you as far as those details go? Or rather, what issues would you be willing to overlook for an otherwise perfect candidate? What issues could you definitely never overlook? I am a greater good kind of thinker. I could overlook a lot for somebody that would champion an issue that matters a lot to me.
I could never overlook someone that doesn't put our citizens first.
That's the number one killer for me
Probably why I hate 90% of politicians lol
It would depend on what my disagreement with them was, and the degree of our difference. I wouldn't have a problem with them smoking a little weed occasionally. I would have a problem if they passed out in public or sold drugs to kids.
The question is the very definition of vague. If you divide it up into personal issues and policy issues you will quickly find that policy is secondary to the bulk of American voters. The American public love to pounce on the he-said-she-said tabloid bullshit but pay practically no attention to what these people do on a daily basis. Trying to be policy oriented in this era is terribly disappointing, no one on the right is willing to even discuss things on their merit anymore and get down into the nuts and bolts of the things they want.
Religious freaks and dog whistle racists are deal breakers .

If someone is super religious they will put their religion ahead of their country.

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