All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Another heartbreaking story. Another crime that Israel can get away with.


That piece of garbage tried to run over several Israelis with his a car,
got what deserved- justice delivered.

Wanna know the irony?
Ahmed said: " Your brother is not a spy, I have never betrayed my homeland. I didn't look at the girls of others, since I knew the girl, I don't know any secret about her and not about me ... Look at what situation I came up with, I started telling things ... I did shame my parents, and myself. And what happened to me was just about my fear or the thing that was poured in my drink, except that nothing"

Now wanna know what's even more (mo)ironic?

So let's sum it up - the garbage hero had a family dispute,
and decided that "kill da Jews" was the way to "clean his reputation".

And you went straight into celebrations by spreading blood libels
against the very people his lowlife family pushed him to murder.

Q. So tell me, how does it feel to be the useful idiot in service of the Jihadi filth,
do you lick the boot in both directions before polishing?

Released footage of the ramming attack

"Lost control of the car" is suddenly speeding up while sharply turning directly into a person,
and then immediately start running towards others.

Kinda like "robbed a bank by mistake"...yeah that's Pallywood.

Gotta love the family who pushed him to do this,
and now cheaply exploiting his death to fill their pockets...hours after the event.

Ugly people who cannibalize their own.

Nice Ziowood video.
Israeli employers in West Bank settlements are legally required to pay their Palestinian employees the same minimum wages applied in Israel for Israeli employees (28.46 NIS per hour, or $8.30, according to today’s exchange rate, for those who work 186 hours per month). The daily minimum wage for an employee who works five days a week is 212 NIS, or $61.74.

A review of data Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics reveals that Israeli employers of Palestinians working in Israel and the West Bank have been respecting the law, paying Palestinians on average well above minimum wage. According to PCBS, in the first quarter of 2020:

(full article online)

"homeland security" is a euphemism for police state.

How many so called terrorists have we found since 9/11? (Interesting to note that we never even looked for the 9/11 terrorists.)

This is not the thread for you 9/11 ''twoofer'' types.

You are the one posting the terrorist canard.
"homeland security" is a euphemism for police state.

How many so called terrorists have we found since 9/11? (Interesting to note that we never even looked for the 9/11 terrorists.)

This is not the thread for you 9/11 ''twoofer'' types.

You are the one posting the terrorist canard.

Leave your 9/11 twoofer conspiracies out of this thread.
"homeland security" is a euphemism for police state.

How many so called terrorists have we found since 9/11? (Interesting to note that we never even looked for the 9/11 terrorists.)

I find it quiet revealing that you would be triggered
to respond with CAIR propaganda when Hamas thugs are burning your cities
and demanding end to police and kneel, while themselves arming to the teeth.

How does it feel to be a useful idiot?
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"homeland security" is a euphemism for police state.

How many so called terrorists have we found since 9/11? (Interesting to note that we never even looked for the 9/11 terrorists.)

I find it quiet revealing that you would be triggered
to respond with CAIR propaganda when Hamas thugs are burning your cities
and demanding end to police and kneel, while themselves arming to the teeth.

How does it feel to be a useful idiot?

"homeland security" is a euphemism for police state.

How many so called terrorists have we found since 9/11? (Interesting to note that we never even looked for the 9/11 terrorists.)

I find it quiet revealing that you would be triggered
to respond with CAIR propaganda when Hamas thugs are burning your cities
and demanding end to police and kneel, while themselves arming to the teeth.

How does it feel to be a useful idiot?

He’s not even useful. He’s posting on an antiquated messageboard that few people read.
Hamas Beats Up Little Old Lady. Crickets From Israel-Haters and Mainstream Media (Updated)

Palestinian journalist & TV Producer Khaled Abu Toameh – who regularly reports on things the mainstream media is silent about – has done it again, this time tweeting photos showing what Hamas had done to an elderly palestinian woman.
This woman, Um Jaber Wishah, was beaten by Hamas. Two journalists who reported on the assault arrested by Hamas.

— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) June 20, 2020

Meanwhile, a Gazan blogger has posted this footage of a street vendor getting similar treatment (hat tip: Imshin).

Meanwhile, a Gazan blogger has posted this footage of a street vendor getting similar treatment (hat tip: Imshin).

And do you think either of these incidences have been mentioned by the Israel-haters and mainstream media?


Update: Seems she was either beaten up or crushed when Hamas tried to demolish an illegally built room of her house. It also turns out she is an evil witch too.
2/ Umm Jaber's main claim to fame is being the adoptive mother of the late monster terrorist Samir Kuntar, while he was serving time in an Israeli prison for, among other things, killing an Israeli man in front of his 4 yr old daughter, then smashing her skull against a rock.

— Imshin (@imshin) June 20, 2020

Nevertheless, the point remains. No Jews, no news.

[ When Islam continues to borrow and copy from the worse that Christianity has to offer ]

Earlier this week I mentioned a three part series being published in Iraqi and Palestinian media about how terrible Jews are.

The third part does not disappoint.

With copious references to the Quran, the article starts off saying that Allah gave Jews inherent characteristics that are meant to keep them humiliated, dispersed and miserable.

There is one problem, though. Historically Jews have been only distinguished by “stupidity and foolishness, lightness of mind, superficiality of thinking, slyness, cunning and maliciousness.” These are the people that Allah turned into apes and pigs. Jews are also illiterate, ignorant, and unexpected to do anything creative or civilized.

But somehow these stupid Jews have managed, since the 19th century, to suddenly become prominent in science and medicine. Today they control the world militarily, financially and scientifically.

How could this have happened? How can stupid, backwards Jews suddenly become so prominent in ruling the world?

The answer is as obvious as the sun was created on the fourth day of Creation: “Allah, the Mighty, the Wise, decided and now determined to support the children of Israel, and provide them with mental, scientific, creative, and financial strength.”

But…why would Allah do this to the hated Jews?

Because the Jews are the precursors to the Dajjal, Islam’s Antichrist!

(full article online)

THE PA – PLO have led the world in fine-tuning multiple means of terror that target civilians. These include airplane hijackings, suicide bombings, knifings, drive-by shootings, car-rammings and more, and have created an entire lexicon of different words to cover up their being terrorists. Among the PA terms for terror are, amaliya = operation, muqawama = “resistance,” and fidaa = self-sacrifice. And of course silmiya sha’abiya = “peaceful popular” murder with “daggers and knives,” which the PA leadership has unanimously agreed upon for now.

This Palestinese, including the hate speech, terror promoting videos, euphemisms, claims of victimhood and more, has proven to be a successful language for PA leaders. They can have their terror wave bringing international attention and increased internal popularity for the leaders, while at the same time can claim innocence to the international community. The PA, as it has done in the past, will then blame Israel for causing the victimized Palestinians to “spontaneously” turn to violence, and many world leaders will dutifully line up to blame Israel for Palestinian terror.

The Palestinian language has many innocent sounding euphemisms to hide its arsenal of terror and mask its strategies. Unless Israeli leaders understand who is behind Palestinian terror and arrest, prosecute and imprison those at the top of the terror pyramid – not only those wielding the knives and guns – the cycles of Palestinian terror will continue.

For 27 years the names of the terrorists filling up our jails keep changing, but the few puppeteers pulling their strings remain untouched by justice, traveling through Israel with VIP cards. If Israelis and world leaders want to know what the PA is planning, who is behind the terror, and who must be punished, it’s about time they mastered Palestinese.

(full article online )

By Pete Moore On June 28th, 2020 at 6:24 pm

Wow, I am so unsurprised that Black Lives Matter is still an anti-semitic organisation. Only chumps still believe that BLM is an anti-racist group. All of these ultra-left headbanger groups are the same. That all swim the same sewage. It always comes back to attacking the Jews and dragging down Western Civilisation.

Posted in ATW
The Brooklyn rally, in a heavily Muslim neighborhood, chanted support for “intifada” and had some direct incitement for American Muslims to burn down police precincts and cars.

Sheer, unabashed incitement.
— Tali Goldsheft (@TaliGoldsheft) July 1, 2020
In San Francisco, the crowd was told that of course Palestinians can murder Jews to protect “their land,” just as a mother can protect her children.

(full article online)

According to critics, application of Israeli law to security and settlement zones in Judea and Samaria will ruin everything. It will undermine the “peace process” (as if there was one), and wreck Israel’s international reputation (as if everybody loved Israel nowadays).

These myths do not stand up to scrutiny.

(full article online)

The resurgence of the Jewish State from the ashes of WW2 to global prominence, technologically, scientifically, medically, agriculturally, economically, diplomatically and militarily – despite systematic adverse global pressure and Arab wars and terrorism – has demonstrated that there are no free lunches for independent nations, especially in the Middle East.

For example, in 1948, Prime Minister Ben Gurion, Israel’s Founding Father, did no wait for a green light from the White House, in order to declare independence. He was aware that a declaration of independence would trigger a costly Arab military invasion. The CIA estimated that it could subject the Jewish people to “a second holocaust.” However, Ben Gurion concluded that achieving a supreme goal was preconditioned upon the willingness to pay a supreme cost. Indeed, the war against the Arab invasion consumed 1% (6,000) of the Jewish population (600,000). Fending off the Arab invasion, Israel expanded its borders by 30%, and did not retreat to the suicidal 1947 lines, despite brutal global (including US) pressure. The pressure on Israel dissipated, but Israel’s buttressed borders were preserved.

In 1967, Prime Minister Eshkol preempted a planned Egypt-Syria-Jordan joint offensive, in defiance of a strong red light from the White House (“Israel will not be alone unless it decides to go alone”), and despite prominent Israelis who preferred the venue of negotiation and mediation, and predicted a resounding Israeli defeat on the battlefield. Eshkol was aware that Israel’s existence, in the violently intolerant and unpredictable Middle East, required a firm posture of deterrence, which could entail heavy cost. In the aftermath of the war, Eshkol reunited Jerusalem and renewed Jewish presence beyond the 1949/67 indefensible Green Line, in spite of a very heavy US and global pressure. Consequently, while the pressure on Israel has subsided, the Jewish presence in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem has surged to 700,000 people.

In June 1981, Prime Minister Begin ordered the destruction of Iraq’s nuclear reactor, notwithstanding the menacing red light from the White House and the opposition by the Mossad, the IDF Intelligence and additional Israeli defense authorities. The naysayers were certain that an Israeli attack had a very slim chance of success. They feared that this would trigger a global Islamic assault on Israel; it would produce a European boycott of Israel; would create an irreparable rift with the USA; and would doom Israel, economically and diplomatically. Begin decided that sparing Israel a traumatic nuclear assault justified even a traumatic cost. However, the pessimistic assessments crashed against the rocks of reality, while the Iraqi nuclear threat (to the region and the globe) was uprooted.

(full article online)

A speech given by United Nation’s Secretary-General’s Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO), Nickolay Mladenov, epitomizes the destructive function of the UN in the Israel – Palestinian conflict.

Speaking at a Fatah-organized rally in Jericho before an audience of both Palestinians and international representatives, Mladenov, in the name of the UN, adopted blatant Palestinian lies to the international community about Yasser Arafat renouncing violence, pandered to the myth of Palestinian “democracy”, and called for Palestinian unity that would include representatives of the internationally recognized terror organization Hamas and others.

Adopting Palestinian lies

In his speech, Mladenov hailed the former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (Abu Ammar) as a Palestinian leader who rejected violence:

(full article online)

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