All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Mayor Anne Hidalgo joins other European and US leaders to denounce PA president for antisemitic Holocaust speech, in which, she says, he denied ‘the historical truth of the Shoah’​

Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo has stripped Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas of the French capital’s highest honor after he made remarks about the Holocaust that repeated antisemitic tropes, her office said Friday.

Abbas could no longer hold the Grand Vermeil medal awarded to him in 2015 after he “justified the extermination of the Jews of Europe” in World War II, Hidalgo’s office told AFP.

“The comments you made are contrary to our universal values and the historical truth of the Shoah,” Hidalgo said in a letter to Abbas sent on Thursday. “You can therefore no longer hold this distinction.”

In a recent speech, Abbas repeated the unfounded claim that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler had Jews slaughtered because of their “social role” as moneylenders, and said it was “not true” that “Hitler killed the Jews because they were Jews.”

“They say that Hitler killed the Jews because they were Jews and that Europe hated the Jews because they were Jews. Not true. It was clearly explained that [the Europeans] fought [the Jews] because of their social role, and not their religion,” Abbas said in August. “The [Europeans] fought against these people because of their role in society, which had to do with usury, money and so on and so forth,” he continued.

While Abbas made the remarks during a speech late last month before senior members of his Fatah party in Ramallah, a video of the event surfaced this week.

(full article online)


Paris withdraws award given to Abbas in 2014. Here are others he has received that should be revoked.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo on Thursday revoked the prestigious Medal of the City of Paris awarded to Mahmoud Abbas in 2015, according to an open letter she wrote to the Palestinian Authority president on Thursday evening.

In the letter, obtained by Israeli and French media, Hidalgo wrote that she is revoking Abbas' medal, known in French as La médaille Grand Vermeil de Paris, due to his recent comments in which he expressed a "clear desire to deny the genocide to which the Jewish populations of Europe were victims at the hands of the Nazi regime."

This revocation of the award - which was given by the same Anne Hidalgo -is more effective than a hundred condemnations from a hundred world leaders.

To be sure, it is overdue - Abbas has said many antisemitic things between 2015 and now - and his Holocaust denial PhD. thesis should be enough to make anyone reluctant to ever award him anything. But even so, this revocation is welcome and important.

After all, many prominent people have condemned Abbas before for his previous antisemitic statements, and it meant nothing. Abbas ignoring condemnations makes him look stronger to his people.

But revoking an award directly strikes at the honor/shame mentality. He was proud of that award.

Over the years, Abbas has received a couple of other awards from the West, as well as a few from elsewhere.

In 2017, Abbas received the German Steiger Award. However, it looks like the award is no longer given and its webpage has been deactivated.

In 2013, Abbas received the Mediterranean Award for Peace in Naples. I cannot find too much information about that award.

In 2007, he received the Crans Montana International Economic Forum award. Its website barely mentions it now.

These organizations should revoke those awards now. Even if the awards are meaningless - and most of them are - everything is about symbolism, and the most effective weapon the West has against Palestinian intransigence and antisemitism is shame.

If the organizations that gave these awards were really interested in peace, they themselves should be ashamed to be associated with Mahmoud Abbas, and they should do everything they can to distance themselves from him today.

From TeleSUR:

On Tuesday, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry underlined the urgent necessity to provide the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) with financial contributions in order to continue its services.

In a meeting with the UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini in Cairo, Shoukry stressed Egypt's willingness to support the agency, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

According to Shoukry, Egypt will continue to coordinate with international actors in order to give the agency the financial and political support it needs to offer essential services to Palestinian refugees.

Look at how strongly Egypt supports UNRWA!

Then look at UNRWA's list of governmental funders (for 2021, the latest I can find.)

Egypt gave UNRWA a total of $20,000 in aid.

That's less than $1700 every month.

That's far less than the average cost of a used car in the US this year.

Lots of Arab nations are very generous towards UNRWA - with their words.

With their pocketbooks, not so much.


Islamic Jihad tries to spin every setback as a "victory"

Israeli forces arrested Saeed Nakhleh, a leader of Islamic Jihad, along with 17 other suspected terrorists early this morning in the Jalazone camp near Ramallah.

Islamic Jihad's Palestine Today's coverage of the raid shows a typical progression of how terrorist media deals with such major setbacks.

First, it reported the story straight, with a hint of panic:

The "Israeli" occupation forces arrested, at dawn today, Thursday, September 7, 2023, the leader of the Islamic Jihad movement, Sheikh Saeed Nakhleh, after storming his house in the Jalazoun camp, north of Ramallah.
...It is noteworthy that the occupation forces are escalating the assassinations and arrests against the Mujahideen of our people and the leaders and cadres of the Islamic Jihad movement in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

Then came the first spin: that Nakhleh was ill and warning of consequences if anything should happen to him:

Dr. Jamil Alayan, a leader in the Islamic Jihad Movement and Director General of the Muhjat al-Quds Foundation, said the “Israeli” occupation is fully responsible for the life of Sheikh Saeed Nakhla and for his health condition, as the Sheikh suffers from a number of chronic and serious diseases, and that this arrest will further complicate the health situation .
Then came the assertions that this arrest shows Israeli weakness and that will not negatively affect Islamic Jihad in any way:

Leader Elayan said: The Zionist enemy's arrest at dawn of the leader and great national symbol, Saeed Nakhla, constitutes a miserable step and a failed attempt to hide its security failure in the West Bank and to give a false image of reassurance to its soldiers and settlers.

And he considered that the enemy's continuation of the arrest campaigns against our people in an unprecedented manner, in addition to the killing operations, will not achieve security for this enemy and will increase the strength and flames of the resistance in the West Bank and everywhere.

And then another spokesman to reassure Palestinians that these arrests and neutralization of their members is really a good thing:

Musab al-Baram, spokesman for the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, confirmed today that the campaign of "Israeli" arrests against the cadres of the Islamic Jihad Movement, the last of whom is Sheikh Saeed Nakhla, reflects the anxiety experienced by "Israel" at the security and political levels.

The occupation forces are escalating their frantic campaign against the Palestinian resistance, especially the Islamic Jihad movement, with assassinations and arrests against the mujahideen in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, the latest of which was the arrest of Sheikh Saeed Nakhla from his home in the Jalazoun camp, north of Ramallah.

Al-Buraim explained that the Zionist enemy lives in a political security concern, which explains the persecution and arrest of the resistance men, especially the Islamic Jihad cadres and members of the Al-Quds Brigades in the occupied West Bank.

The spokesman for the Jihad confirmed that if the occupation tried assassinations, the resistance would become more severe for the occupier and carry the message of the martyrs and their commandments. It is an open battle with the enemy."

If the killings and arrests make them stronger, then they should welcome them!

The more they claim that these raids are showing that they are winning, the less convincing it seems - to Palestinians, let alone Israelis.

A Sept. 6th Associated Press (AP) article on comments by Tamir Pardo, the former head of Israel’s Mossad, that Israel is enforcing an “apartheid” system in the West Bank, included a rare – and telling – corrective to a common smear against Israel.

Several paragraphs down from the top, it cited one of Pardo’s few actual justifications for making that charge:

Pardo said Israeli citizens can get into a car and drive wherever they want, excluding the blockaded Gaza Strip, but that Palestinians can’t drive everywhere. He said that his views on the system in the West Bank were “not extreme. It’s a fact.”
In the next paragraph, the AP reporter provided information showing that Pardo wasn’t telling the truth:

Israelis are barred from entering Palestinian areas of the West Bank, but can drive across Israel and throughout the 60% of the West Bank that Israel controls. Palestinians need permission from Israel to enter the country and often must pass through military checkpoints to move within the West Bank.
Indeed, anyone who lives in Israel, or has spent time driving on its roads across the green line, has seen signs alerting Israelis to this reality, which points to the absurdity of imputing apartheid-style racism to what are largely security-driven restrictions on both Israelis and Palestinians in the territories

For instance, is the fact Jews are prevented from entering most of the historic Jewish city of Hebron an example of Palestinian apartheid? No, it isn’t. Just as it’s not apartheid when a few areas in the tiny area of the city where Jews arepermitted to live are prohibited to Palestinians.

It’s a policy based on an agreement reached between Israel and the Palestinian Authority under Oslo – a compromise of sorts to allow Jews some presence in their holy city, while taking into account the major security challenges of two hostile populations sharing a large urban area. The same is true about the rest of the West Bank, where negotiated agreements between two parties (who both claim rights to the same land) and efforts to mitigate the stubborn reality of terrorism, resulted in the current territorial arrangements.

Reasonable people can argue over the fairness of the current situation. But, neither racism nor ‘apartheid has anything to do with it.

Unsurprisingly, Chris McGreal, arguably the Guardian journalist most viscerally hostile to Israel and its supporters, which, as our readers know, is a very high bar, refuses to even implicitly acknowledge the extraordinaryweakness of the apartheid allegation. In his report on Pardo’s comments (“Israel imposing apartheid on Palestinians, says former Mossad chief”, Sept. 6), McGreal fails to push back against the following charge:

Pardo told the Associated Press that Israel’s mechanisms for controlling the Palestinians, from restrictions on movement to placing them under military law while Jewish settlers in the occupied territories are governed by civilian courts, matched the old South Africa.
“There is an apartheid state here,” he said. “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”
But, as CAMERA’s David Litman has argued, Israel’s ‘military regime’ over Palestinians is “precisely what international law requires of Israel”, which, while viewing the territory as disputed rather than occupied, “voluntarily applies the law of occupation to the West Bank pending a final peace deal”. If Israel were to apply civilian law to West Bank Palestinians, he adds, that would require annexation, a move which would widely be characterised as “illegal”. As the legal scholar Yoram Dinstein has written, “the government of an occupied territory is military per definitionem,”

In short, Litman concluded, attacks against Israel for “enforcing a military regime on Palestinians,” are literally criticising Israel for abiding by international law.

McGreal continues:

Successive Israeli governments have fought back against accusations of apartheid by characterising them as antisemitic out of concern the charge will fuel a boycott movement or open the way to prosecutions under international laws against apartheid.
First, note how McGreal casually imputes bad faith to Israeli claims that such accusations are either intrinsically antisemitic or at least motivated by anti-Jewish animus – ignoring the fact that the roots of the apartheid charge lay in Soviet antisemitic and anti-Zionist propaganda. Also, it isn’t just “Israeli governments” which have pushed back against the apartheid charge, but European democracies as well. Further, during the summer, The U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution affirming that Israel is neither a racist nor apartheid state by a vote of 412-9.

In fact, we’re not aware of any democratic state in the world which has endorsed the apartheid charge.

McGreal argues that the apartheid charges are “harder to dismiss when they come from those within the Israeli establishment”, a point we scrutinised previously, albeit about a different allegation – the charge by a retired IDF general comparing Israeli actions in the West Bank to Nazi atrocities. In condemning the Telegraph for reporting on, and implicitly giving credibility to, his antisemitic comments, we argued that the utterings of a miniscule number of former Israeli officials don’t render ahistorical, counter-factual and/or antisemitic charges any more intellectually serious, or the legitimisation of such libels less reprehensible.


Palestinian "leaders" in Lebanon tell besieged Ein al Hilweh residents NOT to stay in Red Cross shelters

Over the past two days, major fighting has again broken out in the Ein al-Hilweh UNRWA camp in Lebanon, with bullets and shells being shot between Islamist and Fatah forces in the camp and innocent residents caught in the crossfire. Four have been killed as of this writing.

Many residents are seeking shelter elsewhere

The International Committee of the Red Cross worked with the Sidon government to set up tents in the municipal stadium in order to accommodate hundreds of residents seeking a safe place for their families until the situation stabilizes.

And then something happened that has happened to the Palestinians in Lebanon for 75 years. Their "leaders" decided what was best for them, and rejected the tent shelters.

The Director General of the 302nd Committee for Defending Refugee Rights (an independent organization based in Beirut), Ali Huwaidi, rejected the decision of the Red Cross in Lebanon to set up tents in the municipal stadium square, in the city of Sidon, to shelter Palestinian refugees displaced from the “Ain al-Hilweh” camp.

Huwaidi said, in a special statement to Quds Press on Saturday evening, that the refusal is because the sight of the tents brings back to the memory of the Nakba for Palestinians, the suffering they went through in 1948, when they lived in tents for years.
The residents aren't even given a choice of whether they would rather have their own spaces to live in, or crowd into mosques and schools with hundreds of others.

Certainly the residents who prefer not to live in tents can choose to crowd into UNRWA schools, but their supposed "leaders" don't even want them to have that choice.

As it stands, residents stuck in mosques and schools who heard about the tent camps on WhatsApp rushed to take shelter there, but the ICRC stopped them, saying that UNRWA needs to choose who gets to use the tents in an orderly fashion.

This violence and chaos is what a Palestinian state would look like.


Effort to save Palestinian American lives spun as Israeli racism

Over the weekend, 15 US senators - all of them Democrats, many of them, shamefully, Jewish - signed a letter to Secretary of State Blinken demanding that the US not add Israel to its visa waiver program.

One of the reasons given:
We are also very concerned that the Government of Israel insisted that the MOU explicitly indicate that equal treatment requirements would not extend beyond the strict confines of the visa waiver process. Specifically, the MOU includes a provision that “Nothing in this Memorandum is intended to apply to principles and commitments not otherwise addressed in this Memorandum, to include… regulations applicable to use of Israeli vehicles and vehicle transit. ” While we understand that ground transportation is not directly a part of the Visa Waiver Program, the inclusion of that provision indicates that the Government of Israel reserves the right to provide unequal treatment to certain groups of U.S. citizens once they enter the country. Indeed, we have already received reports that U.S. citizens with Palestinian ID cards who land at Ben Gurion Airport cannot then rent cars to travel within Israel. We have also received reports of U.S. citizens with Palestinian ID cards being stopped at checkpoints, as Palestinians are not permitted to drive across certain checkpoints within Israel.

OK, let's picture the scene.

A Palestinian American wants to visit her relatives in Nablus or Jenin. She rents a car at ben Gurion, gets through all checkpoints with no issues because she is an American, and then drives her car into Jenin.

With Israeli license plates.

There is a greater than 50% chance the car will be pelted with rocks. There is a very good chance that she will be shot at or lynched.

These US senators are demanding that these Americans be given the chance to be treated the same as American Jews would be in Israel and the territories. But most of them would be visiting their Palestinian relatives across the Green Line and across the security barrier. To put it mildly, this is very dangerous when driving a car with Israeli plates.

Not to mention that no Israeli rental car company would be willing to risk the damage to their vehicles, and no insurance companies would cover this risk.

The senators, in their anti-Israel zeal, don't even consider the consequences of their demands - to put Americans at risk in the name of "equality."

As mentioned, 15 senators signed the letter. Out of the 15 who are clearly anti-Israel, 13 of them are endorsed by J-Street PAC.

So not only is J-Street supporting senators who are anti-Israel, they are supporting senators who want to risk the lives of Palestinian Americans.

(Amusingly, these anti-Israel politicians have something in common with the "right wing Israeli settlers" they loathe. They both consider the territories to be "within Israel." )

On the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords many are asking why it failed. PMW director Itamar Marcus’ op-ed in the Jerusalem Post shows that for the Palestinians the Oslo Accords didn't fail but achieved exactly what they wanted: an open door for Palestinian terror. On the other hand, the Oslo Accords as part of a sincere peace process that Israel imagined didn’t fail: it never really existed.

(full article online)

Not sure if this has shown up yet

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Shyster :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Israel’s independence would thus appear to fall squarely within the bounds of circumstances that trigger the rule of uti possidetis juris. Applying the rule would appear to dictate that Israel’s borders are those of the Palestine Mandate that preceded it,​

The problem with this is that the Mandate had no borders. The Mandate worked within Palestine's international borders. Palestine's international borders remained intact after the Mandate left and after the 1948 war.

Teams from Israel, Europe and across the globe continue to await green light from Rabat; ‘There are people dying under the rubble, and we cannot do anything,’ rescuer says in Paris​

(full article online)

[ Put an end to Oslo, put an end to fear ]

This is Part 7 of a 10-part series exposing the underreported joint European and Palestinian program to bypass international law and establish a de facto Palestinian state on Israeli land.

While Israel’s Civil Administration (COGAT), which governs Area C of the West Bank, technically receives orders from the defense minister, on a day-to-day basis it operates with unchallenged autonomy.

Israeli laws mandate that attempts to trespass and commandeer land must be intercepted, but COGAT commanders are wary of action and weary of global condemnation. They have learned to expect international headlines, along with formal complaints, threats and lawsuits from the Europeans, when they so much as remove a corrugated roof from an illegal structure, which the European Union will likely rebuild anyway. For every razed structure, five new ones take its place.

That Palestinians are legally permitted to bring grievances against COGAT to Israel’s Supreme Court further undermines enforcement. Both foreign and Israeli NGOs receive millions of euros every year to “protect” the Palestinians in the court system, which is backed up with appeals.

In the meantime, the Palestinians build and build, engaging in a brilliant strategy of setting Israel’s own system against itself.

(full article online)


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