All the crimes that Hunter’s ridiculous plea deal missed


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
So many crimes, so much covering up.

And the Foreign Agents Registrations Act (FARA); remember when that was a big deal? Not now though.

For years, the political and media elite have struggled to “resolve” the disaster that is Hunter. They have finally done so with a long-predicted “controlled demolition” of the scandal by having the president’s son plead guilty to a couple of minor tax violations without a serious threat of jail time.
They even threw in a phantom felony allegation that will evaporate once Hunter completes a diversion program.
The diversion program is particularly insulting to the intelligence of the American people. Hunter is reportedly no longer an addict, having attended treatment and taken up painting. Yet he will be treated like he is a junkie picked up in a drug sweep, and everyone will pretend that this is about addiction rather than corruption.
The Justice Department continues to refuse to confirm what it means by an “ongoing investigation,” but it had often used this claim to refuse to share material with Congress.
There is reason to be suspicious. First, no one can explain why it took five years for the investigation of two minor tax counts and a gun allegation that could have been confirmed in a month.
Indeed, an IRS whistleblower alleged that Hunter was given preferential treatment and that the whistleblower’s team was removed from further work on the case by the Justice Department.
Hunter also never faced any charges after videotaping himself engaged in interstate violations involving a host of prostitutes and drugs. That is now simply material for his scrapbook.
There is a glaring omission of any charge under the Foreign Agents Registration Act despite the Justice Department using this charge freely against associates of former President Donald Trump like Paul ManafortHunter Biden Likely to be Charged Under FARA . . . If the Justice Department Applies the Mueller Standard.
However, again, it would not take five years to establish this crime (which was done in little time with Manafort). Hunter seems to have been simply given a pass on what was likely the greatest concern for the White House.

So many crimes, so much covering up.

And the Foreign Registrations Act, remember when that was a big deal? Not now though.

For years, the political and media elite have struggled to “resolve” the disaster that is Hunter. They have finally done so with a long-predicted “controlled demolition” of the scandal by having the president’s son plead guilty to a couple of minor tax violations without a serious threat of jail time.
They even threw in a phantom felony allegation that will evaporate once Hunter completes a diversion program.
The diversion program is particularly insulting to the intelligence of the American people. Hunter is reportedly no longer an addict, having attended treatment and taken up painting. Yet he will be treated like he is a junkie picked up in a drug sweep, and everyone will pretend that this is about addiction rather than corruption.
The Justice Department continues to refuse to confirm what it means by an “ongoing investigation,” but it had often used this claim to refuse to share material with Congress.
There is reason to be suspicious. First, no one can explain why it took five years for the investigation of two minor tax counts and a gun allegation that could have been confirmed in a month.
Indeed, an IRS whistleblower alleged that Hunter was given preferential treatment and that the whistleblower’s team was removed from further work on the case by the Justice Department.
Hunter also never faced any charges after videotaping himself engaged in interstate violations involving a host of prostitutes and drugs. That is now simply material for his scrapbook.
There is a glaring omission of any charge under the Foreign Agents Registration Act despite the Justice Department using this charge freely against associates of former President Donald Trump like Paul ManafortHunter Biden Likely to be Charged Under FARA . . . If the Justice Department Applies the Mueller Standard.
However, again, it would not take five years to establish this crime (which was done in little time with Manafort). Hunter seems to have been simply given a pass on what was likely the greatest concern for the White House.

Still crying over hunter huh?

Sorry your witch hunt failed again.

Don't worry. Gateway pundit will have a fresh conspiracy for you to rage about soon.

Good luck!
Hunter is inconsequential, it's the way it was all handled that the public got to see.

Couple that with the less than glowing report of the FBI/DOJ by Durham at the same time and I'm pleased at the impact.
Doesn't it bother you that no one is willing to walk into court and make all these allegations? A rational person might conclude that it's all made up.
Doesn't it bother you that no one is willing to walk into court and make all these allegations? A rational person might conclude that it's all made up.

How naïve, to think there is not a Biden version of Arkancide. Very cute.

Thanks for this wonderful post.

When the Progs come to power in the House again, they are going for the kill. It is not about the United States anymore. It is ideology. And they think we are going to produce like we did in the past. The asses have increased our taxes the last two years using inflation as evil always does in human history. About 20% inflation would make a 50 thousand dollar a year couple or so living off of 40 thousand dollars if they have no COLAS or increases in salaries. So, let's split that in the middle and say 45 thousand. That is taxation folks. Those in privileged employment will whether this with only a couple per cent loss at most and may even gain. And with all of this the cost of medical increases even more than the inflation.
When the Progs come to power in the House again, they are going for the kill. It is not about the United States anymore. It is ideology. And they think we are going to produce like we did in the past. The asses have increased our taxes the last two years using inflation as evil always does in human history. About 20% inflation would make a 50 thousand dollar a year couple or so living off of 40 thousand dollars if they have no COLAS or increases in salaries. So, let's split that in the middle and say 45 thousand. That is taxation folks. Those in privileged employment will whether this with only a couple per cent loss at most and may even gain. And with all of this the cost of medical increases even more than the inflation.
What are you rambling about?

Did you see the thread title?
What are you rambling about?

Did you see the thread title?
Hunter is a criminal. He is a felon if compared to all of the people locked up for much less. What is worse is that he is of white privilege that Progs never stop ranting about. For me. I have to take crap from all sides. Well, I owe no one nada. And the more i get screwed with the less I will help anyone during a crisis, the rebuilding or any other reason unless there is a peace agreement and I get things for the parlay.
Hunter is a criminal.


He is a felon if compared to all of the people locked up for much less.

He is a felon because he plead guilty to federal crimes.

What is worse is that he is of white privilege that Progs never stop ranting about. For me. I have to take crap from all sides. Well, I owe no one nada. And the more i get screwed with the less I will help anyone during a crisis, the rebuilding or any other reason unless there is a peace agreement and I get things for the parlay.
I am not sure what this means but it's interesting you admit their is white privilege. Score one for BLM.

Can you expand on what appears to be a personal anecdotes?

Blowing the lid off the cover-up of Hunter Biden’s cushy plea deal

3 Jul 2023 ~~ By Miranda Devine

So much for “ultimate authority.”
Delaware US Attorney David Weiss exploded that fallacy when he slipped out a late Friday letter to the House Judiciary Committee, hoping to bury the bad news on the eve of the holiday weekend.
Added to the limp, over-long missive to Congress a few hours earlier from Hunter Biden’s fabled lawyer Abbe Lowell, whose big complaint was about a breach of the “spirit of the law,” it was not a good day for the Biden protection unit.
With Hunter Biden’s former “best friend in business” Devon Archer slated to testify this month before he goes to jail with nothing much left to lose, and other as-yet-unidentified whistleblowers emerging with more explosive evidence in coming weeks, a Houdini act by the Biden gang seems unlikely, even with the power of the White House, a complicit media and the best lawyers money can buy.
On Oct. 5, just two days before that “red-line” meeting, when Weiss blew up the case against Hunter, Joe Biden was in a triumphal mood he seemed unable to conceal when he met with Fort Myers Beach Mayor Ray Murphy.
The president was caught on a hot mic boasting, “No one f**ks with a Biden.”
Time will tell if he is right.

So two veteran IRS employees are not telling the truth and risking their job and pension? No, I don’t think so. While in the other side we have a DOJ career attorney who after five years of investigation basically comes up with three charges that are misdemeanors. The same attorney and his team who let the statute of limitations run out on two years of failure to pay taxes on over a million dollars of income which would have resulted in mandatory jail time. Two people are lying, either the two IRS employees who have everything to lose, or Weiss and Garland. My bet is on the whistleblowers.

'This calls into question the integrity of their investigation.'

Sen. Ron Johnson slams Hunter Biden probe as it's revealed prosecutor who signed off on 'sweetheart' tax deal previously worked for First Son's business partner

3 Jul 2023 ~~ By JOSH BOSWELL
A prosecutor who signed off on the documents charging Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes previously worked with one of the First Son's business partners, can reveal.
Delaware US Attorney David Weiss officially filed charges against the president's son last Tuesday after a near five-year probe into his alleged tax crimes and foreign financial dealings.
Weiss's deputy, Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, signed off on the charging documents alongside his boss and two other assistant US attorneys – indicating he has a central role in Hunter's criminal prosecution.
According to Hines's LinkedIn account, he previously worked as Special Counsel to ex-FBI director Louis Freeh at his private company, Freeh Group International Solutions, a lobbying and 'risk management' consultancy that teamed up with Hunter on overseas business currently under scrutiny by lawmakers.
It wasn't until 2016 that Hunter started working with Freeh consulting for Popoviciu.
But emails on his laptop show the Biden family had a close relationship with Freeh – – who headed the FBI from 1993-2001 – dating back to when Hines worked for him.



According to the evidence shown above, the outcome for investigation into these two issues of criminal wrongdoing by Hunter was rigged for the onset.
“Calls into question”
Is now a laughable understatement to what is an obvious farce in this rigged investigation and outcome.
Professionals are expected to honor an obligation to disclose COI's, and enter into a dialog regarding recusing themselves. When they do not, they should be subject to censure at a minimum, and conflicted decisions should be vacated, to be rejoined with an honorable colleague.
Obviously this is not part of the Lexicon of ethics used by Maoist./SA Democrats
Seemingly, the same leftists up in arms about a Trump appointee being in charge of the case in Florida has NO PROBLEM with the prosecutor in Hunter’s case working for his business partner.
The corruption here is not surprising, this has not been America for a long time.
We've become the ultimate Banana Republic.
So many crimes, so much covering up.

And the Foreign Agents Registrations Act (FARA); remember when that was a big deal? Not now though.

For years, the political and media elite have struggled to “resolve” the disaster that is Hunter. They have finally done so with a long-predicted “controlled demolition” of the scandal by having the president’s son plead guilty to a couple of minor tax violations without a serious threat of jail time.
They even threw in a phantom felony allegation that will evaporate once Hunter completes a diversion program.
The diversion program is particularly insulting to the intelligence of the American people. Hunter is reportedly no longer an addict, having attended treatment and taken up painting. Yet he will be treated like he is a junkie picked up in a drug sweep, and everyone will pretend that this is about addiction rather than corruption.
The Justice Department continues to refuse to confirm what it means by an “ongoing investigation,” but it had often used this claim to refuse to share material with Congress.
There is reason to be suspicious. First, no one can explain why it took five years for the investigation of two minor tax counts and a gun allegation that could have been confirmed in a month.
Indeed, an IRS whistleblower alleged that Hunter was given preferential treatment and that the whistleblower’s team was removed from further work on the case by the Justice Department.
Hunter also never faced any charges after videotaping himself engaged in interstate violations involving a host of prostitutes and drugs. That is now simply material for his scrapbook.
There is a glaring omission of any charge under the Foreign Agents Registration Act despite the Justice Department using this charge freely against associates of former President Donald Trump like Paul ManafortHunter Biden Likely to be Charged Under FARA . . . If the Justice Department Applies the Mueller Standard.
However, again, it would not take five years to establish this crime (which was done in little time with Manafort). Hunter seems to have been simply given a pass on what was likely the greatest concern for the White House.

Murdoch also owns the New York Post, more drivel and lies.... Only Hunter has to go to court for this crap....

'This calls into question the integrity of their investigation.'

Sen. Ron Johnson slams Hunter Biden probe as it's revealed prosecutor who signed off on 'sweetheart' tax deal previously worked for First Son's business partner

3 Jul 2023 ~~ By JOSH BOSWELL
A prosecutor who signed off on the documents charging Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes previously worked with one of the First Son's business partners, can reveal.
Delaware US Attorney David Weiss officially filed charges against the president's son last Tuesday after a near five-year probe into his alleged tax crimes and foreign financial dealings.
Weiss's deputy, Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, signed off on the charging documents alongside his boss and two other assistant US attorneys – indicating he has a central role in Hunter's criminal prosecution.
According to Hines's LinkedIn account, he previously worked as Special Counsel to ex-FBI director Louis Freeh at his private company, Freeh Group International Solutions, a lobbying and 'risk management' consultancy that teamed up with Hunter on overseas business currently under scrutiny by lawmakers.
It wasn't until 2016 that Hunter started working with Freeh consulting for Popoviciu.
But emails on his laptop show the Biden family had a close relationship with Freeh – – who headed the FBI from 1993-2001 – dating back to when Hines worked for him.



According to the evidence shown above, the outcome for investigation into these two issues of criminal wrongdoing by Hunter was rigged for the onset.
“Calls into question”
Is now a laughable understatement to what is an obvious farce in this rigged investigation and outcome.
Professionals are expected to honor an obligation to disclose COI's, and enter into a dialog regarding recusing themselves. When they do not, they should be subject to censure at a minimum, and conflicted decisions should be vacated, to be rejoined with an honorable colleague.
Obviously this is not part of the Lexicon of ethics used by Maoist./SA Democrats
Seemingly, the same leftists up in arms about a Trump appointee being in charge of the case in Florida has NO PROBLEM with the prosecutor in Hunter’s case working for his business partner.
The corruption here is not surprising, this has not been America for a long time.
We've become the ultimate Banana Republic.
Total baloney, Super Duper. He was investigated for five years and they came up with what they already knew- he was all screwed up for a year or two...

'This calls into question the integrity of their investigation.'

Sen. Ron Johnson slams Hunter Biden probe as it's revealed prosecutor who signed off on 'sweetheart' tax deal previously worked for First Son's business partner

3 Jul 2023 ~~ By JOSH BOSWELL
A prosecutor who signed off on the documents charging Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes previously worked with one of the First Son's business partners, can reveal.
Delaware US Attorney David Weiss officially filed charges against the president's son last Tuesday after a near five-year probe into his alleged tax crimes and foreign financial dealings.
Weiss's deputy, Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, signed off on the charging documents alongside his boss and two other assistant US attorneys – indicating he has a central role in Hunter's criminal prosecution.
According to Hines's LinkedIn account, he previously worked as Special Counsel to ex-FBI director Louis Freeh at his private company, Freeh Group International Solutions, a lobbying and 'risk management' consultancy that teamed up with Hunter on overseas business currently under scrutiny by lawmakers.
It wasn't until 2016 that Hunter started working with Freeh consulting for Popoviciu.
But emails on his laptop show the Biden family had a close relationship with Freeh – – who headed the FBI from 1993-2001 – dating back to when Hines worked for him.



According to the evidence shown above, the outcome for investigation into these two issues of criminal wrongdoing by Hunter was rigged for the onset.
“Calls into question”
Is now a laughable understatement to what is an obvious farce in this rigged investigation and outcome.
Professionals are expected to honor an obligation to disclose COI's, and enter into a dialog regarding recusing themselves. When they do not, they should be subject to censure at a minimum, and conflicted decisions should be vacated, to be rejoined with an honorable colleague.
Obviously this is not part of the Lexicon of ethics used by Maoist./SA Democrats
Seemingly, the same leftists up in arms about a Trump appointee being in charge of the case in Florida has NO PROBLEM with the prosecutor in Hunter’s case working for his business partner.
The corruption here is not surprising, this has not been America for a long time.
We've become the ultimate Banana Republic.
It's tough when Trump and Murdoch are criminals and they have been the worst thing ever to happen to American politics. Hateful divisive anti American lies Endlessly....

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