Oh snowflake…this one is really going to sting.

All you do is cry about “testifying”. Well, careful what you ask for, clown. You got it. Hitlery Clinton spreading disinformation and colluding with Russia in order to steal an election!!
No, it doesn't.

March 17 2017
Alfa Bank, a privately owned Russian bank, confirmed today that it has contacted U.S. law enforcement authorities for assistance and offered U.S. agencies its complete co-operation in finding the people behind attempted cyberattacks on its servers that have made it appear falsely that it has been communicating with the Trump Organization.

Politicians, including most of all, the orange retard, repeat reports in the press.

March 27 2022
Russia’s Alfa Bank has dropped two lawsuits against several unknown hackers it says falsified data to fabricate the appearance of a covert back channel with the Trump organization.

The one-page dismissal requests were filed Friday in courthouses in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and West Palm Beach County, Florida.

Why did they drop the lawsuit?
Gee, like I’m reading your boring fraudulent BS.
laughing animated.gif
I can't cut and paste from my tablet. I read these things through.
Of course you can just like copy/paste with a telephone.

You supposedly read and claim all sorts of things you can't substantiate over and over again.
So what? Seriously, how does this even matter. Was it illegal for Russians to lease Apartments in the US at the time?
Bet teabaggers would be raising hell, if Iranians or N. Koreans were buying up the US property?
Seeing how Trump was doing it, as usual, he gets a pass.
Bet teabaggers would be raising hell, if Iranians or N. Koreans were buying up the US property?
Seeing how Trump was doing it, as usual, he gets a pass.
NK doesn't have the money and Iran/Iranians have bought property in the US so your point as usual fails.

It is not illegal for Russians to visit or even live in the US and never has been.
Regulations restrict every aspect of petroleum production.

One of the most famous examples was the Obama Administration cancelling a permit for a huge Exxon project off of the north slope because they failed to calculate the exhaust from supply ships in their green requirements.
Where is your link?

The only thing I could find is that, it was the state of Alaska, that did the canceling.

April 21 2008
The state of Alaska on Tuesday rejected a development proposal by Exxon Mobil Corp. in litigation over a rich cache of oil and gas on the North Slope.

The state's decision will likely extend the ongoing court fight over leases at Point Thomson, a prospect near the border of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Uncertainty over those land rights could make firms more skittish about involvement in a proposed $30 billion gasline project out of the North Slope.

Exxon Mobil, BP PLC and Chevron purchased leases 31 years ago allowing them to drill at Point Thomson, however, they have not produced any oil or gas from the tracts.

31 years?
And not a drop.
If Putin hated the Clintons so much why did he pay them half a million dollars? FBI surprised Bill Clinton took $500,000 from Russia

Putin didn't make that payment. The people who invited Clinton to speak in Russia paid that money, which went to the Clinton Foundation not the Clintons personally.

Not only that, the payment was announced and vetted before it was made to ensure that it was legal and proper, so no, the FBI was NOT "surprised" about it at all.

Interesting that your comment parrots a Daily Mail headline:

Putin didn't make that payment. The people who invited Clinton to speak in Russia paid that money, which went to the Clinton Foundation not the Clintons personally.

Not only that, the payment was announced and vetted before it was made to ensure that it was legal and proper, so no, the FBI was NOT "surprised" about it at all.

Interesting that your comment parrots a Daily Mail headline:

The report says the FBI was in fact surprised.

All roads in Russia lead to Putin. The Clintons were Putin's useful idiots
So what? Seriously, how does this even matter. Was it illegal for Russians to lease Apartments in the US at the time?

These weren't "leases", they were condominium purchases. If the money used was stolen, yes, these purchases were illegal. Buying expensive American real estate was the oligarchs favourite method of laundering their stolen money.

Then there was that property in Miami that Trump has listed for $50 million that Trump sold in 2008 to a Russian oligarch for $95 million. Who would pay nearly twice asking price for a luxury property, in the middle of the housing crash.

Does it matter that the US President who wanted to pull out of NATO (to the benefit of Russia), who pulled out of Syria (to the benefit of Russia), and who withheld military aid to the Ukraine (to the benefit of Russia) sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property to Russian oligarchs, helping them launder money stolen from the Russian people????
These weren't "leases", they were condominium purchases. If the money used was stolen, yes, these purchases were illegal. Buying expensive American real estate was the oligarchs favourite method of laundering their stolen money.

Then there was that property in Miami that Trump has listed for $50 million that Trump sold in 2008 to a Russian oligarch for $95 million. Who would pay nearly twice asking price for a luxury property, in the middle of the housing crash.

Does it matter that the US President who wanted to pull out of NATO (to the benefit of Russia), who pulled out of Syria (to the benefit of Russia), and who withheld military aid to the Ukraine (to the benefit of Russia) sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property to Russian oligarchs, helping them launder money stolen from the Russian people????
Russians are allowed to by things in the United States. Your xenophobic prejudice not with standing.

Trump made NATO stronger, armed Ukraine, where Mr. Flexible wouldn't....and the Russians were only in Syria because Mr. Flexible invited them to begin with.

Move a long your Russian troll....your entire narrative about Trump and Russia is a hoax, created by the Clinton campaign in collusion with Obama admin....we know this now, it's literally on trial.
The report says the FBI was in fact surprised.

All roads in Russia lead to Putin. The Clintons were Putin's useful idiots

The "Report" is from a fake news website and has been thoroughly debunked. My post noted that you were parroting a debunked story and here you are once again claiming that story was true.

All roads in Russia lead directly to Trump being owned by the Russians. The Russian lawyer Junior met with in Trump Tower was in the US to defend a Russian oligarch who the Obama government had sued for $230 million dollars in a money laundering charge.

After the election, Jeff Sessions settled the case for $6 million, and no admission of wrong doing. The guy was not deported, and walked out of court with $223 million of freshly cleaned and pressed dollar bills.

The "Report" is from a fake news website and has been thoroughly debunked. My post noted that you were parroting a debunked story and here you are once again claiming that story was true.

All roads in Russia lead directly to Trump being owned by the Russians. The Russian lawyer Junior met with in Trump Tower was in the US to defend a Russian oligarch who the Obama government had sued for $230 million dollars in a money laundering charge.

After the election, Jeff Sessions settled the case for $6 million, and no admission of wrong doing. The guy was not deported, and walked out of court with $223 million of freshly cleaned and pressed dollar bills.

The Daily Mail is very real...but here's another story from The Hill:

FBI watched, then acted as Russian spy moved closer to Hillary Clinton​

As Hillary Clinton was beginning her job as President Obama’s chief diplomat, federal agents observed as multiple arms of Vladimir Putin’s machine unleashed an influence campaign designed to win access to the new secretary of State, her husband Bill Clinton and members of their inner circle, according to interviews and once-sealed FBI records.

Some of the activities FBI agents gathered evidence about in 2009 and 2010 were covert and illegal.


Agents were surprised by the timing and size of a $500,000 check that a Kremlin-linked bank provided Bill Clinton with for a single speech in the summer of 2010. The payday came just weeks after Hillary Clinton helped arrange for American executives to travel to Moscow to support Putin’s efforts to build his own country’s version of Silicon Valley, agents said.

FBI watched, then acted as Russian spy moved closer to Hillary Clinton

Clinton was bought and paid for by the Russians
Russians are allowed to by things in the United States. Your xenophobic prejudice not with standing.

Trump made NATO stronger, armed Ukraine, where Mr. Flexible wouldn't....and the Russians were only in Syria because Mr. Flexible invited them to begin with.

Move a long your Russian troll....your entire narrative about Trump and Russia is a hoax, created by the Clinton campaign in collusion with Obama admin....we know this now, it's literally on trial.

Fact free, link free, yet another parroting of Donald Trump's lies, with nothing to back it up. How very gullible of you.

Buying things with stolen money is called "money laundering", and it's not legal.

Trump fractured NATO and tried to force NATO countries to spend more on defence:

The Russians were in Syria because the Republican Congress refused to authorize any military incursions into Syria.

Only Trump Humpers and gullible fools believe that the Russia Investigation was a hoax. The charges, court cases, and convictions say otherwise.
Fact free, link free, yet another parroting of Donald Trump's lies, with nothing to back it up. How very gullible of you.

Buying things with stolen money is called "money laundering", and it's not legal.

Trump fractured NATO and tried to force NATO countries to spend more on defence:

The Russians were in Syria because the Republican Congress refused to authorize any military incursions into Syria.

Only Trump Humpers and gullible fools believe that the Russia Investigation was a hoax. The charges, court cases, and convictions say otherwise.

Donald Trump Era Left NATO Stronger, Baltic Allies Say​

Former President Donald Trump's time in office left NATO stronger, according to the alliance's Baltic states, who sit on the front line of the West's confrontation with President Vladimir Putin's Russia.

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost​

The Daily Mail is very real...but here's another story from The Hill:

FBI watched, then acted as Russian spy moved closer to Hillary Clinton​

As Hillary Clinton was beginning her job as President Obama’s chief diplomat, federal agents observed as multiple arms of Vladimir Putin’s machine unleashed an influence campaign designed to win access to the new secretary of State, her husband Bill Clinton and members of their inner circle, according to interviews and once-sealed FBI records.

Some of the activities FBI agents gathered evidence about in 2009 and 2010 were covert and illegal.


Agents were surprised by the timing and size of a $500,000 check that a Kremlin-linked bank provided Bill Clinton with for a single speech in the summer of 2010. The payday came just weeks after Hillary Clinton helped arrange for American executives to travel to Moscow to support Putin’s efforts to build his own country’s version of Silicon Valley, agents said.

FBI watched, then acted as Russian spy moved closer to Hillary Clinton

Clinton was bought and paid for by the Russians

You really need to read the articles you link to:

A female Russian spy posing as an American accountant, for instance, used a false identity to burrow her way into the employ of a major Democratic donor in hopes of gaining intelligence on Hillary Clinton’s department, records show. The spy was arrested and deported as she moved closer to getting inside State, agents said.

There is no evidence in any of the public records that the FBI believed that the Clintons or anyone close to them did anything illegal. But there’s definitive evidence the Russians were seeking their influence with a specific eye on the State Department.

None of the Americans were ever suspected of illegalities, but the episode made clear the Russian spies were stepping up their operations against the new administration after years of working in a “sleeper” capacity, officials said.

Donald Trump Era Left NATO Stronger, Baltic Allies Say​

Former President Donald Trump's time in office left NATO stronger, according to the alliance's Baltic states, who sit on the front line of the West's confrontation with President Vladimir Putin's Russia.

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost​

Once again, you failed to read your own links. From your first link:

In 2016, the alliance agreed—after Russia's annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine—to send four multinational battalion battle groups totaling 3,000 to 4,000 troops to Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland; the four nations perceived as most at risk of Russian aggression.

So the decision to increase forces in the Baltic States which lead to the strengthening of NATO in the region, was made in 2016. Can you tell me who was the President of the United States in 2016.

Then there is this:

Trump and his allies claimed credit for increasing military spending on the part of fellow NATO members.

Others were quick to point out that all NATO states had signed a commitment in 2014 to spend 2 percent of GDP on their militaries by 2024. Whether it was down to Trump or not, spending is certainly on the up.

Again, who was President in 2014????

Taking credit for Obama's work is a way of life for Dumb Donald, and his idiot followers.

As for giving the Ukraine military weapons, Trump WITHHELD those weapons for more than 9 months after Congress approved the military aid, trying to force President Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. Trump was impeached for this, and the Congressional aid appropriation expired before those weapons ever left the USA. The Appropriation had to be approved a second time to get the weapons to the Ukrainian government.
I never suggested she did anything illegal here...just that they were bought and paid for....and all roads to Putin start with Clinton. She was a useful idiot from Putin...just like you are

You never suggested. No, you've flat out stated it multiple times, and you just said it again.

Even the tactic of accusing others of doing what you're doing, is a Russian propaganda tool which Trump was taught to use against his enemies. Calling Clinton "Crooked Hillary" while Trump has been a one-man crime spree since long before he ran for office, and was in the middle of a multi-million fraud trial when he ran for President. Hillary Clinton has never been arrested or charged with any crimes much less convicted. Trump cannot say the same thing.

The Russian hacking of the DNC took place on the night after Donald Trump said "Russia, if you're listening". When the national press reacted to this remark with shock and outrage, Trump claimed it was a joke. No one was laughing. It reminded me of seeing a child about to swing a heavy stick at a very frightened playmate and when caught, the kid dropped the stick say "I was joking". Nobody was laughing, least of all the frightened playmate.

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