All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The
Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me . Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always to the very end of the age." So? So His Christian Church is going to
obey her Lord and do what He commanded. Will all nations become genuine
Christian nations? Yes. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you" is an accurate description of a true Christian nation.

While we work to disciple the nations, we always keep in mind the mighty power
of the resurrected, ascended, exalted Lord Jesus who is always with us while we
His Christian Church is being successfully obedient to His Great Commission
command. No power in the universe can defeat these four realities:
The Cross ~ the power of The Cross to save the human race.
The Resurrection ~ the power of that Empty Tomb to defeat Death and Sin.
The Ascension ~ the power of "I go to my Father" who loves the world and has a plan to save it.
The Exaltation ~ the power of Being seated at the right hand of the Almighty Sovereign God.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working through
simple Holy Spirit-blessed gospel preaching and powered by the "all authority" now given to
Jesus both "in heaven and on earth" is going to successfully "go and make disciples of all
nations" and all this before the Lord Jesus comes back. The supernatural power of the
Sovereign God is going to Christianize the world and nothing can stop it. Negative defeatist
interpretations of the Holy Bible cannot stop it and neither can the personal proclamations
of pessimistic Prophets Of Defeat.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, is going to win
the war for the world. Jesus now has total power everywhere. "All authority in heaven and
on earth has been given to Me."

The Lord Jesus has already conquered Satan, Sin, and Death and He now sits enthroned
at the right hand of God the Father, the position and status of absolute power and "He must
reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" because "God has exalted Him to the
highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven and on earth . . . and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus now reigns and will continue to reign "until He has put all His enemies under His feet."
So? So the Lord Jesus is going to win The Worldwide War Of Evil Versus Good. Jesus
earned His victory on The Cross and He shall have the desires of His heart. And what
does Jesus desire? He desires that all nations be discipled and since He now has
all authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus will get what He desires ~~ therefore all
nations will be discipled which is synonymous with all nations will become Christian
nations. The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords and the King has
commanded that all nations be discipled and the King will be obeyed. Hallelujah.

Be not reluctant to believe that all nations will be discipled. We've all read "For God
so loved the world" and therefore it makes good sense that God will save the world
He loves through the Lordship of His Son Jesus who "shall have dominion from sea
to sea" {Psalm 72:8} while "the whole earth will be filled with His glory {72:19} so that
"all nations will call Him blessed" {72:17}.

Thank You Lord Jesus for shedding Your blood on Calvary's Cross to pay the penalty
for the sins of the world You came to save.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for saving the world. We love You.

Matthew 28:16-20
Phil. 2:8-11
! Cor. 15: 23-27
Col. 2:14-15
Heb. 2:13-14
Heb. 10:13
Rev. 17:14
Rev. 19:16
1 Peter 3:21-22
Rev. 1:5
Eph. 1:19-23
Col. 1:18
Matthew 28:18 {the "all authority" verse}
Dan. 7:13-14

All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The
Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me . Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always to the very end of the age." So? So His Christian Church is going to
obey her Lord and do what He commanded. Will all nations become genuine
Christian nations? Yes. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you" is an accurate description of a true Christian nation.

While we work to disciple the nations, we always keep in mind the mighty power
of the resurrected, ascended, exalted Lord Jesus who is always with us while we
His Christian Church is being successfully obedient to His Great Commission
command. No power in the universe can defeat these four realities:
The Cross ~ the power of The Cross to save the human race.
The Resurrection ~ the power of that Empty Tomb to defeat Death and Sin.
The Ascension ~ the power of "I go to my Father" who loves the world and has a plan to save it.
The Exaltation ~ the power of Being seated at the right hand of the Almighty Sovereign God.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working through
simple Holy Spirit-blessed gospel preaching and powered by the "all authority" now given to
Jesus both "in heaven and on earth" is going to successfully "go and make disciples of all
nations" and all this before the Lord Jesus comes back. The supernatural power of the
Sovereign God is going to Christianize the world and nothing can stop it. Negative defeatist
interpretations of the Holy Bible cannot stop it and neither can the personal proclamations
of pessimistic Prophets Of Defeat.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, is going to win
the war for the world. Jesus now has total power everywhere. "All authority in heaven and

on earth has been given to Me."

The Lord Jesus has already conquered Satan, Sin, and Death and He now sits enthroned
at the right hand of God the Father, the position and status of absolute power and "He must
reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" because "God has exalted Him to the
highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven and on earth . . . and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus now reigns and will continue to reign "until He has put all His enemies under His feet."
So? So the Lord Jesus is going to win The Worldwide War Of Evil Versus Good. Jesus
earned His victory on The Cross and He shall have the desires of His heart. And what
does Jesus desire? He desires that all nations be discipled and since He now has
all authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus will get what He desires ~~ therefore all
nations will be discipled which is synonymous with all nations will become Christian
nations. The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords and the King has
commanded that all nations be discipled and the King will be obeyed. Hallelujah.

Be not reluctant to believe that all nations will be discipled. We've all read "For God
so loved the world" and therefore it makes good sense that God will save the world
He loves through the Lordship of His Son Jesus who "shall have dominion from sea
to sea" {Psalm 72:8} while "the whole earth will be filled with His glory {72:19} so that

"all nations will call Him blessed" {72:17}.

Thank You Lord Jesus for shedding Your blood on Calvary's Cross to pay the penalty
for the sins of the world You came to save.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for saving the world. We love You.

Matthew 28:16-20
Phil. 2:8-11
! Cor. 15: 23-27
Col. 2:14-15
Heb. 2:13-14
Heb. 10:13
Rev. 17:14
Rev. 19:16
1 Peter 3:21-22
Rev. 1:5
Eph. 1:19-23
Col. 1:18
Matthew 28:18 {the "all authority" verse}
Dan. 7:13-14

Seems like people in Europe and America are getting less and less religious. In other words we are evolving.
Read through the first third if these texts, and as expected, they're not saying what you think they're saying.

All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The
Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me . Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always to the very end of the age." So? So His Christian Church is going to
obey her Lord and do what He commanded. Will all nations become genuine
Christian nations? Yes. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you" is an accurate description of a true Christian nation.

While we work to disciple the nations, we always keep in mind the mighty power
of the resurrected, ascended, exalted Lord Jesus who is always with us while we
His Christian Church is being successfully obedient to His Great Commission
command. No power in the universe can defeat these four realities:
The Cross ~ the power of The Cross to save the human race.
The Resurrection ~ the power of that Empty Tomb to defeat Death and Sin.
The Ascension ~ the power of "I go to my Father" who loves the world and has a plan to save it.
The Exaltation ~ the power of Being seated at the right hand of the Almighty Sovereign God.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working through
simple Holy Spirit-blessed gospel preaching and powered by the "all authority" now given to
Jesus both "in heaven and on earth" is going to successfully "go and make disciples of all
nations" and all this before the Lord Jesus comes back. The supernatural power of the
Sovereign God is going to Christianize the world and nothing can stop it. Negative defeatist
interpretations of the Holy Bible cannot stop it and neither can the personal proclamations
of pessimistic Prophets Of Defeat.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, is going to win
the war for the world. Jesus now has total power everywhere. "All authority in heaven and

on earth has been given to Me."

The Lord Jesus has already conquered Satan, Sin, and Death and He now sits enthroned
at the right hand of God the Father, the position and status of absolute power and "He must
reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" because "God has exalted Him to the
highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven and on earth . . . and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus now reigns and will continue to reign "until He has put all His enemies under His feet."
So? So the Lord Jesus is going to win The Worldwide War Of Evil Versus Good. Jesus
earned His victory on The Cross and He shall have the desires of His heart. And what
does Jesus desire? He desires that all nations be discipled and since He now has
all authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus will get what He desires ~~ therefore all
nations will be discipled which is synonymous with all nations will become Christian
nations. The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords and the King has
commanded that all nations be discipled and the King will be obeyed. Hallelujah.

Be not reluctant to believe that all nations will be discipled. We've all read "For God
so loved the world" and therefore it makes good sense that God will save the world
He loves through the Lordship of His Son Jesus who "shall have dominion from sea
to sea" {Psalm 72:8} while "the whole earth will be filled with His glory {72:19} so that

"all nations will call Him blessed" {72:17}.

Thank You Lord Jesus for shedding Your blood on Calvary's Cross to pay the penalty
for the sins of the world You came to save.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for saving the world. We love You.

Matthew 28:16-20
Phil. 2:8-11
! Cor. 15: 23-27
Col. 2:14-15
Heb. 2:13-14
Heb. 10:13
Rev. 17:14
Rev. 19:16
1 Peter 3:21-22
Rev. 1:5
Eph. 1:19-23
Col. 1:18
Matthew 28:18 {the "all authority" verse}
Dan. 7:13-14

The world is less Christian than ever, particularly in the US..
All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The
Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me . Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always to the very end of the age." So? So His Christian Church is going to
obey her Lord and do what He commanded. Will all nations become genuine
Christian nations? Yes. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you" is an accurate description of a true Christian nation.

While we work to disciple the nations, we always keep in mind the mighty power
of the resurrected, ascended, exalted Lord Jesus who is always with us while we
His Christian Church is being successfully obedient to His Great Commission
command. No power in the universe can defeat these four realities:
The Cross ~ the power of The Cross to save the human race.
The Resurrection ~ the power of that Empty Tomb to defeat Death and Sin.
The Ascension ~ the power of "I go to my Father" who loves the world and has a plan to save it.
The Exaltation ~ the power of Being seated at the right hand of the Almighty Sovereign God.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working through
simple Holy Spirit-blessed gospel preaching and powered by the "all authority" now given to
Jesus both "in heaven and on earth" is going to successfully "go and make disciples of all
nations" and all this before the Lord Jesus comes back. The supernatural power of the
Sovereign God is going to Christianize the world and nothing can stop it. Negative defeatist
interpretations of the Holy Bible cannot stop it and neither can the personal proclamations
of pessimistic Prophets Of Defeat.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, is going to win
the war for the world. Jesus now has total power everywhere. "All authority in heaven and

on earth has been given to Me."

The Lord Jesus has already conquered Satan, Sin, and Death and He now sits enthroned
at the right hand of God the Father, the position and status of absolute power and "He must
reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" because "God has exalted Him to the
highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven and on earth . . . and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus now reigns and will continue to reign "until He has put all His enemies under His feet."
So? So the Lord Jesus is going to win The Worldwide War Of Evil Versus Good. Jesus
earned His victory on The Cross and He shall have the desires of His heart. And what
does Jesus desire? He desires that all nations be discipled and since He now has
all authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus will get what He desires ~~ therefore all
nations will be discipled which is synonymous with all nations will become Christian
nations. The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords and the King has
commanded that all nations be discipled and the King will be obeyed. Hallelujah.

Be not reluctant to believe that all nations will be discipled. We've all read "For God
so loved the world" and therefore it makes good sense that God will save the world
He loves through the Lordship of His Son Jesus who "shall have dominion from sea
to sea" {Psalm 72:8} while "the whole earth will be filled with His glory {72:19} so that

"all nations will call Him blessed" {72:17}.

Thank You Lord Jesus for shedding Your blood on Calvary's Cross to pay the penalty
for the sins of the world You came to save.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for saving the world. We love You.

Matthew 28:16-20
Phil. 2:8-11
! Cor. 15: 23-27
Col. 2:14-15
Heb. 2:13-14
Heb. 10:13
Rev. 17:14
Rev. 19:16
1 Peter 3:21-22
Rev. 1:5
Eph. 1:19-23
Col. 1:18
Matthew 28:18 {the "all authority" verse}
Dan. 7:13-14

Seems like people in Europe and America are getting less and less religious. In other words we are evolving.

eVoLuTiOn :spinner:


All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The
Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me . Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always to the very end of the age." So? So His Christian Church is going to
obey her Lord and do what He commanded. Will all nations become genuine
Christian nations? Yes. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you" is an accurate description of a true Christian nation.

While we work to disciple the nations, we always keep in mind the mighty power
of the resurrected, ascended, exalted Lord Jesus who is always with us while we
His Christian Church is being successfully obedient to His Great Commission
command. No power in the universe can defeat these four realities:
The Cross ~ the power of The Cross to save the human race.
The Resurrection ~ the power of that Empty Tomb to defeat Death and Sin.
The Ascension ~ the power of "I go to my Father" who loves the world and has a plan to save it.
The Exaltation ~ the power of Being seated at the right hand of the Almighty Sovereign God.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working through
simple Holy Spirit-blessed gospel preaching and powered by the "all authority" now given to
Jesus both "in heaven and on earth" is going to successfully "go and make disciples of all
nations" and all this before the Lord Jesus comes back. The supernatural power of the
Sovereign God is going to Christianize the world and nothing can stop it. Negative defeatist
interpretations of the Holy Bible cannot stop it and neither can the personal proclamations
of pessimistic Prophets Of Defeat.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, is going to win
the war for the world. Jesus now has total power everywhere. "All authority in heaven and

on earth has been given to Me."

The Lord Jesus has already conquered Satan, Sin, and Death and He now sits enthroned
at the right hand of God the Father, the position and status of absolute power and "He must
reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" because "God has exalted Him to the
highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven and on earth . . . and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus now reigns and will continue to reign "until He has put all His enemies under His feet."
So? So the Lord Jesus is going to win The Worldwide War Of Evil Versus Good. Jesus
earned His victory on The Cross and He shall have the desires of His heart. And what
does Jesus desire? He desires that all nations be discipled and since He now has
all authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus will get what He desires ~~ therefore all
nations will be discipled which is synonymous with all nations will become Christian
nations. The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords and the King has
commanded that all nations be discipled and the King will be obeyed. Hallelujah.

Be not reluctant to believe that all nations will be discipled. We've all read "For God
so loved the world" and therefore it makes good sense that God will save the world
He loves through the Lordship of His Son Jesus who "shall have dominion from sea
to sea" {Psalm 72:8} while "the whole earth will be filled with His glory {72:19} so that

"all nations will call Him blessed" {72:17}.

Thank You Lord Jesus for shedding Your blood on Calvary's Cross to pay the penalty
for the sins of the world You came to save.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for saving the world. We love You.

Matthew 28:16-20
Phil. 2:8-11
! Cor. 15: 23-27
Col. 2:14-15
Heb. 2:13-14
Heb. 10:13
Rev. 17:14
Rev. 19:16
1 Peter 3:21-22
Rev. 1:5
Eph. 1:19-23
Col. 1:18
Matthew 28:18 {the "all authority" verse}
Dan. 7:13-14

All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The
Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me . Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always to the very end of the age." So? So His Christian Church is going to
obey her Lord and do what He commanded. Will all nations become genuine
Christian nations? Yes. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you" is an accurate description of a true Christian nation.

While we work to disciple the nations, we always keep in mind the mighty power
of the resurrected, ascended, exalted Lord Jesus who is always with us while we
His Christian Church is being successfully obedient to His Great Commission
command. No power in the universe can defeat these four realities:
The Cross ~ the power of The Cross to save the human race.
The Resurrection ~ the power of that Empty Tomb to defeat Death and Sin.
The Ascension ~ the power of "I go to my Father" who loves the world and has a plan to save it.
The Exaltation ~ the power of Being seated at the right hand of the Almighty Sovereign God.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working through
simple Holy Spirit-blessed gospel preaching and powered by the "all authority" now given to
Jesus both "in heaven and on earth" is going to successfully "go and make disciples of all
nations" and all this before the Lord Jesus comes back. The supernatural power of the
Sovereign God is going to Christianize the world and nothing can stop it. Negative defeatist
interpretations of the Holy Bible cannot stop it and neither can the personal proclamations
of pessimistic Prophets Of Defeat.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, is going to win
the war for the world. Jesus now has total power everywhere. "All authority in heaven and

on earth has been given to Me."

The Lord Jesus has already conquered Satan, Sin, and Death and He now sits enthroned
at the right hand of God the Father, the position and status of absolute power and "He must
reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" because "God has exalted Him to the
highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven and on earth . . . and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus now reigns and will continue to reign "until He has put all His enemies under His feet."
So? So the Lord Jesus is going to win The Worldwide War Of Evil Versus Good. Jesus
earned His victory on The Cross and He shall have the desires of His heart. And what
does Jesus desire? He desires that all nations be discipled and since He now has
all authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus will get what He desires ~~ therefore all
nations will be discipled which is synonymous with all nations will become Christian
nations. The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords and the King has
commanded that all nations be discipled and the King will be obeyed. Hallelujah.

Be not reluctant to believe that all nations will be discipled. We've all read "For God
so loved the world" and therefore it makes good sense that God will save the world
He loves through the Lordship of His Son Jesus who "shall have dominion from sea
to sea" {Psalm 72:8} while "the whole earth will be filled with His glory {72:19} so that

"all nations will call Him blessed" {72:17}.

Thank You Lord Jesus for shedding Your blood on Calvary's Cross to pay the penalty
for the sins of the world You came to save.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for saving the world. We love You.

Matthew 28:16-20
Phil. 2:8-11
! Cor. 15: 23-27
Col. 2:14-15
Heb. 2:13-14
Heb. 10:13
Rev. 17:14
Rev. 19:16
1 Peter 3:21-22
Rev. 1:5
Eph. 1:19-23
Col. 1:18
Matthew 28:18 {the "all authority" verse}
Dan. 7:13-14


Much as I hate to try to curb your enthusiasm but Christianity has made little impression in countries like China and India. Even so-called Christian countries in Europe are seeing Church congregations rapidly diminish. I've seen loads of Churches here in the NW of England that closed years ago now used as Martial Arts venues and for other social activities. Ironically my mate's brother - a Muslim buys up Churches in the Blackburn area and converts them into apartments.

"All Nations Will Become Christian Nations". Sorry mate but at this, of all points in human history, that statement seems far more unlikely today than ever before. Only 2.5 billion out of 7 billion people today identify as Christian. Islam has 1.9 billion followers and is growing far faster than Christianity and will overtake it by the end of the century
Much as I hate to try to curb your enthusiasm but Christianity has made little impression in countries like China and India. Even so-called Christian countries in Europe are seeing Church congregations rapidly diminish. I've seen loads of Churches here in the NW of England that closed years ago now used as Martial Arts venues and for other social activities. Ironically my mate's brother - a Muslim buys up Churches in the Blackburn area and converts them into apartments.

"All Nations Will Become Christian Nations". Sorry mate but at this, of all points in human history, that statement seems far more unlikely today than ever before. Only 2.5 billion out of 7 billion people today identify as Christian. Islam has 1.9 billion followers and is growing far faster than Christianity and will overtake it by the end of the century
What the OP, sadly, gets completely wrong in his interpretation, is that the gospel won't make all nations Christian, but that the Christian gospel will have been heard in all nations. And that has happened. Prophesy has been fulfilled.

I'd wager that the OP is some kind of dominionist, which is an extremist, not much different than the Pharisees.
All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The
Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me . Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always to the very end of the age." So? So His Christian Church is going to
obey her Lord and do what He commanded. Will all nations become genuine
Christian nations? Yes. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you" is an accurate description of a true Christian nation.

While we work to disciple the nations, we always keep in mind the mighty power
of the resurrected, ascended, exalted Lord Jesus who is always with us while we
His Christian Church is being successfully obedient to His Great Commission
command. No power in the universe can defeat these four realities:
The Cross ~ the power of The Cross to save the human race.
The Resurrection ~ the power of that Empty Tomb to defeat Death and Sin.
The Ascension ~ the power of "I go to my Father" who loves the world and has a plan to save it.
The Exaltation ~ the power of Being seated at the right hand of the Almighty Sovereign God.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working through
simple Holy Spirit-blessed gospel preaching and powered by the "all authority" now given to
Jesus both "in heaven and on earth" is going to successfully "go and make disciples of all
nations" and all this before the Lord Jesus comes back. The supernatural power of the
Sovereign God is going to Christianize the world and nothing can stop it. Negative defeatist
interpretations of the Holy Bible cannot stop it and neither can the personal proclamations
of pessimistic Prophets Of Defeat.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, is going to win
the war for the world. Jesus now has total power everywhere. "All authority in heaven and

on earth has been given to Me."

The Lord Jesus has already conquered Satan, Sin, and Death and He now sits enthroned
at the right hand of God the Father, the position and status of absolute power and "He must
reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" because "God has exalted Him to the
highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven and on earth . . . and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus now reigns and will continue to reign "until He has put all His enemies under His feet."
So? So the Lord Jesus is going to win The Worldwide War Of Evil Versus Good. Jesus
earned His victory on The Cross and He shall have the desires of His heart. And what
does Jesus desire? He desires that all nations be discipled and since He now has
all authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus will get what He desires ~~ therefore all
nations will be discipled which is synonymous with all nations will become Christian
nations. The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords and the King has
commanded that all nations be discipled and the King will be obeyed. Hallelujah.

Be not reluctant to believe that all nations will be discipled. We've all read "For God
so loved the world" and therefore it makes good sense that God will save the world
He loves through the Lordship of His Son Jesus who "shall have dominion from sea
to sea" {Psalm 72:8} while "the whole earth will be filled with His glory {72:19} so that

"all nations will call Him blessed" {72:17}.

Thank You Lord Jesus for shedding Your blood on Calvary's Cross to pay the penalty
for the sins of the world You came to save.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for saving the world. We love You.

Matthew 28:16-20
Phil. 2:8-11
! Cor. 15: 23-27
Col. 2:14-15
Heb. 2:13-14
Heb. 10:13
Rev. 17:14
Rev. 19:16
1 Peter 3:21-22
Rev. 1:5
Eph. 1:19-23
Col. 1:18
Matthew 28:18 {the "all authority" verse}
Dan. 7:13-14

Yup, the "Healing of the Nations" - Revelation 22:3.
For "God shall be ALL IN ALL" - I Cor 15:28
Because, "ALL NATIONS shall be blessed" - Galatians 3:8
All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The
Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me . Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always to the very end of the age." So? So His Christian Church is going to
obey her Lord and do what He commanded. Will all nations become genuine
Christian nations? Yes. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you" is an accurate description of a true Christian nation.

While we work to disciple the nations, we always keep in mind the mighty power
of the resurrected, ascended, exalted Lord Jesus who is always with us while we
His Christian Church is being successfully obedient to His Great Commission
command. No power in the universe can defeat these four realities:
The Cross ~ the power of The Cross to save the human race.
The Resurrection ~ the power of that Empty Tomb to defeat Death and Sin.
The Ascension ~ the power of "I go to my Father" who loves the world and has a plan to save it.
The Exaltation ~ the power of Being seated at the right hand of the Almighty Sovereign God.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working through
simple Holy Spirit-blessed gospel preaching and powered by the "all authority" now given to
Jesus both "in heaven and on earth" is going to successfully "go and make disciples of all
nations" and all this before the Lord Jesus comes back. The supernatural power of the
Sovereign God is going to Christianize the world and nothing can stop it. Negative defeatist
interpretations of the Holy Bible cannot stop it and neither can the personal proclamations
of pessimistic Prophets Of Defeat.

Jesus' Christian Church, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, is going to win
the war for the world. Jesus now has total power everywhere. "All authority in heaven and

on earth has been given to Me."

The Lord Jesus has already conquered Satan, Sin, and Death and He now sits enthroned
at the right hand of God the Father, the position and status of absolute power and "He must
reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" because "God has exalted Him to the
highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven and on earth . . . and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

Jesus now reigns and will continue to reign "until He has put all His enemies under His feet."
So? So the Lord Jesus is going to win The Worldwide War Of Evil Versus Good. Jesus
earned His victory on The Cross and He shall have the desires of His heart. And what
does Jesus desire? He desires that all nations be discipled and since He now has
all authority in heaven and on earth, Jesus will get what He desires ~~ therefore all
nations will be discipled which is synonymous with all nations will become Christian
nations. The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords and the King has
commanded that all nations be discipled and the King will be obeyed. Hallelujah.

Be not reluctant to believe that all nations will be discipled. We've all read "For God
so loved the world" and therefore it makes good sense that God will save the world
He loves through the Lordship of His Son Jesus who "shall have dominion from sea
to sea" {Psalm 72:8} while "the whole earth will be filled with His glory {72:19} so that

"all nations will call Him blessed" {72:17}.

Thank You Lord Jesus for shedding Your blood on Calvary's Cross to pay the penalty
for the sins of the world You came to save.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for saving the world. We love You.

Matthew 28:16-20
Phil. 2:8-11
! Cor. 15: 23-27
Col. 2:14-15
Heb. 2:13-14
Heb. 10:13
Rev. 17:14
Rev. 19:16
1 Peter 3:21-22
Rev. 1:5
Eph. 1:19-23
Col. 1:18
Matthew 28:18 {the "all authority" verse}
Dan. 7:13-14


Much as I hate to try to curb your enthusiasm but Christianity has made little impression in countries like China and India. Even so-called Christian countries in Europe are seeing Church congregations rapidly diminish. I've seen loads of Churches here in the NW of England that closed years ago now used as Martial Arts venues and for other social activities. Ironically my mate's brother - a Muslim buys up Churches in the Blackburn area and converts them into apartments.

"All Nations Will Become Christian Nations". Sorry mate but at this, of all points in human history, that statement seems far more unlikely today than ever before. Only 2.5 billion out of 7 billion people today identify as Christian. Islam has 1.9 billion followers and is growing far faster than Christianity and will overtake it by the end of the century
That's when Christians will go to war with Muslims in order to thin the herd.
God is in no hurry, it's all in the Fluidity of Art -
Once the Immortals take stage, things will change.
I'm almost there.
All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.
May 10, 2021

Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion,
and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God.
A good attempt at promoting your unconditional beliefs in your bible and your god, but you'll find very little agreement on this forum.

For true and unconditional believers like you, I've started a thread as a place you can take refuge. That thread has effectively managed to prevent the half-christians and the conditional believers from speaking out with specific lies they imagine to be their bibles.

The half-believers still fear their god enough to prevent them from stating any trumped up case against god's word as written in their bibles.
God is in no hurry, it's all in the Fluidity of Art -
Once the Immortals take stage, things will change.
I'm almost there.
He sure isn't in a hurry. He supposedly made this planet for us humans but before us dinorsaurs ruled for a lot longer than we will have once we destroy the planet for humans. I wonder what animal will rule after we are gone.

Trilobites ruled the planet before Dinosaurs. So it's Single cell, the first multi cell life, trilobites, dinosaurs then humans.

Actually aliens visit earth all the time. From their perspective this is the tardigrades planet. They communicate with them not us. We are savages. They also communicate with cuddlefish and dolphins and whales. Not humans. We are destroying the planet. And what would we do to an alien if we captured one? We'd dissect it.
God can save the Universe in a grain of sand.
That means nothing. Another rambling from a bible thumper. It sounds good but what does it even mean?

God won't "save" the universe. Just like it won't save you from dying. But don't worry your energy lives on in the universe. Not YOU but your atoms. You one day will become one again with the universe. Actually you never stopped but remember what it was like before you were born? Yea, that's what it'll be like after you die. Were you sad before you were born? Did you ever get sick? No. So now you know what heaven is going to be like. Just like it was before you were born. Congrats.
God can save the Universe in a grain of sand.
That means nothing. Another rambling from a bible thumper. It sounds good but what does it even mean?

God won't "save" the universe. Just like it won't save you from dying. But don't worry your energy lives on in the universe. Not YOU but your atoms. You one day will become one again with the universe. Actually you never stopped but remember what it was like before you were born? Yea, that's what it'll be like after you die. Were you sad before you were born? Did you ever get sick? No. So now you know what heaven is going to be like. Just like it was before you were born. Congrats.
spoken by just another mortal who has "made a covenant with death and hell" - Isaiah 28:15

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