The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Something struck me about The Sanders Campaign, and well just about everyone running in The Democrat Party, really more appropriately named The DemNazi Party.

They are all Midgets, and their policies are Tyrannical. Every Dem Candidate is a Socialist, and essentially all run the same platform with very few deviations. That makes all of them at a minimum dangerous

Sanders 5'10": His staffers were caught saying that they wanted to arrest Billionaires, confiscate all their wealth and property, then force them to dig ditches and build roads with picks and shovels. They also want to build Gulags and Re-Education Camps for Christians and Conservatives, and Bring Back The Guillotine and Behead People. Genocidal Lethal Tyrant Potential

Biden: 5' 10:" Biden is seriously senile and unstable, and vacillates between Radicalism, and wanting to challenge America to push up contests. He wants us riding bicycles to work like Mao did. Dangerous Tyrant Potential

Warren 5' 7": Wants a War on Wealth and like Bernie, wants free shit for everyone. She wants to tax businesses and Billionaires at a 90% rate. Guess a lot of people are going to be laid off if that happens. She also wants to ban food, gasoline, and common sense. Dangerous Tyrant Potential

Buttigieg 5' 7": Nothing says Tyrant more than a deluded Religious Fanatic who is a member of The Gay Cult and has no clue what The Bible says. He want reparations, wealth redistribution, and will let criminals run free. I rate him Lethal Tyrant Potential.

Bloomberg 5' 5": Now we are getting in to Hitler and Stalin territory. He thinks Trump causes Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Hurricanes. He thinks Americans should have their guns taken away. He is for The Green New Scam entirely. He wants to cut The Prison Population in Half, let Criminals Run Free and take away Citizen's rights to defend themselves. I rate him Nation Killing Tyrant Potential.

Kloubuchar 5' 4": Her platform is the same as everyone else's, Reparations, Free Shit, Let Criminals Run Free. I rate her Near Lethal Tyrant Potential

Also it should be noted that The Democrat party is highly Anti-Semetic, nearly all of them.

For Giggles, Adam Schiff is 5' 9" Pelosi is 5' 5" and Nadler is 5' 3"


Why Are the Tyrants Always Short Guys? — Marion Evans - Ricochet

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I happened to read this yesterday

  • Human beings can be biologically classified into groups by sex and by ancestral population. Like most biological classifications, these groups have fuzzy edges. This complicates things analytically, but no more than that.
  • Many phenotypic differences in personality, abilities, and social behavior that we observe between the sexes, among ancestral populations, and among social classes have a biological component.
  • Growing knowledge about human diversity will inevitably shape the future of the social sciences.

    “The First Duty Of Intelligent Men”—John Derbyshire On Charles Murray’s HUMAN DIVERSITY
I happened to read this yesterday

  • Human beings can be biologically classified into groups by sex and by ancestral population. Like most biological classifications, these groups have fuzzy edges. This complicates things analytically, but no more than that.
  • Many phenotypic differences in personality, abilities, and social behavior that we observe between the sexes, among ancestral populations, and among social classes have a biological component.
  • Growing knowledge about human diversity will inevitably shape the future of the social sciences.

    “The First Duty Of Intelligent Men”—John Derbyshire On Charles Murray’s HUMAN DIVERSITY
Thanks. I will check that article out.
Folks, there is a panacea to the communists who've taken over the Democrat Party. And they need to be deported.

Here it is, from wikipedia:

The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia
Democrats change the language every time they wish, for example when Nancy Pelosi gave up her membership in the Communist Party, she did not change her beliefs and goals. She merely changed the word to "Socialism."

And since the Democrats have no other platform than to destroy what the American Founders put in place, and to impeach those who represent the Founders' beliefs, it's time for us do do a little word-switching, too.

I hereby define Socialism to be a more corrupt kind of Communism because "socialists" are planning giveaways to foreign government as a means of self-enrichment and sharing with other socialists, and excluding all others.

In other words, Communists want complete thought control just like the Communists have or else you go to siberia.

In other words, Communists want to let their lies be considered law.

In other words, Communists want to get cozy with other countries whose governance failed because they went after independent people that farmers must be in order to produce food for a nation. IOW, for their 100 hour weeks, they want a life like everybody else has, enough to pay electricity, purchase more and more expensive equipment that does more farm tasks as they grow older and need safe and working equipment so they can continue to afford living expenses, paying the bank back, high taxes on land that politicians levy against the poor, aging farmers, so the government can take over all agriculture and solicit starving people from other countries to come in on a forced labor understanding, giving their children "free" educations that will make nice little controllable communists to do the dirty work of killing and hurting their parent's friends (someone else will go after getting rid of their parents for them), etc.

In other words, When Hillary Clinton cozied up to the communists in Russia, she offered and agreed using her Secretary of State "shield," 20% of American Uranium resources.

In other words, when Barack Obama handed over the State of Alaska's Alleutian islands containing a trillion dollars worth of oil and gas reserves to fill their tanks, that was not only bad policy, it should have been recognized as illegal, which it was and is.

Both of those two colluded with Russia in a way we cannot win, and additionally, Obama saboteured the entire military complex by trying every trick in Hillary's book to destroy them. Miraculously Russia set a precedent by donating millions of dollars to the "Clinton Library Foundation" from which Candidate Hillary procured funds to beat up Candidate Trump.

Maxine Waters got put in charge of the treasury, and man, oh, man, does she look nice in her new expensive designer wardrobe, designer hairdoos, beauty parlor manicures, etc., etc.

And isn't the empowered Maxine Waters the same Maxine Waters who charged her minions with the task of harassing members of the President's staff? That's the ugliest kind of treason, and Maxine Waters should not be in charge of the United States Treasury allocations of the House, which controls the purse strings of America. That's looney tootin' crazy.

So before the Democrats can do any more damage to the country than they already have organized to do, let's deport the heads of the snake, and there are many. They're constitutional traitors, and they know it, but they don't know we know that they know it.
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Folks, there is a panacea to the communists who've taken over the Democrat Party. And they need to be deported.

Here it is, from wikipedia:

The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia
Democrats change the language every time they wish, for example when Nancy Pelosi gave up her membership in the Communist Party, she did not change her beliefs and goals. She merely changed the word to "Socialism."

And since the Democrats have no other platform than to destroy what the American Founders put in place, and to impeach those who represent the Founders' beliefs, it's time for us do do a little word-switching, too.

I hereby define Socialism to be a more corrupt kind of Communism because "socialists" are planning giveaways to foreign government as a means of self-enrichment and sharing with other socialists, and excluding all others.

In other words, Communists want complete thought control just like the Communists have or else you go to siberia.

In other words, Communists want to let their lies be considered law.

In other words, Communists want to get cozy with other countries whose governance failed because they went after independent people that farmers must be in order to produce food for a nation. IOW, for their 100 hour weeks, they want a life like everybody else has, enough to pay electricity, purchase more and more expensive equipment that does more farm tasks as they grow older and need safe and working equipment so they can continue to afford living expenses, paying the bank back, high taxes on land that politicians levy against the poor, aging farmers, so the government can take over all agriculture and solicit starving people from other countries to come in on a forced labor understanding, giving their children "free" educations that will make nice little controllable communists to do the dirty work of killing and hurting their parent's friends (someone else will go after getting rid of their parents for them), etc.

So before the Democrats can do any more damage to the country than they already have organized to do, let's deport the heads of the snake, and there are many. They're constitutional traitors, and they know it, but they don't know we know that they know it.
Not Bad. We should resurrect that law and enforce it.
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Something struck me about The Sanders Campaign, and well just about everyone running in The Democrat Party, really more appropriately named The DemNazi Party.

They are all Midgets, and their policies are Tyrannical. Every Dem Candidate is a Socialist, and essentially all run the same platform with very few deviations. That makes all of them at a minimum dangerous

Sanders 5'10": His staffers were caught saying that they wanted to arrest Billionaires, confiscate all their wealth and property, then force them to dig ditches and build roads with picks and shovels. They also want to build Gulags and Re-Education Camps for Christians and Conservatives, and Bring Back The Guillotine and Behead People. Genocidal Lethal Tyrant Potential

Biden: 5' 10" Biden is seriously senile and unstable, and vacillates between Radicalism, and wanting to challenge America to push up contests. He wants us riding bicycles to work like Mao did. Dangerous Tyrant Potential

Warren 5' 7": Wants a War on Wealth and like Bernie, wants free shit for everyone. She wants to tax businesses and Billionaires at a 90% rate. Guess a lot of people are going to be laid off if that happens.
She also wants to ban food, gasoline, and common sense. Dangerous Tyrant Potential

Buttigieg 5' 7": Nothing says Tyrant more than a deluded Religious Fanatic who is a member of The Gay Cult and has no clue what The Bible says. He want reparations, wealth redistribution, and will let criminals run free. I rate him Lethal Tyrant Potential.

Bloomberg 5' 5" Now we are getting in to Hitler and Stalin territory. He thinks Trump causes Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Hurricanes. He thinks Americans should have their guns taken away. He is for The Green New Scam entirely. He wants to cut The Prison Population in Half, let Criminals Run Free and take away Citizen's rights to defend themselves. I rate him Nation Killing Tyrant Potential.

Kloubuchar 5' 4": Her platform is the same as everyone else's, Reparations, Free Shit, Let Criminals Run Free. I rate her Near Lethal Tyrant Potential

Also it should be noted that The Democrat party is highly Anti-Semetic, nearly all of them.

For Giggles, Adam Schiff is 5' 9" Pelosi is 5' 5" and Nadler is 5' 3"


Why Are the Tyrants Always Short Guys? — Marion Evans - Ricochet

Its called the "Napoleon Complex"!
Folks, there is a panacea to the communists who've taken over the Democrat Party. And they need to be deported.

Here it is, from wikipedia:

The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia
Democrats change the language every time they wish, for example when Nancy Pelosi gave up her membership in the Communist Party, she did not change her beliefs and goals. She merely changed the word to "Socialism."

And since the Democrats have no other platform than to destroy what the American Founders put in place, and to impeach those who represent the Founders' beliefs, it's time for us do do a little word-switching, too.

I hereby define Socialism to be a more corrupt kind of Communism because "socialists" are planning giveaways to foreign government as a means of self-enrichment and sharing with other socialists, and excluding all others.

In other words, Communists want complete thought control just like the Communists have or else you go to siberia.

In other words, Communists want to let their lies be considered law.

In other words, Communists want to get cozy with other countries whose governance failed because they went after independent people that farmers must be in order to produce food for a nation. IOW, for their 100 hour weeks, they want a life like everybody else has, enough to pay electricity, purchase more and more expensive equipment that does more farm tasks as they grow older and need safe and working equipment so they can continue to afford living expenses, paying the bank back, high taxes on land that politicians levy against the poor, aging farmers, so the government can take over all agriculture and solicit starving people from other countries to come in on a forced labor understanding, giving their children "free" educations that will make nice little controllable communists to do the dirty work of killing and hurting their parent's friends (someone else will go after getting rid of their parents for them), etc.

So before the Democrats can do any more damage to the country than they already have organized to do, let's deport the heads of the snake, and there are many. They're constitutional traitors, and they know it, but they don't know we know that they know it.
No Bad. We should resurrect that law and enforce it.
No resurrection necessary. It's on the books. We simply need a good lawyer to designate that socialism is communism, and even worse, because it is being used as a weapon against the loyal opposition. It created a kind of war that is insidious cancer to American values and principles.
Something struck me about The Sanders Campaign, and well just about everyone running in The Democrat Party, really more appropriately named The DemNazi Party.

They are all Midgets, and their policies are Tyrannical. Every Dem Candidate is a Socialist, and essentially all run the same platform with very few deviations. That makes all of them at a minimum dangerous

Sanders 5'10": His staffers were caught saying that they wanted to arrest Billionaires, confiscate all their wealth and property, then force them to dig ditches and build roads with picks and shovels. They also want to build Gulags and Re-Education Camps for Christians and Conservatives, and Bring Back The Guillotine and Behead People. Genocidal Lethal Tyrant Potential

Biden: 5' 10" Biden is seriously senile and unstable, and vacillates between Radicalism, and wanting to challenge America to push up contests. He wants us riding bicycles to work like Mao did. Dangerous Tyrant Potential

Warren 5' 7": Wants a War on Wealth and like Bernie, wants free shit for everyone. She wants to tax businesses and Billionaires at a 90% rate. Guess a lot of people are going to be laid off if that happens.
She also wants to ban food, gasoline, and common sense. Dangerous Tyrant Potential

Buttigieg 5' 7": Nothing says Tyrant more than a deluded Religious Fanatic who is a member of The Gay Cult and has no clue what The Bible says. He want reparations, wealth redistribution, and will let criminals run free. I rate him Lethal Tyrant Potential.

Bloomberg 5' 5" Now we are getting in to Hitler and Stalin territory. He thinks Trump causes Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Hurricanes. He thinks Americans should have their guns taken away. He is for The Green New Scam entirely. He wants to cut The Prison Population in Half, let Criminals Run Free and take away Citizen's rights to defend themselves. I rate him Nation Killing Tyrant Potential.

Kloubuchar 5' 4": Her platform is the same as everyone else's, Reparations, Free Shit, Let Criminals Run Free. I rate her Near Lethal Tyrant Potential

Also it should be noted that The Democrat party is highly Anti-Semetic, nearly all of them.

For Giggles, Adam Schiff is 5' 9" Pelosi is 5' 5" and Nadler is 5' 3"


Why Are the Tyrants Always Short Guys? — Marion Evans - Ricochet
Its called the "Napoleon Complex"!
The little guys love you:


I want to point out something to your dog about the above-referenced standing law passed by Congress many years ago:
The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia
I am referring to the "Communist-action" organizations clause of the Communist Control Act, and ordering one group of American citizens to target and harass a targeted group of Americans in another branch of government is totally illegal from the 360-degree facets of the best reasoning mankind has.

Maxine Waters created this Communist-action organization to claw at President Trump's helpers to hamper the lawful activities of the Executive Branch. Why the hell isn't this creep behind bars for what she did.

Since she did cease and desist the Communists decided to hit President Trump in another way. They illegally chose to use impeachment in a partisan way. Why aren't communists Nadler and Schiff behind bars? Why isn't Nancy Pelosi who orchestrated this shit with gold and silver pens to impeach the President illegally--why isn't she wearing an orange zoot suit?
The little guys love you:


I want to point out something to your dog about the above-referenced standing law passed by Congress many years ago:
The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia
I am referring to the "Communist-action" organizations clause of the Communist Control Act, and ordering one group of American citizens to target and harass a targeted group of Americans in another branch of government is totally illegal from the 360-degree facets of the best reasoning mankind has.

Maxine Waters created this Communist-action organization to claw at President Trump's helpers to hamper the lawful activities of the Executive Branch. Why the hell isn't this creep behind bars for what she did.

Since she did cease and desist the Communists decided to hit President Trump in another way. They illegally chose to use impeachment in a partisan way. Why aren't communists Nadler and Schiff behind bars? Why isn't Nancy Pelosi who orchestrated this shit with gold and silver pens to impeach the President illegally--why isn't she wearing an orange zoot suit?
Yes, Fat Donnie is the 3rd.
The little guys love you:


I want to point out something to your dog about the above-referenced standing law passed by Congress many years ago:
The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia
I am referring to the "Communist-action" organizations clause of the Communist Control Act, and ordering one group of American citizens to target and harass a targeted group of Americans in another branch of government is totally illegal from the 360-degree facets of the best reasoning mankind has.

Maxine Waters created this Communist-action organization to claw at President Trump's helpers to hamper the lawful activities of the Executive Branch. Why the hell isn't this creep behind bars for what she did.

Since she did cease and desist the Communists decided to hit President Trump in another way. They illegally chose to use impeachment in a partisan way. Why aren't communists Nadler and Schiff behind bars? Why isn't Nancy Pelosi who orchestrated this shit with gold and silver pens to impeach the President illegally--why isn't she wearing an orange zoot suit?
Yes, Fat Donnie is the 3rd.
The only true obesity on this thread is between your communist-supporting ears, sport.
The Democrat party is highly Anti-Semetic


Chuck Schumer = Senate Minority Leader
Dianne Feinstein = Senate Intel Committee Chair
Jerry Nadler = House Judiciary Chair
Henry Waxman
Mikey Bloomberg
Steny Hoyer = #2 ranking Dem in House
Tom Steyer
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Yeah, the Zionist crowd is completely victimized by the "Anti Semitism" of the Dems....


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