All in all, in terms of presidents, the GOP has been quite a failure


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Good ole St. Reagan! Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

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Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

That's what I'm talking about. No one has to prove you stupid.
Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Good ole St. Reagan! Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Good ole St. Reagan! Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

Lol I can’t get over how fucking stupid this is. You’d have a complete idiot to think everything evil is governed by one entity known as the “deep state”. And of course, fucking Trump is above all of this. Why hasn’t Trump done anything about the deep state? What’s he waiting for? All of this is such Juvenile bullshit.
Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Good ole St. Reagan! Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

Let me just start with this question: why are you so sure Trump is not part of this grand conspiracy? What are you basing it on? What information?
Shit....the only damn time we in the middle class that doesn't work for the guberment does well at all is under a republican president....
Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Good ole St. Reagan! Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

Why should anyone care what some radical environmentalist thinks?
Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Good ole St. Reagan! Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

Lol I can’t get over how fucking stupid this is. You’d have a complete idiot to think everything evil is governed by one entity known as the “deep state”. And of course, fucking Trump is above all of this. Why hasn’t Trump done anything about the deep state? What’s he waiting for? All of this is such Juvenile bullshit.

It isn't just one entity. It is called the 1 percent. Even the people on the left were into what was called Occupy Wall street. After Obama though you's pretty much forgot about everything and have gone mad.
its not top to bottom...
its bottom to top...

its not like lunatic presidents enabling lunatics.
its the lunatic base enabling lunatic presidents...
and that base was not this dumb before...

its called "post-modernism" where everyone thinks they know everything...

these lunatics think they know everything from environmental sciences to cellular biology...

in the old times, people at least knew what they didnt know...
Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Good ole St. Reagan! Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

Let me just start with this question: why are you so sure Trump is not part of this grand conspiracy? What are you basing it on? What information?

I am not. That is why I don't throw all my eggs in one basket. Well, I have been studying these things atleast 10 years before Trump was President. For starters it was amazing to watch how nobody really had any problems with Trump besides that he was mean on his reality show. I didn't even like his reality show the Apprentice. But as soon as he said he would run it was an all out assault on his character for 4 straight years. Even a fake impeachment and a fake Russian collusion.

I was also in the military and I know there is actually white hats. Actual good guys in the gov and military that don't want to see the USA fully taken over from the inside out. Trump was there one chance, to pull a coup against the full globalist take over of the USA. And no other president in history that I can think about has exposed how fraudulent the voting systems are. There is also a lot more going on behind the scenes that the Lamestream media would ever report to you.
its not top to bottom...
its bottom to top...

its not like lunatic presidents enabling lunatics.
its the lunatic base enabling lunatic presidents...
and that base was not this dumb before...

its called "post-modernism" where everyone thinks they know everything...

these lunatics think they know everything from environmental sciences to cellular biology...

in the old times, people at least knew what they didnt know...

You are correct. It really is the people on the bottom of the pyramid that keep these entities in power at the top of the pyramid in the first place. So you are correct saying it is our fault.
its not top to bottom...
its bottom to top...

its not like lunatic presidents enabling lunatics.
its the lunatic base enabling lunatic presidents...
and that base was not this dumb before...

its called "post-modernism" where everyone thinks they know everything...

these lunatics think they know everything from environmental sciences to cellular biology...

in the old times, people at least knew what they didnt know...

You are correct. It really is the people on the bottom of the pyramid that keep these entities in power at the top of the pyramid in the first place. So you are correct saying it is our fault.

it is our fault;
to allow mediocrity to take over...
to exercise same rights to both conspiracy theories and credible science in the name of equality...
to demonize "elitism" while allowing post-modernist "know it all" lunatics building a fantasy world around facts and fictions...
to think democracy could survive even in an ignorant society full of fools incapable of distinguishing smoke and mirrors from reality...
I've been here for 88 years and there is not 1 president I will give a passing grade to. Not one. Zilcho. Empty set.
Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Good ole St. Reagan! Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

I liked Reagan and HW Bush. Both were pragmatic, had empathy for others and knew how to govern. Trump has none of these traits and is a grifter to boot.
Remember when republicans would never stop talking about how awesome Reagan was? Now he’s a liberal by today’s standards when it comes to policy. Just look at his views on guns and immigration.

Then there were the two Bush’s. One was one term and the other was dimwitted.

Now we have an idiot like Trump who makes Bush Jr. look like Lincoln. Not only did he fail in all his core campaign promises, but he was impeached and failed to get a second term like daddy Bush. What a pathetic reputation.

What do republicans even have to show for?

That's what I'm talking about. No one has to prove you stupid.
Gee that contradicts the truth of what he said. Lol

trumpkin ijit

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