All Day, Every Day


Good then, you agree that there are different cultures? Then by default there must be inferior and superior cultures. ......

Another illogical conclusion. Remember when I told you how transparent you are?
...." Question: Why is it an illogical conclusion? ....

What a surprise that you are entirely unfamiliar with the concept of logic.

Here you go: The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

This is the part where I ask him what his premise was ....

The premise was yours.

Good then, you agree that there are different cultures? Then by default there must be inferior and superior cultures. ......

Another illogical conclusion. Remember when I told you how transparent you are?
...." Question: Why is it an illogical conclusion? ....

What a surprise that you are entirely unfamiliar with the concept of logic.

Here you go: The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

This is the part where I ask him what his premise was ....

The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?
Another illogical conclusion. Remember when I told you how transparent you are?
...." Question: Why is it an illogical conclusion? ....

What a surprise that you are entirely unfamiliar with the concept of logic.

Here you go: The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

This is the part where I ask him what his premise was ....

The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?
...." Question: Why is it an illogical conclusion? ....

What a surprise that you are entirely unfamiliar with the concept of logic.

Here you go: The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

This is the part where I ask him what his premise was ....

The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?

I would argue that the differences in genetics are so small that they might as well be discounted all together. Of course, different races do suffer, to varying degrees, from different diseases. Other than that there isn't much of a proven difference between races aside from how they look. Whatever direction you thought I was taking this argument you may now put to rest.

Cultures, however, are much more fertile ground for disagreement. This is simply because different cultures have vastly different attitudes and values that lead to different results. Indeed, clearly there are some cultures that are superior to other cultures. This becomes more clear when we break superiority/inferiority down by subject.
What a surprise that you are entirely unfamiliar with the concept of logic.

Here you go: The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

This is the part where I ask him what his premise was ....

The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?

I would argue that the differences in genetics are so small that they might as well be discounted

You would, because your real agenda has been exposed.
What a surprise that you are entirely unfamiliar with the concept of logic.

Here you go: The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

This is the part where I ask him what his premise was ....

The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?

...different cultures have vastly different attitudes and values ...

Such as?
This is the part where I ask him what his premise was ....

The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?

I would argue that the differences in genetics are so small that they might as well be discounted

You would, because your real agenda has been exposed.

And that agenda would be? I spelled everything out quite clearly for you. Your entire "Publius is a racist" argument has been dismantled ad-infanitum. I told you exactly where I stand on the issue of race. Moreover, once I point out the differences in culture, which of course no one can deny, you simply revert back to calling me a racist. You don't think that you're being the least bit disingenuous? Speaking of seeing through others, there is simply an area of argument of which you simply refuse to enter: Culture. I think we all know why.
This is the part where I ask him what his premise was ....

The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?

...different cultures have vastly different attitudes and values ...

Such as?

The different aspects of culture are

Arts and recreation/literature
Customs and traditions
Social Organization

Lets take Asians, for example. Many Asians, not all, value education much more than that of whites, Hispanics, or blacks. This comes from a long standing religion/tradition of Confucianism where the scholar was considered the highest social class (Above farmer and merchant). I can take a Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, or Taiwanese family, whose parents happen to be much less education than that of blacks, place them in the US, and their children will dominate in a US school system. This is not because the parents were able to pass down academic knowledge to their children, but because their parents value education and opportunity enough to make damn sure their children get the most out of an education. There is indeed a reason the Vietnamese dominate Southern California. It has everything to do with culture. The same can be said, but for differing reasons, for many Nigerians and other African countries. The same does not apply to African Americans nor whites to the same degree, though whites value education much more than that of African American blacks and Hispanics. Of course, this is not universal for all blacks, whites, or Hispanics, but on the whole it is a fact nonetheless.

Lemme guess, your going to call this guy racist? See below.

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The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?

...different cultures have vastly different attitudes and values ...

Such as?

The different aspects of culture are...

Yeah, thanks, I know. That is not what I asked.
... Many Asians, not all, value education much more than that of whites, Hispanics, or blacks.


Then how do you explain Asian academic achievement in the US? MIT, the most prestigious engineering, science, and mathematics institution in the United States, is nearly a quarter Asian despite Asians making up only 5% of the US population. How do you explain it? Where are the black Fields Medal Winners at?
And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?

...different cultures have vastly different attitudes and values ...

Such as?

The different aspects of culture are...

Yeah, thanks, I know. That is not what I asked.

You said "such as," referring to my comment that different cultures have different values. I pointed the value of education among differing cultures. You ignored it.
The premise was yours.

And then he yet again cuts off the rest of the sentence so as to ignore it. If you believe there are different cultures then you must believe some cultures are superior to others or simply go down the ignorant road of cultural relativism. Which one are you?

Remember when I told you how transparent you are?

Let's see: You are claiming (without support) that because there are different cultures, therefore some must be "superior" to others. Hmmmmm...and you evidently believe that there are different 'races,' so..........

Oh, but golly, gee you're not racist. No, no, not you...

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, dopey?

I would argue that the differences in genetics are so small that they might as well be discounted

You would, because your real agenda has been exposed.

And that agenda would be?....

Please dopey, it could not be more obvious that you are merely substituting the word "culture" for "race" in order to say the exact same thing. You're not fooling anyone.
... Many Asians, not all, value education much more than that of whites, Hispanics, or blacks.


Then how do you explain Asian academic achievement in the US? MIT, the most prestigious engineering, science, and mathematics institution in the United States, is nearly a quarter Asian despite Asians making up only 5% of the US population. How do you explain it?...

Holy shit, are you really this stupid? YOU didn't attend MIT because (among other things) you suck at math.
MIT, the most prestigious engineering, science, and mathematics institution in the United States, is nearly a quarter Asian despite Asians making up only 5% of the US population. How do you explain it? ...

Hey genius, 10% of MIT undergrads are international students; 42% of grad students. Take a deep breath and try to think about it...
... Many Asians, not all, value education much more than that of whites, Hispanics, or blacks.


Then how do you explain Asian academic achievement in the US? MIT, the most prestigious engineering, science, and mathematics institution in the United States, is nearly a quarter Asian despite Asians making up only 5% of the US population. How do you explain it?...

Holy shit, are you really this stupid? YOU didn't attend MIT because (among other things) you suck at math.

LOL, you got me there. My math scores when I took the GRE were horrible. Seeing as I was going for my MA in history at the time, I suppose it didn't really make a difference. Buy why are Asians over-represented at MIT? Why are you dodging that question?

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