All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
I think there is a red wave building and it will be a definitive win for Trump on election night... States I thought would never be in play are now in Trumps column..
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
I think there is a red wave building and it will be a definitive win for Trump on election night... States I thought would never be in play are now in Trumps column..
I’m not as confident as you are

the election is close enough that it could be decided by dead people voting for biden
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
I think there is a red wave building and it will be a definitive win for Trump on election night... States I thought would never be in play are now in Trumps column..
I’m not as confident as you are

the election is close enough that it could be decided by dead people voting for biden
Pennsylvania is the only one I fear as they removed the signature verification rule. So the mail in votes in that state are 100% suspect. We will see how many Trump supporters show up and vote in person...
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

No, it's going to be a blue tide. You Dem voters don't even need to bother voting.
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

He never "made up 9 points"....The polls were always wrong in the first place.

All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
I think there is a red wave building and it will be a definitive win for Trump on election night... States I thought would never be in play are now in Trumps column..
I’m not as confident as you are

the election is close enough that it could be decided by dead people voting for biden
Pennsylvania is the only one I fear as they removed the signature verification rule. So the mail in votes in that state are 100% suspect. We will see how many Trump supporters show up and vote in person...
Nevada has removed it too....Mass cheatery is in the offing.

The good news is that there's now a deciding vote in the USSC, for the lawsuits that will certainly make their way there.
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call. Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

(Shhhh. Don't tell them we ain't surprised)

All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

It may be stunning but not surprising. When Trump holds massive rallies while Biden can't find the epson salts in his bunker, Trump's numbers will rise.
Hillary fan's feel she screwed up by ignoring the crucial swing states. Biden is doing worse than her. So there you go.
And as we speak Joe Biden hints he will pack the court.... Most Americans do not want this. They keep shooting themselves in the feet....

WELL BOB, Every single thing the Left has done in the past DECADE has been counter to common sense for a party wishing to win! WHY SHOULD THEY CHANGE NOW? Rather than admit their mistakes, they continue to tell themselves their radical plans actually reflect the wishes of the nation!

Problem is that IT DOES-- -- about 1% of it. :laugh2:

All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

He never "made up 9 points"....The polls were always wrong in the first place.

All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
I think there is a red wave building and it will be a definitive win for Trump on election night... States I thought would never be in play are now in Trumps column..
I’m not as confident as you are

the election is close enough that it could be decided by dead people voting for biden
Pennsylvania is the only one I fear as they removed the signature verification rule. So the mail in votes in that state are 100% suspect. We will see how many Trump supporters show up and vote in person...
Nevada has removed it too....Mass cheatery is in the offing.

The good news is that there's now a deciding vote in the USSC, for the lawsuits that will certainly make their way there.
I will give you the polls were skewed to form a narrative and disenfranchise the conservative voters.. But we kind of expected that move from the LSM.

I hope we can challenge the signature rules in those states and get some integrity back in the voting process.
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

He never "made up 9 points"....The polls were always wrong in the first place.

All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
I think there is a red wave building and it will be a definitive win for Trump on election night... States I thought would never be in play are now in Trumps column..
I’m not as confident as you are

the election is close enough that it could be decided by dead people voting for biden
Pennsylvania is the only one I fear as they removed the signature verification rule. So the mail in votes in that state are 100% suspect. We will see how many Trump supporters show up and vote in person...
Nevada has removed it too....Mass cheatery is in the offing.

The good news is that there's now a deciding vote in the USSC, for the lawsuits that will certainly make their way there.
I will give you the polls were skewed to form a narrative and disenfranchise the conservative voters.. But we kind of expected that move from the LSM.

I hope we can challenge the signature rules in those states and get some integrity back in the voting process.
I think they're skewed because their models suck....The intent is conjecture.
What was interesting to me in these polls that Senators races got a bounce from Barrett. These polls were taken a coupl of days back so the full weight of the bounce has not been seen yet. We may just hold the senate as well...
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
I think there is a red wave building and it will be a definitive win for Trump on election night... States I thought would never be in play are now in Trumps column..
I’m not as confident as you are

the election is close enough that it could be decided by dead people voting for biden

Dead people don't vote. You and Trump are degrading democracy in America. Of course you are not alone, Trump called the 2016 election rigged too, and yet when he squeezed by with less than 70,000 votes he acted as if he had a mandate.

He has never once achieved 50% approval, he has failed to curtail the pandemic, and he is responsible for creating the third worst economy since Hoover and Bush. Doing the same thing (voting for Trump) over again is insane.
All Battle Ground States within ONE POINT with One week to go... They are now to close to call.

Stunning that Trump has made up 9 points in a week and he is campaigning like no one ever has after being ill with a COIVD infection. And to add insult to injury the Barrett nomination has given a boost to Republican Senate races across the board.

The race is on...

This is what we have been expecting all along

for months trump haters have been pelting us with lib polls that show biden with an insurmountable lead

and we have remained calm and gone about our business
I think there is a red wave building and it will be a definitive win for Trump on election night... States I thought would never be in play are now in Trumps column..
I’m not as confident as you are

the election is close enough that it could be decided by dead people voting for biden

Dead people don't vote. You and Trump are degrading democracy in America. Of course you are not alone, Trump called the 2016 election rigged too, and yet when he squeezed by with less than 70,000 votes he acted as if he had a mandate.

He has never once achieved 50% approval, he has failed to curtail the pandemic, and he is responsible for creating the third worst economy since Hoover and Bush. Doing the same thing (voting for Trump) over again is insane.
He didn't win by 70,000 voted, Dummy.

He won 304-232

How many times do we have to explain to you imbeciles how a President is elected in the USA?

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