Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib will endorse Bernie Sanders for President

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The SQUAD has gone all in for a 78 year old white man that just had a heart attack....although the only candidate that had openly come out as a left of Putin communist....Nikita, if still alive, would be so proud, as his 1959 quote actually has a chance of coming true!!!


Democratic congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, three of the most influential voices among young RADICAL progressive liberals, will all reportedly endorse Senator Bernie Sanders in his 2020 bid for presidency.

In an article published on Tuesday evening, The Washington Post reported that two unnamed sources with knowledge of the plan said Ocasio-Cortez, 30, will join Sanders, 78, at a campaign rally on Saturday to announce the surprise endorsement. During the fourth Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday, Sanders revealed that a "special guest" would join him in New York. "We're looking forward to Saturday," Corbin Trent, a spokesperson for Ocasio-Cortez, told the Post.

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The SQUAD has gone all in for a 78 year old white man that just had a heart attack....although the only candidate that had openly come out as a left of Putin communist....Nikita, if still alive, would be so proud, as his 1959 quote actually has a chance of coming true!!!


Democratic congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, three of the most influential voices among young RADICAL progressive liberals, will all reportedly endorse Senator Bernie Sanders in his 2020 bid for presidency.

In an article published on Tuesday evening, The Washington Post reported that two unnamed sources with knowledge of the plan said Ocasio-Cortez, 30, will join Sanders, 78, at a campaign rally on Saturday to announce the surprise endorsement. During the fourth Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday, Sanders revealed that a "special guest" would join him in New York. "We're looking forward to Saturday," Corbin Trent, a spokesperson for Ocasio-Cortez, told the Post.

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Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaib set to endorse Bernie Sanders: reports
The Marxist on Capitol Hill have spoken.
Bernie is not a Marxist-----he ain't a. _ _ _ _ __ anythin' He is a burnt out
LSD head, He got lots of money and plays Sugar-daddy to the IDIOT SQUAD

The Washington Post's two unnamed sources.

I love it. Weekend at Bernies. Great movie and accurate. He just had a heart attack and surgery and you think he can be fit to run for President. That’s scary plus he was dealt the death blow with the Dreamless Team backing him. That will give him a heart attack. Biden has Dementia and is going down with his sun Warren is an imbecile and the rest are lost causes.

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The SQUAD has gone all in for a 78 year old white man that just had a heart attack....although the only candidate that had openly come out as a left of Putin communist....Nikita, if still alive, would be so proud, as his 1959 quote actually has a chance of coming true!!!


Democratic congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, three of the most influential voices among young RADICAL progressive liberals, will all reportedly endorse Senator Bernie Sanders in his 2020 bid for presidency.

In an article published on Tuesday evening, The Washington Post reported that two unnamed sources with knowledge of the plan said Ocasio-Cortez, 30, will join Sanders, 78, at a campaign rally on Saturday to announce the surprise endorsement. During the fourth Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday, Sanders revealed that a "special guest" would join him in New York. "We're looking forward to Saturday," Corbin Trent, a spokesperson for Ocasio-Cortez, told the Post.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaib set to endorse Bernie Sanders: reports
The Marxist on Capitol Hill have spoken.
Omar' pretty dumb:

Check out this Omar tweet:

Ilhan Omar


Let these facts sink in:
-The 1% is paying less in taxes than everyone else.
-27 million Americans don’t have health insurance.

We can address both issues by taxing the wealthy to fund #MedicareForAll. Let’s get it done when we get back to Washington. …

“The 1% is paying less in taxes than anyone else”? This is idiotic. The IRS says that the top 1.2 percent of income tax returns account for 51.5% of all individual income taxes paid. This is more than double the 1%’s share of national income. Top income earners pay far more than their fair share.

Is is possible that Ilhan Omar is this dumb? The U.S. has the most progressive personal income tax system of any developed country. Our personal tax system is more progressive than Sweden’s, more progressive than the U.K.’s, more progressive than Denmark’s, more progressive than Norway’s.

I think it is almost inconceivable that someone who has served in the Minnesota House of Representatives and in Congress does not know how progressive America’s tax system is. She can’t possibly be unaware that the vast majority of Americans are, to one degree or another, free riders, coasting (and in many cases receiving checks) on the coattails of the top 1% or 5% or 10% of income earners. If she is that ill-informed, she should be recalled. But I think more likely, she is secure in the knowledge that no news source in the United States, let alone her district, wants to expose her left-wing lies.

Omar Lies About the 'Rich'
Bernie is jewish, not white which proves the anti-israel comments by the savage muslims of "the squad" are controlled opposition.
Bernie is not a Marxist-----he ain't a. _ _ _ _ __ anythin' He is a burnt out
LSD head, He got lots of money and plays Sugar-daddy to the IDIOT SQUAD
Bernie by a radio host is a Menshavik. Like Lenin. Hillary if the Menshaviks attained power would be a Bolshevik. Like Stalin.The former ones are the ideas of the Communist movement. The latter ones the realities implemented.
Bernie is not a Marxist-----he ain't a. _ _ _ _ __ anythin' He is a burnt out
LSD head, He got lots of money and plays Sugar-daddy to the IDIOT SQUAD
Bernie by a radio host is a Menshavik. Like Lenin. Hillary if the Menshaviks attained power would be a Bolshevik. Like Stalin.The former ones are the ideas of the Communist movement. The latter ones the realities implemented.

ok a Menshevik-----burnt out LSD head. I am a child of the 1960s I know
the type.
IMO Crazy Bernie never took psychedelics. He is simply a variation of these inbred creeps who control the MSM who Tucker exposes as pathetic, leftist rapists.


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