It's Despicable


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2020
Young American Jewish Students in Harvard, and many other American Collages are calling for a cease-fire in the Middle East, they are UN-Lawfully shutting down the bridge near Boston University.... Is this what our Tax-Payers are paying for” Is this what are sending our children to the best Schools in the country for?
There Pro-Palestinian protesters are blocking traffic on bridges in Boston and San Francisco during rush hour in the morning traffic to call for a cease-fire in Gaza as Israel continues to target the Hamas leadership more than a month after the militant group’s deadly incursion into Israel. These IGNORANT “students” were climbing up buildings to Tear Down American Flags, and wave Palestinians Flags instead. !

On the Boston University bridge, the group of "Collage Students" , who says they represent members of Boston’s Jewish community, chanted “Death to Israel, Death to America!” and demanded that Sen. Elizabeth Warren, demands an immediate cease-fire and use her influence to stop the Israeli government’s military retaliation in Gaza.

The protest slowed traffic to a trickle on the bridge, which connects Boston and Cambridge, as the group held signs that said, “Let Gaza Live,” and "Death to Israel, Death to America" installed a banner across the highway that read, “Jews said: "Death to Israel, Death to America"

These violent, and Savagely Hamas Militants, and their supporters face an existential threat at the hands of the Israeli Defense Forces and desperately needs a cease-fire to escape, re-group, and re-arm themselves to do further damage . The American Progressive Communists are trying desperately to have a Cease Fire immediately but the .Israeli Defense Forces will not hear anything about it. Not after the Disgusting Attack that they performed on Oct. 7th.
The Progressive Socialist Democratic party is mostly openly “Antisemitic” and openly looking to complete the job that theydid on Oct. 7th... But they will feel the consequences of what they had done. Especially the American Congress people including Jamaal Bowman of New York.
Al Green of Texas, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.
Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and especially Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, among others will feel the Wrath, and the indignation, of the October 7th attack. .They are the New Nazi Party of the Modern World. And it won’t be forgotten. This Party is Despicable! Those are the people of the Democratic party who declined to endorse a resolution to Condemn the “Barbaric War” launched by the Hamas Terrorists against Israel.
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These students are being radicalized by the administration in these universities around the country.

The media is not covering it, just like they did not cover the pro-Israel march at the Swamp a few days ago with about 300,000 people showing up to march.

All you hear is some talk about increased Jewish and Muslim hate, but we all know the truth, only Jews on campus at these universities are scared.

Don't expect Joe Blow to do anything about it.

Obama Bin Laden and al-qaeda, this is who the students and the universities are giving aid and comfort to, our enemies.

9/11, on two separate dates, we were attacked.

The first 9/11 we lost thousands of americans, the second 9/11 just an ambassador.

The students are celebrating our defeat, encouraging our enemies, and literally peeing on the graves of those who have fallen to terrorism.

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