Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?

Won't it be funny now if the subcontractor they hire is unionized?
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?

The gift that keeps on giving. I guess being so young, she doesn't realize that's why a lot of businesses either moved out of the state, or the country altogether; to get away from the unions. The woman is a job killer. First Amazon, and now this.
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?

That's OK, they can just go work for Amazo...oopsies
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?

Won't it be funny now if the subcontractor they hire is unionized?

That doesn't matter as subcontractors will quote each job.
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?
Oh Geeze! After the Amazon debacle?

FRIEND OF THE WORKINGMAN: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize.

Bright Power had hired a full-time workforce, employing them for the last four years. But before that, the company used subcontractors.

Unsurprisingly, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez was displeased with the company’s actions.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Many have told me they think the pro-justice & worker provisions in the Green New Deal are “unnecessary.”

Yet this example is why a just transition is vital. Without it, oil barons turn into energy barons, & workers are hurt all the same.

Bright Power must be held accountable. …

Lauren Kaori Gurley@LaurenKGurley

SCOOP: These NYC construction workers (inspired by @AOC's Green New Deal) formed the first union at a solar energy company in the state. On Monday, the company fired all of them. …

Chris Schroth, one of the fired solar workers, was also understandably miffed.

“This is obviously retaliation for union organizing,” Schroth said. “The total hypocrisy of their progressive mission as a green energy company is disgusting. They did everything that a big bad union busting company does. This is exactly what a coal company or any other evil company does.”

“We were belittled and ignored,” another worker anonymously told Vice. “They never told us we had to do anything but there was implied punishment if we didn’t.”

I guess your lesson, here, is not to take job advice from a socialist.
The gift that keeps on giving. I guess being so young, she doesn't realize that's why a lot of businesses either moved out of the state, or the country altogether; to get away from the unions. The woman is a job killer. First Amazon, and now this.

Not to worry....she has a brilliant plan.......

Just replace all those companies and their revenues with heavy taxation on the remaining population to grown government !!!

Problem solved! Isn't she a genius? (Along with Bernie) :113:
The gift that keeps on giving. I guess being so young, she doesn't realize that's why a lot of businesses either moved out of the state, or the country altogether; to get away from the unions. The woman is a job killer. First Amazon, and now this.

Not to worry....she has a brilliant plan.......

Just replace all those companies and their revenues with heavy taxation on the remaining population to grown government !!!

Problem solved! Isn't she a genius? (Along with Bernie) :113:

As long as her plan works for another 11 years, because I guess that's all we need to worry about.
The gift that keeps on giving. I guess being so young, she doesn't realize that's why a lot of businesses either moved out of the state, or the country altogether; to get away from the unions. The woman is a job killer. First Amazon, and now this.

Not to worry....she has a brilliant plan.......

Just replace all those companies and their revenues with heavy taxation on the remaining population to grown government !!!

Problem solved! Isn't she a genius? (Along with Bernie) :113:
Oh dang, these people and their bubble. Trump took 30 states to Dem's 20 last time, this time it might be 35 to 15.

BLACKS, TOO. Millions of Latinos Will Vote For Trump. Ruben Navarette isn’t happy about it, but he can face facts: “Trump is likely to do better than expected with Latino voters.”

AOC seems to think she is the leader of the "masses" and she's dumb as a brick and folks have already figured that out.

When folks think about whether they should follow her policies or Trump's she makes the choice easy.


Dear progressives:Hispanics are not 'Latinx.' Stop trying to Anglicize our Spanish language.

Another thing that "progressives" don't understand is that what they call "latinx" are just Americans. They see themselves as Americans. They’re ambivalent about their heritage, relatives, ancestors. They don’t take offense when Trump insults Mexican immigrants because they are Americans. "Progressives" view them as something else.

Consider the views of Chris Salcedo, a conservative Mexican-American radio host in Texas who bills himself as a “liberty loving Latino.”

“I’ve always resented the hell out of liberals, in the press and out of the press, who have said that I, because of my Latino surname, have anything in common with someone who is breaking into my country without our permission,” Salcedo told me. “When the president cracks down on illegal border crossings and human trafficking, I do not believe he’s attacking me — because I also want to stop those same things.”

More and more Latinos have found their way to Trump. Good for them.
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?

Won't it be funny now if the subcontractor they hire is unionized?

No. The "employer" wants to take his company 100% 10-99 workers. He fires everyone on paper.

“It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?

Won't it be funny now if the subcontractor they hire is unionized?

No. The "employer" wants to take his company 100% 10-99 workers. He fires everyone on paper.

“It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Yup. Unions enact "work rules", those harm the business for no reason. Thus, the entire work force gets fired.

It's pretty simple.
"The owners of a solar power company fired their entire workforce after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agitated the workers and urged them to unionize.

Looks like having the queen of the Green New Deal telling them to unionize was probably not the best advice, huh?

Last week, Bright Power decided to fire its staff and farm all the work out to subcontractors instead of maintaining their own workforce. The firing occurred just as the workers were following Ocasio-Cortez’s advice to form a union.

Trending: 3/4 Of The ‘Squad’ Is Under Financial Investigation

“We have come to the conclusion that our resources have been spread too thin with so many different kinds of work all being done in-house,” Bright Power CEO Jeffrey Perlman
said according to “It makes business sense to return to a fully subcontracted solar installation model"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize

Isn't she just the greatest little job killer?
This sort of shit is the lefts modus operandi. Everyone makes an unsustainable wage or nobody works. The endgame is a total dependency on the government.

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