Shani Winter joins IDF

Penelope trying to make up excuses for Hamas war criminals.

Color me surprised.

I stating they were provoked and Israel gov. knew they would be but didn't care, better for a few to die for the greater good remember.

Would you think the same had the "few" who died were your kids?

What is sickening is a society that glorifies killing and how this girl has been taught from the womb to be a killer sickening sickening sickening!

There is an incredible amount of proof of the Palestinians doing exactly what you just described. I guess being away from USMB for a while, you still didn't get a brain. You're still a dumb IslamoNazi :)
Meanwhile, Muslims do their recruiting in prisons by converting convicts and criminals into Islam. No is after, a perfect fit.

Islam is the disease, IDF is the cure. :clap:

Truth is, IslamoNazi pussies are afraid of IDF women. They don't know how to handle them. Too tough, independent and assertive. They're used to treating women like cattle or property. Goes with their filthy shariah mentality.


Jewish women were fighting for the Russians in WWII, and also Muslim women are not whimps either. Its a same really. When I look back on my service years I think how crazy I was. I hope those two girls never have to fire a shot.

Palestinian Muslims were fighting for the Nazis.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Rude-ee making things up again, and still touting his ridiculous blog *sigh*. "Palestinian Muslims were fighting for the Nazis?" Really? So were 150,000 Jewish Germans, according to these books:

Hitler s Jewish Soldiers The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military Modern War Studies Bryan Mark Rigg 9780700613588 Books

Lives of Hitler s Jewish Soldiers Untold Tales of Men of Jewish Descent Who Fought for the Third Reich Modern War Studies Bryan Mark Rigg 9780700616381 Books

not to mention all the Zionist Jewish collaborators:

51 Documents Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis eBook Lenni Brenner Kindle Store

The Transfer Agreement The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine Edwin Black 9780914153139 Books
Since this is off topic I'm going to comment once hopefully that would settle the debate.
During the Nazi regime many Jews happened to be trapped in Germany, some had a shelter at non Jews and many others had to hide their identity (Like during the Inquisition in Spain) and where would be the last place the Nazis would search for Jews?
One thing we know for sure, Daniyel , is that Challenger nor fanger (Jos) or Penelope wouldn't have hid the Jews like the Righteous Gentiles did. They would instead have pointed them out to the Nazis. Every time I see one of the ant-Semites bring up The Transfer Agreement, which is such a favorite on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites, I can see that they certainly wouldn't haven't wanted to see the Jews transfer any equipment to the Nazis to save some fellow Jews. They would rather have had these other Jews sent to the concentration camps to be killed. I wonder why the anti-Semites never bring up Edwin Blacks other book. Maybe they should listen to Edwin Black discussing this book.

Book Discussion Farhud Roots Arab-Nazi Alliance Video
I knew fanger was Jos. Same postings. Haha
May no harm ever come to her ... and may she bring up children who will be Torah scholars. (May the prayer of this ger be heard in heaven.)
I knew Israel had to do an action to cause this unthinkable act, and well sure enough:
Israel had warned of possible trouble
The attack came at a time of high alert. Israeli security forces had warned of possible terrorist attacks after Israel began construction this week on a controversial housing project in predominately Arab East Jerusalem.
Palestinian officials, including Arafat, strongly opposed the construction but urged followers not to resort to violent protests
CNN - Bomber 3 women killed in Tel Aviv blast - Mar. 21 1997

So it must be acceptable for Israel to bomb gaza every time the Palestinians do something they don't like.
By the way pre 1948 East Jerusalem was predominantly Jewish, until the arab muslims forcible removed them from the place.
Penelope trying to make up excuses for Hamas war criminals.

Color me surprised.

Answer my question, if two 6 months old babies were hurt , Israel would of said so in 97 and they would of made a huge deal out of it , and they obviously didn't know the difference between a baby girl and baby boy.

Because the Jews are not as morbid as the arab muslims and don't throw dead babies in the faces of the worlds media. ISLAMONAZI PROPANDA is to use pictures of dead people from all over the world and pass them off as palestinians

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