Always Faithful
Biden did not consider Canada, he wanted to cancel any good that President Trump did in his four years. Canada was damaged into billions of dollars and have decided to make Biden account for why he caused such a major loss to his northern neighbor to the international community. Where else could they go? Then Biden went a-courting American enemies Iran (whose ayatollah wanted to blast America and Israel "off the face of the map," Venezuela, whose premier has monopolized government into his unfriendly hands, and the Saudi Arabians who flat out turned him down because of his treachery to Canada without a thought he was backstabbing the best neighbor we could possibly have. Canada has been our friends for hundreds of years, and we've always worked with them when called upon. But not Biden the dictatorial president! I hope he reinstates the pipeline or resigns from office that he has soiled along with the credibility of this naiton in matters of prosperity and instilled in some states six dollar a gallon gasoline and even higher farm expenditures on through the roof diesel fuel for tractors and other farm equipment. I want Biden to the bargain table to reinstate the pipeline in order to lower the prices of fuel that will also lower the transportation costs of every commodity known to this nation that we can't get anymore due to the treachery of Joe Biden with foreign countries and also with half the nation's population who are conservatives. President Biden, tear down your evil side because "vengeance is mine saith the Lord."