Alabama fights for freedom


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
only 32% of Alabama supports gay marriage.
41 counties are currently defying the unconstitutional order handed down from the Federal government and refusing to issue homosexual marriage licenses.
an Alabama judge said yesterday he will not issue homosexual marriage licenses but today said he will.
he says "the dust has settled" and soon the federal government (probably the Supreme Court) will legalize gay marriage nation wide.
folks, everyone in America didn't wake up on the same day and decide to legalize gay marriage.
this is another clear cut case of how a few anti-democratic government leaders are forcing policy on the American public
So in your world, repressing homosexuals = fighting for freedom?
Pretty much, goes with the absurd comparisons of LGBT rights groups to Nazis or Communists (which is ironic considering both Nazi Germany and the USSR put gay people in prison, or just straight out killed them).

The Confederates claimed they were 'fighting for freedom' too, but just for freedom of whites only. ;)
So in your world, repressing homosexuals = fighting for freedom?
Pretty much, goes with the absurd comparisons of LGBT rights groups to Nazis or Communists (which is ironic considering both Nazi Germany and the USSR put gay people in prison, or just straight out killed them).

The Confederates claimed they were 'fighting for freedom' too, but just for freedom of whites only. ;)

You should probably learn some history.
So in your world, repressing homosexuals = fighting for freedom?

If we don't have the right to deny gays access to marriage without any rationale basis are any if us truly free? lol
Yep, if we aren't allowed to keep children as slaves, and discriminate against anyone we don't like.
So in your world, repressing homosexuals = fighting for freedom?
Pretty much, goes with the absurd comparisons of LGBT rights groups to Nazis or Communists (which is ironic considering both Nazi Germany and the USSR put gay people in prison, or just straight out killed them).

The Confederates claimed they were 'fighting for freedom' too, but just for freedom of whites only. ;)

You should probably learn some history.
You should stop re-writing it.

Edit: Here's a whole page of quotes, oh look here: Selected Quotations
Methodist Rev. John T. Wightman, preaching at Yorkville, South Carolina: "The triumphs of Christianity rest this very hour upon slavery; and slavery depends on the triumphs of the South . . . This war is the servant of slavery." [The Glory of God, the Defence of the South (1861), cited in Eugene Genovese's Consuming Fire (1998)].
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Moore's stunt is nothing more than a ploy to try climb into the Governor's chair. He will likely be handed his hat...again.
Moore's stunt is nothing more than a ploy to try climb into the Governor's chair. He will likely be handed his hat...again.
Like most political figures that go on and on about the 'gay agenda', in desperation to keep politically relevant in the eyes of heavily conservative Republicans.
only 32% of Alabama supports gay marriage.
41 counties are currently defying the unconstitutional order handed down from the Federal government and refusing to issue homosexual marriage licenses.
an Alabama judge said yesterday he will not issue homosexual marriage licenses but today said he will.
he says "the dust has settled" and soon the federal government (probably the Supreme Court) will legalize gay marriage nation wide.
folks, everyone in America didn't wake up on the same day and decide to legalize gay marriage.
this is another clear cut case of how a few anti-democratic government leaders are forcing policy on the American public
Good. We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic so anti-democratic leaders are perfectly in line with the values and morals of this nation as well as its founding.
Moore's stunt is nothing more than a ploy to try climb into the Governor's chair. He will likely be handed his hat...again.
His efforts will win him a place up there with Wallace, idolized by old, ignorant Granny, relegated to the rocking chair in the corner during family get-togethers.....
only 32% of Alabama supports gay marriage.
41 counties are currently defying the unconstitutional order handed down from the Federal government and refusing to issue homosexual marriage licenses.
an Alabama judge said yesterday he will not issue homosexual marriage licenses but today said he will.
he says "the dust has settled" and soon the federal government (probably the Supreme Court) will legalize gay marriage nation wide.
folks, everyone in America didn't wake up on the same day and decide to legalize gay marriage.
this is another clear cut case of how a few anti-democratic government leaders are forcing policy on the American public
This is as ridiculous as it is ignorant.
We don't vote on Civil Rights. That is the job of our courts.
Forcing the subsidization of buttfucking or muff diving is not a civil right.
Whoa, whoa... back up...

You mean the American government is going to pay people to buttfuck? Amazing! Do you have a link for that?

Are the subsidies for gay men as well as hetero couples? You don't specify here. And as we all know, there is a lot of buttfucking going on in both camps.
The only oppression here is the judiciary oppressing a sovereign people.
The judiciary don't make laws. You know that.

The American government system of checks and balances worked very well here.
That's a joke, right?
That is exactly what is going on. The people of ALabama voted to define marriage in a particular way. The judiciary has usurped that power from the people, imposing their own defintion. That is the very defintiion of tyranny.
"Alabama fights for freedom"

Actually not.

That certain ignorant, hateful individuals holding office in Alabama seek to defy the Constitution and violate Supremacy Clause jurisprudence is not 'fighting for freedom,' it's fighting for ignorance and hate.

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