Alabama becomes the 22nd Constitutional Carry permit needed to carry a gun if you are a law abiding citizen.

The enforcement of the 2nd Amendment is in its infancy.

Mmmmkay . . . Do you believe panicked Hawaii's proposal for a new concealed carry law is constitutional? It will make the permit only valid for 6 months and for new and renewals, the state is going to require 22 hours of training with live fire and also require the person carry and deploy a taser before deadly force . . . Are those "regulations" constitutional?

Which is exactly what's happening in Alabama and Georgia and Nebraska and in SCOTUS with NYSRPA v Bruen! You act like you know what's going on in the gun rights scene but you sound like you are speaking from the 1990's . . .

What exact judicial decisions represent your judicial 2nd Amendment? My consideration of the 2nd Amendment is represented in all SCOTUS 2ndA precedent; are you claiming the now invalid / abrogated by SCOTUS collective right decisions from the lower federal courts? Given the origin of your theory (Blocher /Winkler) that seems to be the case.

Hey....White6....this.....this is why mandatory training and fees are wrong.........

Mmmmkay . . . Do you believe panicked Hawaii's proposal for a new concealed carry law is constitutional? It will make the permit only valid for 6 months and for new and renewals, the state is going to require 22 hours of training with live fire and also require the person carry and deploy a taser before deadly force . . . Are those "regulations" constitutional?
As far as I'm concerned, you can keep them and bear them at the house, for protection of you, your family, and your castle or hovel as the case may be. You should be regulated as to carrying in public. I agree with most of the law enforcement organizations that have spoken out against it, but went ignored. brought up by Abatis....

  1. Reducing the term of a license to carry a handgun from
    one year to six months to ensure those permitted are
    properly trained at all times; and
  2. (4) Requiring non—lethal electric guns, also known as
    tasers, to be carried when carrying a firearm.
  3. ------
    a total of at least sixteen hours of
  4. --------
    a total of at least two hours of firing training at a firing range and a total of at least four hours of classroom instruction, which may include

I have a friend who works 50-60 hours a week, has a family....can't afford the 16 ours of time needed to get a concealed carry permit in Illinois........

This is how they ban gun ownership by other means...
Nobody, yet. Mostly because a would've assailant knows I'm not helpless. They take one look at me and say, "that white boy's probably strapped. I ain't fuckin with him". At that point, my carry piece has done exactly what I need it to do. That and my situational awareness keeps me out of positions where a bad guy would have the upper hand.

You? You've just been lucky up til
Why does everyday life altercations have to be presumed solvable with a gun?
A lot of states supported slavery as well and then Jim crow...
See what I mean. States make lousy choice at time, supporting really stupid things, like slavery and arming 18 year olds with no training. Heck, in Rhode island, you can't marry her, but you can screw your sister if she is 16 years old and good with it, with no criminal charges whatsoever.
And all of us Americans would be very happy if you never cast a shadow on our country. Even better would be if you would refrain from commenting about us; it has been a long time since we cared what a piss-soaked Brit thought about us.
Have you ever thought of placing your face in a meat grinder and emigrating?
Europe is more fucked up.....another war on the continent......after the socialists in Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children, and the Russian murdered 25 million...

When are you morons going to wise up and realize that only having the guns in the hands of government agents is never a good idea?
Ah 2aguy, the forum gun nut with gun nut shite. We don't live in Russia, moron.

And Europeans can do whatever they want, we're not part of that dictatorship.
See what I mean. States make lousy choice at time, supporting really stupid things, like slavery and arming 18 year olds with no training. Heck, in Rhode island, you can't marry her, but you can screw your sister if she is 16 years old and good with it, with no criminal charges whatsoever.

And you fail to respond to the fact that Hawaii is trying to make the training requirements so "outrageous," that people will not be able to get through them......

And since you agree that states make lousy choices, you are again simply supporting my position...........

You are for allowing states to make bad decisions against your Right to own and carry a gun......
Why does everyday life altercations have to be presumed solvable with a gun?

They don't, and aren't...

Murder, rape, robbery, beatings, stabbings, ethnic cleansing, genocide, foreign invasions are the problems solvable with guns in the hands of good people.....
I think they call that deregulating, as they used to have a regulation against it.

Choosing not to restrict lawful citizen action is still exercising the power of regulating.

The liberty of "constitutional carry" is not extended to all persons living in the state; it is STILL unlawful for an illegal alien or those with qualifying criminal convictions or a mentally impaired person or someone dishonorably discharged from the military, etc., etc., etc., to carry a gun for any reason.

That focused attention on those specific persons society has deemed unqualified to exercise the right to bear arms -- as opposed to a generalized unfocused law where all desiring to carry for self defense must prove worthiness -- is most certainly exercising regulatory power.

And as the Russians are shot by Ukrainians with rifles and just goes right over your tiny head...
I would imagine the UK army and the civiliana with shotguns, pistols and rifles would shoot invaders too. See how it works, pillock.
I would imagine the UK army and the civiliana with shotguns, pistols and rifles would shoot invaders too. See how it works, pillock.

Shotguns are not long range weapons...rifles are.........and without the U.S., and our rifles, Brits would be speaking Russian today........

More than 91 percent of respondents support the concealed carry of firearms by civilians who have not been convicted of a felony and/or not been deemed psychologically/medically incapable.
A full 86 percent feel that casualties would have been reduced or avoided in recent tragedies like Newtown and Aurora if a legally-armed citizen was present (casualties reduced: 80 percent; avoided altogether: 60 percent).
Police Gun Control Survey: Are legally-armed citizens the best solution to gun violence?

National Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Surveys on Concealed Handgun Reciprocity and other issues

National Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Surveys on Concealed Handgun Reciprocity and other issues - Crime Prevention Research Center

Concealed carry reciprocity: Support

29th annual Survey..... 88.62%

Can armed citizens help lower violent crime activity: Support

Sounds like no luck getting guns away from gangs in Chicago, so arm everybody, in order for them to have a sporting chance.
Hey, I don't agree, but my state went the same way. The only advantage to me, is with permit that I can carry in state parks, and of course my permit to carry is valid in most states in the country, while, you had best not be caught carrying in TN if from another state, without a permit.
Choosing not to restrict lawful citizen action is still exercising the power of regulating.

The liberty of "constitutional carry" is not extended to all persons living in the state; it is STILL unlawful for an illegal alien or those with qualifying criminal convictions or a mentally impaired person or someone dishonorably discharged from the military, etc., etc., etc., to carry a gun for any reason.

That focused attention on those specific persons society has deemed unqualified to exercise the right to bear arms -- as opposed to a generalized unfocused law where all desiring to carry for self defense must prove worthiness -- is most certainly exercising regulatory power.


Notice that White6 did not address your Hawaii question.........
You mean the 1941 to 1945 war?

And the 77 years after doofus.....the U.S.....and our guns, have kept you European idiots from going to war for 77 years.........

You are welcome.......our guns did that....
And the 77 years after doofus.....the U.S.....and our guns, have kept you European idiots from going to war for 77 years.........

You are welcome.......our guns did that....
Many were fighting from 1939, but the world thanks you for your usual late entry. Fucking retards
Many were fighting from 1939, but the world thanks you for your usual late entry. Fucking retards

We had to step in after you morons allowed the German socialists to kick your asses.........after you disarmed all of your people and made it possible for him to hold your countries........

Switzerland kept that from happening by keeping their guys gave up your guns and 15 million innocent men, women and children were murdered....
And the 77 years after doofus.....the U.S.....and our guns, have kept you European idiots from going to war for 77 years.........

You are welcome.......our guns did that....

Whenever a Euroweenie goes on about what they feel about the USA and our guns I used to ask:

Are you from a country whose ass we saved, or whose ass we kicked?

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