Al Gore Team Eyeing 2016 Run: Report

No sir. I don't remember ANY Republican attacking Senator Lieberman for being Jewish. I do remember Liberals attacking him when he ran for the Senate as an independent and Liberals attacking Mitt Romney for being a Mormon.
Can you provide some quotes of Republicans making anti-semitic remarks towards the former Senator from Connecticut?

Remember sir, that he was my Senator before I left my home state for warmer weather. I did follow him as I would anyone I was deciding to vote for or against.
The Anti-Semitism Comes Out Against Joe Lieberman Augean Stables

After Sen. Joe Lieberman’s speech at the RNC, I predicted that there would be attacks on the blogs, especially in the comments section, that vilify him in anti-Semitic terms. Lieberman would be portrayed as really representing Israel’s interests in the more subtle attacks, and as a treacherous Jew in the more direct. Here is some of what I found-

From the comments on Ben Smith’s Politico post, “Gibbs Slams Lieberman

Leiberman beleives that McCain’s policy of keeping troops in the M.E. indefinately is better for Israel’s security. That is the reason, the one and only reason that Leiberman supports McCain. So, you have to ask yourself, what is it when someone puts another nation’s interests above ours? Treason.

Lieberman should just cut out the middleman and go run for Israeli PM.

How can you question Joe Lieberman’s patriotism? He clearly loves his country. The only question is which country?

Lieberman (I-Israel) is the most pathetic figure in American politics. You can have him Repugs! Enjoy!

I hear Liebs may run as Bob Barr’s veep now unless Israel calls offers this clown a cabinet poosition as Secretary of War. It’s all he cares about.
No sir. I don't remember ANY Republican attacking Senator Lieberman for being Jewish. I do remember Liberals attacking him when he ran for the Senate as an independent and Liberals attacking Mitt Romney for being a Mormon.
Can you provide some quotes of Republicans making anti-semitic remarks towards the former Senator from Connecticut?

Remember sir, that he was my Senator before I left my home state for warmer weather. I did follow him as I would anyone I was deciding to vote for or against.
I didn't save any quotes from 15 years ago.
“Country first.”

Aye, but which country?

I didn’t like ol’ Joe as democrat. I don’t like ol’ Joe as an independent, and I will not like ol’ Joe as secretary of defense for ol’ John. These two ol’ characters want to take over the middle east and turn it over to Isreal.

Lieberman is a shill for right-wing AIPAC Jews, and his ONLY interest and role in American politics is ensuring BOTH parties swear allegiance to the right-wing Jew agenda.

He is an absolute embarrassment to anyone who loves the democratic process.

I was hoping his Republican masters would make Lieberman put on a little show after the speech… perhaps some softshoe to send the delegates home with. Make him earn those 20 silver pieces!

From the comments on Matthew Rothschild’s “Benedict Joseph” from The Progressive-

In this role Lieberman resembles no character so much as Rabbi Bengelsdorf in Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America, who shamelessly sucks up to Charles Lindbergh.

Ever since Likud became terrified of Carter after Camp David, wealthy conservative Jews and neocons have tended to move to the Republicans, first having a big role in Reagan’s foreign policy, and actually creating and botching the war in Iraq as, in effect, a proxy war for Israel, or at least Likud. Conservative Likud/Israel-firsters, I believe, have been in charge of BOTH Hillary’s and McCain’s campaigns. When Hillary lost to Obama, they became even more determined to destroy Obama by any means necessary using McCain, who has obviously, on the face of it, always been a ventriloquist’s dummy for Lieberman (correcting him on “Sunni” vs. “Shia,” in the most egregious instance), just as Bush II was a ventriloquist’s dummy, in effect, for the Wolfowitz crowd that gave us the fiasco of the war. Thank God for progressive Jews in America who are still fighting the good fight for liberalism and the best Jewish moral and political traditions. Keep up the good work slamming the number one traitor to all the above in American politics today, Lieberman. I pray Obama and plenty of Dem senators come in in January and tell Lieberman where to go with his Likud-first worldview.

Des Moines Register, “Yepsen: Lieberman shows courage with pro-McCain speech

Joe Lieberman is a Jew whose first and only alligience is to Israel. How do you think he was able to walk out on the Democratic party and still get Good guess, you are learning.

If you study history you know that their is the Democratic, Republican, and Independent parties and the Jews.. If you think for a minute that they do not wield that kind of power, and work for it continuously, then ask yourself how come we support this tiny nation and not others.

The Jews have committed themselves to do just exactly what they are doing today: Seek power and control in government, press and media, entertainment-Movies, banks and money institutions, business and industry etd.

They said they were going to do it, and are now doing it in spades.

It really disgusts me to see the Liberman fish eating grin.

It took about as much courage for Lieberman to give his speech last night as it takes any soldier to do what his officers tell him to do. Lieberman is simply doing the will of Likud, and its neocon thinkers and conservative Jewish money men. When Lieberman didn’t make it with Gore, he decided that the best career move for Lieberman was to do all he could to move the Democratic Party in the direction of Likud. Hillary was totally on board with Likud, ready, like McCain, to “obliterate” Iran whenever needed by Likud. Lieberman’s job was to do all he could to elect McCain for Likud, a much more vital (and no doubt VERY well rewarded) job, now that Hillary’s out and Likud is facing Obama, whom it doesn’t trust at all. So I don’t see how anyone can argue that it was courageous for Lieberman to, in effect, take the Likud money and run last night. It’s just his very well paid JOB. He’s a Likudnik, not an American first and foremost.

So, asshat SHOW ME!
Well, William Jennings Bryan ran 12 years after his first run and 8 years after his second run..... so I guess it's possible....
How'd he make out?
Adlai Stevenson ran 3 times too, I believe.

Yes, I just indicated that.
Not in the post I replied to.
Forgive me if I don't immediately read all your posts, but I really don't care enough.

Actually, it was in the posting:

"Well, William Jennings Bryan ran 12 years after his first run and 8 years after his second run..... so I guess it's possible...."

Ok, use your knowledge of the English language and figure it out.
No sir. I don't remember ANY Republican attacking Senator Lieberman for being Jewish. I do remember Liberals attacking him when he ran for the Senate as an independent and Liberals attacking Mitt Romney for being a Mormon.
Can you provide some quotes of Republicans making anti-semitic remarks towards the former Senator from Connecticut?

Remember sir, that he was my Senator before I left my home state for warmer weather. I did follow him as I would anyone I was deciding to vote for or against.
I didn't save any quotes from 15 years ago.
Try Google. That's how I found what I provided you. Show me some or apologize, OK?
Well, William Jennings Bryan ran 12 years after his first run and 8 years after his second run..... so I guess it's possible....
How'd he make out?
Adlai Stevenson ran 3 times too, I believe.

Yes, I just indicated that.
Not in the post I replied to.
Forgive me if I don't immediately read all your posts, but I really don't care enough.

Actually, it was in the posting:

"Well, William Jennings Bryan ran 12 years after his first run and 8 years after his second run..... so I guess it's possible...."

Ok, use your knowledge of the English language and figure it out.
I gave you more credit than you deserve. I thought you would recognize a rhetorical question.
I was talking about Stevenson.
“Country first.”

Aye, but which country?

I didn’t like ol’ Joe as democrat. I don’t like ol’ Joe as an independent, and I will not like ol’ Joe as secretary of defense for ol’ John. These two ol’ characters want to take over the middle east and turn it over to Isreal.

Lieberman is a shill for right-wing AIPAC Jews, and his ONLY interest and role in American politics is ensuring BOTH parties swear allegiance to the right-wing Jew agenda.

He is an absolute embarrassment to anyone who loves the democratic process.

I was hoping his Republican masters would make Lieberman put on a little show after the speech… perhaps some softshoe to send the delegates home with. Make him earn those 20 silver pieces!

From the comments on Matthew Rothschild’s “Benedict Joseph” from The Progressive-

In this role Lieberman resembles no character so much as Rabbi Bengelsdorf in Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America, who shamelessly sucks up to Charles Lindbergh.

Ever since Likud became terrified of Carter after Camp David, wealthy conservative Jews and neocons have tended to move to the Republicans, first having a big role in Reagan’s foreign policy, and actually creating and botching the war in Iraq as, in effect, a proxy war for Israel, or at least Likud. Conservative Likud/Israel-firsters, I believe, have been in charge of BOTH Hillary’s and McCain’s campaigns. When Hillary lost to Obama, they became even more determined to destroy Obama by any means necessary using McCain, who has obviously, on the face of it, always been a ventriloquist’s dummy for Lieberman (correcting him on “Sunni” vs. “Shia,” in the most egregious instance), just as Bush II was a ventriloquist’s dummy, in effect, for the Wolfowitz crowd that gave us the fiasco of the war. Thank God for progressive Jews in America who are still fighting the good fight for liberalism and the best Jewish moral and political traditions. Keep up the good work slamming the number one traitor to all the above in American politics today, Lieberman. I pray Obama and plenty of Dem senators come in in January and tell Lieberman where to go with his Likud-first worldview.

Des Moines Register, “Yepsen: Lieberman shows courage with pro-McCain speech

Joe Lieberman is a Jew whose first and only alligience is to Israel. How do you think he was able to walk out on the Democratic party and still get Good guess, you are learning.

If you study history you know that their is the Democratic, Republican, and Independent parties and the Jews.. If you think for a minute that they do not wield that kind of power, and work for it continuously, then ask yourself how come we support this tiny nation and not others.

The Jews have committed themselves to do just exactly what they are doing today: Seek power and control in government, press and media, entertainment-Movies, banks and money institutions, business and industry etd.

They said they were going to do it, and are now doing it in spades.

It really disgusts me to see the Liberman fish eating grin.

It took about as much courage for Lieberman to give his speech last night as it takes any soldier to do what his officers tell him to do. Lieberman is simply doing the will of Likud, and its neocon thinkers and conservative Jewish money men. When Lieberman didn’t make it with Gore, he decided that the best career move for Lieberman was to do all he could to move the Democratic Party in the direction of Likud. Hillary was totally on board with Likud, ready, like McCain, to “obliterate” Iran whenever needed by Likud. Lieberman’s job was to do all he could to elect McCain for Likud, a much more vital (and no doubt VERY well rewarded) job, now that Hillary’s out and Likud is facing Obama, whom it doesn’t trust at all. So I don’t see how anyone can argue that it was courageous for Lieberman to, in effect, take the Likud money and run last night. It’s just his very well paid JOB. He’s a Likudnik, not an American first and foremost.

So, asshat SHOW ME!
I guess you proved my point very well, thanks.
Well, William Jennings Bryan ran 12 years after his first run and 8 years after his second run..... so I guess it's possible....
How'd he make out?
Adlai Stevenson ran 3 times too, I believe.

Yes, I just indicated that.
Not in the post I replied to.
Forgive me if I don't immediately read all your posts, but I really don't care enough.

Actually, it was in the posting:

"Well, William Jennings Bryan ran 12 years after his first run and 8 years after his second run..... so I guess it's possible...."

Ok, use your knowledge of the English language and figure it out.
I gave you more credit than you deserve. I thought you would recognize a rhetorical question.
I was talking about Stevenson.

I ignored your "rhetorical" statement, because it is factually false.
Stevenson only ran twice, in 52 and 56.
You'd think Democrats could find someone other than a bunch of old white people to run for their party's nomination.

Republicans aren't running any spring chickens either. Marco Rubio is probably the youngest and he is 44. Trump will be 70 by the time the convention rolls around, the only black person is Ben Carson and he will be 65.

Rubio, Jindal, Carson, Cruz. The left has...old white people.
Reagan remains the oldest person ever elected to president.

Doesn't change the fact that in this election the Democrats are old white people.
Al Gore should go back to inventing the internet and make a few more million with his Global warming bullshit.

Hell. His wife finally had enough and divorced his sorry ass. Him as POTUS. Not fucking likely.
If Gore hadn't been cheated by Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris - the Iraq clusterfuck would not have happened. Florida was a rigged election.

Gore was never cheated out of Florida. He lost all recounts. Why would the courts award the victory to Gore when he clearly lost in that state?
How sad is it when they can't find one person in that party who isn't corrupted, a liar or has one foot in the grave after sucking a living off us taxpayers for all their pathetic lives .

what a gig for a Democrat, because they know their base will support them , no matter what

Albert Gore Jr., his wife, Tipper and their daughter, Karenna, greet supporters at his campaign headquarters in Carthage, TN in the photo taken 8/6/76.


Al Gore dealing seriously with Deniers since 1993
If Gore hadn't been cheated by Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris - the Iraq clusterfuck would not have happened. Florida was a rigged election.

We're back to this nonsense again? Seriously?

Al Gore didn't win Florida. Al Gore wasn't cheated in Florida. As a matter of fact if major news organizations hadn't reported the race as "decided" before the polls closed in the Florida Panhandle ( a Republican stronghold) Bush would have won by a far greater margin than he eventually did.

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