Al Gore: Impeachment Is the Only Remedy for Trump’s ‘Obscene Behavior’

Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

“Obscene behaviour” includes the multiple crimes of obstruction and abuses of power that have become the signature of this administration. Trump and his followers want him to be impeached and Trump is openly engaging in corruption and abuses of power to make it happen.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

“Obscene behaviour” includes the multiple crimes of obstruction and abuses of power that have become the signature of this administration. Trump and his followers want him to be impeached and Trump is openly engaging in corruption and abuses of power to make it happen.
But all of that BS is based purely on speculation not on fact.

Here's the real story: A bunch of lying assholes made up a bunch of shit about Trump, and reported it in the news until they got caught.....then Democrats made a bunch of horrible statements about Trump without even admitting the stories turned out to be pure hogwash.
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Gore is spot on. Our founders left the interpretation of High Crimes and Misdemeanors up to Congress.
Not really.
But i recall Al Gore was accused of sexual misconduct on more than one occasion by massage therapists.
Yes, really. If Congress decides constant lying and misinforming the American public is a High Crime, constant lying and misinforming the American public will be a High Crime. They should have done it with LBJ.
Problem with that is you have to clearly define which lies, and prove they really are lies. But since most of Trump's "lies" are purely opinions misstatements, or based on opposition to his policies, its doubtful you could prove intentional wrongdoing like you could with Hillary or Obama's fabrications.

But in all honesty.....ask yourselves what politicians can function without lying.

Trump’s lies are not “opinions”, they’re lies. Lies about crowd size, lies about being wire-tapped, about the Mueller Investigation having no basis in fact, these are lies. Very dangerous lies at that.

Trumps lies, which are right out of the dictators’ playbook, are intended to undermine the institutions put in place to protect the citizens from criminals and corruption.

Trump is undermining the press and the justice department so that the American public neither trusts nor believes them, so that he Americans have no one to believe in but him.
we don't like to be told the truth relative to how fucked up government is and how corrupt and incompetent the people we elect really are.

Who's 'we'? You're speaking on your own behalf here.

'We' is Me + the 327.2 million voices in my head, we're all responsible for voting these pathological liars into office again and again and again and again and again; giving rise to the theory that we prefer "leaders" that are pathological liars.

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope." -- George Carlin

Thank you. One of my favorite jokes from my favorite comedian. But at the end of the day, it is still a joke. I think we should avoid the constant pessimism regarding our political system because right now it's all we got. Somewhere, the voting public forgot these fucking lying fucks work for us and their agendas to continue to further our division must not be tolerated.
Gore is spot on. Our founders left the interpretation of High Crimes and Misdemeanors up to Congress.
Not really.
But i recall Al Gore was accused of sexual misconduct on more than one occasion by massage therapists.
Yes, really. If Congress decides constant lying and misinforming the American public is a High Crime, constant lying and misinforming the American public will be a High Crime. They should have done it with LBJ.
Problem with that is you have to clearly define which lies, and prove they really are lies. But since most of Trump's "lies" are purely opinions misstatements, or based on opposition to his policies, its doubtful you could prove intentional wrongdoing like you could with Hillary or Obama's fabrications.

But in all honesty.....ask yourselves what politicians can function without lying.

Trump’s lies are not “opinions”, they’re lies. Lies about crowd size, lies about being wire-tapped, about the Mueller Investigation having no basis in fact, these are lies. Very dangerous lies at that.

Trumps lies, which are right out of the dictators’ playbook, are intended to undermine the institutions put in place to protect the citizens from criminals and corruption.

Trump is undermining the press and the justice department so that the American public neither trusts nor believes them, so that he Americans have no one to believe in but him.
The press and the Justice Department’s conduct undermined their tarnished reputation.

And you are still lying about wire-tapping.
The I. G. report clearly layed out the case for it. Obama was monitoring Trump's communications and he had DOJ officials set him up.

They admit wake the fuck up!!!
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

“Obscene behaviour” includes the multiple crimes of obstruction and abuses of power that have become the signature of this administration. Trump and his followers want him to be impeached and Trump is openly engaging in corruption and abuses of power to make it happen.
Yo Dragonlady...the broads are in power. its just that you don't understand why everything is not better for all. So it has to be someone elses fault. The war veteran congressman with the eye patch has taken massive abuse politically and the military women in congress... nothing. At least one female is disabled. And yet the male has done ten times more then all of the females combined. We keep playing these games. So get to turning us into utopia. If you don't you won't like what primal people can do when it is a hundred times worse.
WTF? Why can't obscene baviour also be high crime and misdemeanors.

It's an obscene behavior for Trump to abuse his office powers to subvert the justice process, it's also a high crime called Obstruction of Justice.

You’re a foreigner so why do you care about American politics?

I'm a vote casting American, living in the US of A.

If you have no real reply, then just fuck off - your thread's premise is nonsense.

I was just asking. Why so bitter? So you're an American citizen?

Since when is "You are a foreigner" a question??

Your comment was completely rediculous. Instead of actually disagreeing with what I said, you started spreading falsehoods about me.

I've been an American citizen for 15+ years now.

15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
we don't like to be told the truth relative to how fucked up government is and how corrupt and incompetent the people we elect really are.

Who's 'we'? You're speaking on your own behalf here.

'We' is Me + the 327.2 million voices in my head, we're all responsible for voting these pathological liars into office again and again and again and again and again; giving rise to the theory that we prefer "leaders" that are pathological liars.

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope." -- George Carlin

Thank you. One of my favorite jokes from my favorite comedian. But at the end of the day, it is still a joke. I think we should avoid the constant pessimism regarding our political system because right now it's all we got.
Go ahead avoid the "constant pessimism" if that's what floats your boat.... let me know how that works out for ya.

Somewhere, the voting public forgot these fucking lying fucks work for us and their agendas to continue to further our division must not be tolerated.
They don't work for us , they control us and we tolerate it just fine and there is no reason to believe that's going to change. How else do you explain the fact that 90% of incumbents win re-election? How else do you explain the fact that when a politician publicly fucks up half the people blame the opposition party instead of blaming the politician that fucked up?

The two major political crime families have perfected the science of controlling the citizenry to a T, the "divide and conquer" stratagem they've come up with is brilliant.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
While I would love to see Trump impeached......unless it is blatant and harmful acts, let the voters decide

It would open the door for any opposition party to conduct nonstop harassment of a sitting president.

Doesn’t mean Congress should not investigate any allegations
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR...

WTF? Why can't obscene baviour also be high crime and misdemeanors.

It's an obscene behavior for Trump to abuse his office powers to subvert the justice process, it's also a high crime called Obstruction of Justice.
Subvert the Justice process?????
WTF does that mean......give specific details

There are many instances with many details, here is one example that was the subject of yesterday's Congressional hearing:

Trump orderered Lewandawski to deliver a message to AG Sessions that he is to unrecuse and force limits on the Special Council's investigation to make it only about future elections (which would effectively end investigation into Trump and his campaign) and that if Sessions would not do it Trump will fire him.

That is a clear intent and action taken to abuse his official powers to interfere with an ongoing investigation.
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You’re a foreigner so why do you care about American politics?

I'm a vote casting American, living in the US of A.

If you have no real reply, then just fuck off - your thread's premise is nonsense.

I was just asking. Why so bitter? So you're an American citizen?

Since when is "You are a foreigner" a question??

Your comment was completely rediculous. Instead of actually disagreeing with what I said, you started spreading falsehoods about me.

I've been an American citizen for 15+ years now.

15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.

So are my parents. So you’re a traitor. Russian Jews generally don’t support the Squad.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR...

WTF? Why can't obscene baviour also be high crime and misdemeanors.

It's an obscene behavior for Trump to abuse his office powers to subvert the justice process, it's also a high crime called Obstruction of Justice.
Subvert the Justice process?????
WTF does that mean......give specific details

There are many instances with many details, here is one example, that was the subject of yesterday's Congressional hearing.

Trump orderered Lewandawski to deliver a message to AG Sessions that he is to unrecuse and force limits on the Special Council's investigation to make it only about future elections (which would effectively end investigation into Trump and his campaign) and that if Sessions would not do it Trump will fire him.

That is a clear intent and action taken to abuse his official powers to interfere with an ongoing investigation.
And you have proof of this?
Or are you simply buying into the lies from house Democrats?
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR...

WTF? Why can't obscene baviour also be high crime and misdemeanors.

It's an obscene behavior for Trump to abuse his office powers to subvert the justice process, it's also a high crime called Obstruction of Justice.
Subvert the Justice process?????
WTF does that mean......give specific details

There are many instances with many details, here is one example, that was the subject of yesterday's Congressional hearing.

Trump orderered Lewandawski to deliver a message to AG Sessions that he is to unrecuse and force limits on the Special Council's investigation to make it only about future elections (which would effectively end investigation into Trump and his campaign) and that if Sessions would not do it Trump will fire him.

That is a clear intent and action taken to abuse his official powers to interfere with an ongoing investigation.
And you have proof of this?
Or are you simply buying into the lies from house Democrats?


It's what is in the Mueller's report, and it's what Lewandowski testified to as being true yesterday.

Here is the report, all of this is on Page 91-93 of Volume II:

You guys are totally clueless.
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Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR...

WTF? Why can't obscene baviour also be high crime and misdemeanors.

It's an obscene behavior for Trump to abuse his office powers to subvert the justice process, it's also a high crime called Obstruction of Justice.
Subvert the Justice process?????
WTF does that mean......give specific details

There are many instances with many details, here is one example, that was the subject of yesterday's Congressional hearing.

Trump orderered Lewandawski to deliver a message to AG Sessions that he is to unrecuse and force limits on the Special Council's investigation to make it only about future elections (which would effectively end investigation into Trump and his campaign) and that if Sessions would not do it Trump will fire him.
too funny you think that is illegal. explain how it is illegal? apparently the congress doesn't think so, all they could do during the testimony is whine like third graders. I can't even believe what coon said, that was truly special, I guess you've never been a judge or will ever be one.

I would have replied, well nanny nanny boo boo to you too.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR...

WTF? Why can't obscene baviour also be high crime and misdemeanors.

It's an obscene behavior for Trump to abuse his office powers to subvert the justice process, it's also a high crime called Obstruction of Justice.
Subvert the Justice process?????
WTF does that mean......give specific details

There are many instances with many details, here is one example, that was the subject of yesterday's Congressional hearing.

Trump orderered Lewandawski to deliver a message to AG Sessions that he is to unrecuse and force limits on the Special Council's investigation to make it only about future elections (which would effectively end investigation into Trump and his campaign) and that if Sessions would not do it Trump will fire him.

That is a clear intent and action taken to abuse his official powers to interfere with an ongoing investigation.
And you have proof of this?
Or are you simply buying into the lies from house Democrats?


It's what is in the Mueller's report, and it's what Lewandowki testified to as being true yesterday.

Here is the report, all of this is on Page 91-92 of Volume II:

You guys are totally clueless.
quote the piece you think is illegal.

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