Al Gore: Impeachment Is the Only Remedy for Trump’s ‘Obscene Behavior’

Well no - The Press went out of its way to protect and enable The Obama, which is a BIGGER problem than The Press going out of its way to attack Trump.
You have any facts to back that up?
or is that just your opinion.
Wait... did YOU just ask for facts to back your position?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I had already backed it up with this link.

How did the press protect Obama and attack Trump.
(remember its the job of the press to report truth)
Well no - The Press went out of its way to protect and enable The Obama, which is a BIGGER problem than The Press going out of its way to attack Trump.
You have any facts to back that up?
or is that just your opinion.
Wait... did YOU just ask for facts to back your position?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I had already backed it up with this link.
OK - thanks.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
well if that was the case then Barry the Magnificent should have been impeached
Not really.
But i recall Al Gore was accused of sexual misconduct on more than one occasion by massage therapists.
Yes, really. If Congress decides constant lying and misinforming the American public is a High Crime, constant lying and misinforming the American public will be a High Crime. They should have done it with LBJ.
Problem with that is you have to clearly define which lies, and prove they really are lies. But since most of Trump's "lies" are purely opinions misstatements, or based on opposition to his policies, its doubtful you could prove intentional wrongdoing like you could with Hillary or Obama's fabrications.

But in all honesty.....ask yourselves what politicians can function without lying.

Trump’s lies are not “opinions”, they’re lies. Lies about crowd size, lies about being wire-tapped, about the Mueller Investigation having no basis in fact, these are lies. Very dangerous lies at that.

Trumps lies, which are right out of the dictators’ playbook, are intended to undermine the institutions put in place to protect the citizens from criminals and corruption.

Trump is undermining the press and the justice department so that the American public neither trusts nor believes them, so that he Americans have no one to believe in but him.

Undermining the press, hmmmm,

Barack Obama’s press freedom legacy

Obama, Fox News and the Free Press

AP FACT CHECK: Obama doesn't always tell the straight story

It seems Obama was known to be worse than Trump.

Now, runaway.

Press freedom wasn't ever labelled problematic during Obama.

Your article list many factors that Trump has not contributed to, so under Obama we went from 41st to now 45th and rated by a liberal organization. Biased organizations tend to skew their opinions and ratings. Obama went after leaks more than all the previous administrations combined.

I'll take the stories confirming what Obama actually did than what your source claimed as a problem deeper than Trump. The Newsweek headline: The table was set by Obama as many articles have pointed out.
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He serves as a Representative from the state of NY, elected to office by the people of the state of NY, in a state of NY election.
Thus, you voted in a state election, and your vote counted in a state election.
Why do you refuse to understand -all- elections are held by the states?
ok you win
As I clearly have a better understanding than you of how elections work, this was inevitable.

Yep, your understanding is superb, I've learned much.
He serves as a Representative from the state of NY, elected to office by the people of the state of NY, in a state of NY election.
Thus, you voted in a state election, and your vote counted in a state election.
Why do you refuse to understand -all- elections are held by the states?
ok you win
As I clearly have a better understanding than you of how elections work, this was inevitable.
Yep, your understanding is superb, I've learned much.
The bill is in the mail.
Gore is spot on. Our founders left the interpretation of High Crimes and Misdemeanors up to Congress.

The Founders did not set up a separation of powers concept so that Congress can get rid of a President that they don't agree with politically! They would be shocked by what the left is calling for!
Al should know this better than any of us. When a President engages in obscene behavior, he can’t be impeached over it. When same President lies under oath and obstructs justice, then he can be impeached. You can’t be impeached for blow job.
Gore is spot on. Our founders left the interpretation of High Crimes and Misdemeanors up to Congress.

The Founders did not set up a separation of powers concept so that Congress can get rid of a President that they don't agree with politically! They would be shocked by what the left is calling for!
Traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em. What is good for America does seem bad for them Like all loony-lefties Bill Maher doesn't even try to hide his disdain & disloyalty and says what many of 'em are thinking. They don't care who gets hurt as long as their mindless hatred is served.

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”

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