Ahmaud Arbery sentencing.

But that wasn’t the case. They chased him down. He had committed not crime. They rammed him with their trucks and threatened to kill him.

And of course you're simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual.

Why do you lie to the USMB forum?

Why are you so averse to truth? Do you think it is wise to base all of your political opinions on your stupid lies?
I agree. This is the problem with mandatory sentencing. The father and son definitely deserved to be found guilty and do time in prison. But, at the end of the day, there was a fight over the gun and it went off. Does that mean the son shouldn't go to prison? No, he needs to do at least 30 years. But the other two? I guess it all comes down to intent. Having not followed the case in terms of evidence presented, I don't know what was said, but it does seem harsh. Especially for the guy who took the video and wasn't armed. His lack of having a firearm would be a huge mitigating factor for me with regards to intent.

Georgia law and in fact the law of many states disagrees with you.

The getaway driver is just as guilty as the person who kills the clerk robbing the store. That is the idea that participation in a criminal event means you get to share the risk, and the penalties.

Thirty Years is the minimum you can serve before you can apply for Parole. Roddy is in his 50’s. I don’t think he’ll make it thirty years. But the sentence was the least that could be handed down with the convictions he got. The Judge was lenient as could be by the mandatory minimums, and suspended the sentence on the other convictions.

For example. Travis got Life without Parole plus 20 years.

Greg got Life without Parole plus 20 years.

Roddy got Life with Parole plus ten, but the ten were suspended. So as soon as he is eligible for parole, he can get it, assuming the board grants it. Which they might considering he would be eighty then.

Mandatory Minimums by the way, were a Conservative’s idea. The ability to take the ability of the Judge to be swayed by some i was abused and all that argument from the Convicted Criminal. So Mandatory Minimums became the normal across the nation, to show we were tough on crime.

Now, as long as this case has been in the news, I’ve said that the only one I saw getting a Not Guilty on the day, a slim chance, but a chance, was Roddy. I said the Jury might, and it was unlikely but possible. The jury might decide he had been acting in good faith, and not convict him. The others, I was certain they would be convicted
Oh, and to this, I'm hardly left wing, you retarded little fuck.

Pro-military, pro 2nd Amendment, voted for Trump twice, voted for Bush I and Bush II; I could go on.

Your problem is you're too goddamn fucking stupid to understand that no one is going to agree with you on everything. I'm simply smart enough to see that a just verdict was reached in this case. You're not. No worries; that's fine. But you're so emotionally and intellectually bankrupt that you're unable to deal with even the thought that someone might not agree with you on something.

Go get a diaper change and come back when you're not so fucking stupid...
Yeah.....wat a big fat poopyhead!!!

And of course you're simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual.

Why do you lie to the USMB forum?

Why are you so averse to truth? Do you think it is wise to base all of your political opinions on your stupid lies?

Ok, they told the police they did it. Are you saying that the McMichaels lied to the police? Roddy told the police he’d done it. Was he lying?

These were the statements made by the people to the cops. They didn’t deny any of those statements. They didn’t challenge any of them. They did not sit on the stand and claim to never have said any of those things.

Travis got up and tried to explain that it was all true. The Jury didn’t buy it.

So if you don’t know the facts of the case, how can you be so certain they were railroaded? Don’t you think you should, I don’t know, watch the videos, they’re all online, watch the testimony. It’s all online. The raw data. Not the reports, the actual raw data from the trial.

If you do, then you won’t be embarrassing yourself by claiming that those things didn’t happen. Because they happened. It’s factual.
Ok, they told the police they did it. Are you saying that the McMichaels lied to the police? Roddy told the police he’d done it. Was he lying?

These were the statements made by the people to the cops. They didn’t deny any of those statements. They didn’t challenge any of them. They did not sit on the stand and claim to never have said any of those things.

Travis got up and tried to explain that it was all true. The Jury didn’t buy it.

So if you don’t know the facts of the case, how can you be so certain they were railroaded? Don’t you think you should, I don’t know, watch the videos, they’re all online, watch the testimony. It’s all online. The raw data. Not the reports, the actual raw data from the trial.

If you do, then you won’t be embarrassing yourself by claiming that those things didn’t happen. Because they happened. It’s factual.
The video proves that Travis was not chasing Arbery. It proves that Arbery attacked Travis and grabbed his gun.

Arbery died because he was a crazy bastard in the commission of an armed robbery.

Why do you LWNJ moronic moonbats think you can just steal a gun out of somebody's hands without getting shot?
The video proves that Travis was not chasing Arbery. It proves that Arbery attacked Travis and grabbed his gun.

Arbery died because he was a crazy bastard in the commission of an armed robbery.

Why do you LWNJ moronic moonbats think you can just steal a gun out of somebody's hands without getting shot?
Apparently the moral of the story is if a man tries to take your gun, make sure it isn’t a black man.
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If that's what the law requires for having been convicted, then that's not spite, that's simply what the law requires.

This path that he's on could have been avoided had they not believed they had the right to chase down another man and attempt to force him to talk to them. They're the screw-ups, not the law as written, imo.
I think the law and the men are screw ups. There are varying degrees of culpability IMO. There is a huge difference between what these idiots did than say a serial killer or mass shooter. Yet, in all three situations they can all get the same sentence. Doesn't sit right with me. Have zero sympathy for the shooter. Have a little for the dad as he didn't do any shooting. Have a lot more for the video guy. Maybe I need to read the transcripts of the case to get more of a feel for the case.
The video proves that Travis was not chasing Arbery. It proves that Arbery attacked Travis and grabbed his gun.

Arbery died because he was a crazy bastard in the commission of an armed robbery.

Why do you LWNJ moronic moonbats think you can just steal a gun out of somebody's hands without getting shot?
You are such a fucking idiot. You so are....I'm almost thinking you're taking the piss and are just shit stirring. Nobody can be this dumb. Nobody, surely.
Georgia law and in fact the law of many states disagrees with you.

The getaway driver is just as guilty as the person who kills the clerk robbing the store. That is the idea that participation in a criminal event means you get to share the risk, and the penalties.

Thirty Years is the minimum you can serve before you can apply for Parole. Roddy is in his 50’s. I don’t think he’ll make it thirty years. But the sentence was the least that could be handed down with the convictions he got. The Judge was lenient as could be by the mandatory minimums, and suspended the sentence on the other convictions.

For example. Travis got Life without Parole plus 20 years.

Greg got Life without Parole plus 20 years.

Roddy got Life with Parole plus ten, but the ten were suspended. So as soon as he is eligible for parole, he can get it, assuming the board grants it. Which they might considering he would be eighty then.

Mandatory Minimums by the way, were a Conservative’s idea. The ability to take the ability of the Judge to be swayed by some i was abused and all that argument from the Convicted Criminal. So Mandatory Minimums became the normal across the nation, to show we were tough on crime.

Now, as long as this case has been in the news, I’ve said that the only one I saw getting a Not Guilty on the day, a slim chance, but a chance, was Roddy. I said the Jury might, and it was unlikely but possible. The jury might decide he had been acting in good faith, and not convict him. The others, I was certain they would be convicted
I get the getaway driver analogy, but that doesn't fit with this. Here (I am from NZ where I was a LEO for a few years, but now live in Australia), you have to prove two things to get a conviction - the mens rea (mental intention to commit a crime) and actus reus (the physical act of the crime). Roddy doesn't fit either IMO for the crime that he was convicted of. With the getaway driver, he knows that a bank robbery is about to happen. I doubt Roddy knew a shooting was about to happen. He was taking a video. Now, if Travis (the shooter?) and he had a conversation - that was presented as evidence - where he told Travis to shoot Arbery, or they had discussed just prior to chasing him that they might shoot him, then, sure, that's the mens rea right there. But I doubt that happened. So, I'm scratching my head on that one. From the video, it looks like there was a fight over the gun and Travis shot him. Whether he was scared or whatever doesn't matter IMO. He put himself in that situation and he gets what he gets. It's Roddy's conviction that has me wondering about Georgia law.

Think he'll get raped by large black men?

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