Ah... poor Tea Party, we hardly knew ye

She went on to say that the Tea Party will not support a third-party candidate as that would split the the vote and ensure a victory for Obama. That was the point of her comment you posted. :)

Sorry but anyone willing to accept the lesser of two EVILS is still supporting EVIL. Not something I have any interest in, or something I could support in any way. This is simply another proof to me that the Tea Party has no more philosophical heart or backbone than either of the major parties; therefore they have no more value in my mind than either of those parties.

My God. MarcATL and I just thanked the same post. The world's gone mad.
Misrepresenting other people's insults as their own. How dishonest..... cuz I've been calling the left the 'Borg' since I got on the forum. Get your own insults, moron.

And I doubt you were the very first person to ever come up with it CG. One really cannot take ownership of an insult. Though if that is the case, perhaps you should be paying royalties to whoever came up with it before you?

What kind of a JACK ASS would even WANT to have exclusive rights to an insult any way?

Oh yeah...a one called California Girl...and the fool is quite proud of herself too.

Talk about moron.
and yes we wanted obama to fail...

nobody wanted obama to fail.

View attachment 13599

RWers always have, and always will, speak out of both sides of their mouth.

Note that you will NEVER see those two attempt to correct each other, thus showing and proving that they are in full agreement of the contradiction and double-speak that exists within them.

They will BOTH fight against Democrats for anything similar or what they perceive as similar no matter what though.

BOTH are partisan hacks..aka jokers.

and yes we wanted obama to fail...

nobody wanted obama to fail.

View attachment 13599

RWers always have, and always will, speak out of both sides of their mouth.

Note that you will NEVER see those two attempt to correct each other, thus showing and proving that they are in full agreement of the contradiction and double-speak that exists within them.

They will BOTH fight against Democrats for anything similar or what they perceive as similar no matter what though.

BOTH are partisan hacks..aka jokers.


You never could deal with the fact that individual opinions may differ, could you? You seriously have no business throwing the word partizan around.
The tea party was created to run a diversion for all the mess the republican party made while they were in complete control of our country.

Im not a republican.

was something some needed to be able to say to keep from having to accpet the mess their ideas made of this country.

I've always been amazed at how few "Conservatives" will take ownership of how they helped make possible the Frist/DeLay/Bush era that led to so many ongoing issues we face now. They defended them in office, but now they're gone there's an almost schizophrenic need to assure everyone that they never really liked any of that. Crazy.
This is why I can, nor will I ever, trust these bastards.

They ALL need to be DESTROYED.

And we need to HAMMER them at every turn...and never let up!


RWers always have, and always will, speak out of both sides of their mouth.

Note that you will NEVER see those two attempt to correct each other, thus showing and proving that they are in full agreement of the contradiction and double-speak that exists within them.

They will BOTH fight against Democrats for anything similar or what they perceive as similar no matter what though.

BOTH are partisan hacks..aka jokers.


You never could deal with the fact that individual opinions may differ, could you? You seriously have no business throwing the word partizan around.
Where am I wrong?
RWers always have, and always will, speak out of both sides of their mouth.

Note that you will NEVER see those two attempt to correct each other, thus showing and proving that they are in full agreement of the contradiction and double-speak that exists within them.

They will BOTH fight against Democrats for anything similar or what they perceive as similar no matter what though.

BOTH are partisan hacks..aka jokers.


You never could deal with the fact that individual opinions may differ, could you? You seriously have no business throwing the word partizan around.
Where am I wrong?

You are wrong in your soul.
If FOX is out to kill the tea party, which it certainly may be, why is one of the Queens working for them? Will Palin see the writing on the wall and retalat...no...I guess not. As long as she is making her millions, she won't care. Besides, she has shown time and time again that she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
If FOX is out to kill the tea party, which it certainly may be, why is one of the Queens working for them? Will Palin see the writing on the wall and retalat...no...I guess not. As long as she is making her millions, she won't care. Besides, she has shown time and time again that she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Palin is on Fox News because it's her and Bachmann's job to keep the Tea Party voting Republican.
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

So you expect the Tea Party to support Obama???

The Tea Party will be supporting Ron Paul who is IN FACT running as a Republican, if he doesn't get the nomination do you really fucking believe the Tea Party will VOTE FOR THE DEVIL TYRANT OBAMA???

Of course they will vote for whoever gets the nomination.

Its called choosing the lesser of the two evils and you'd be fucking retarded if you actually believe ANY tea party patriot would vote for that piece of shit Obama.
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

So you expect the Tea Party to support Obama???

The Tea Party will be supporting Ron Paul who is IN FACT running as a Republican, if he doesn't get the nomination do you really fucking believe the Tea Party will VOTE FOR THE DEVIL TYRANT OBAMA???

Of course they will vote for whoever gets the nomination.

Its called choosing the lesser of the two evils and you'd be fucking retarded if you actually believe ANY tea party patriot would vote for that piece of shit Obama.

You act as though there are only two choices in elections.
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

So you expect the Tea Party to support Obama???

The Tea Party will be supporting Ron Paul who is IN FACT running as a Republican, if he doesn't get the nomination do you really fucking believe the Tea Party will VOTE FOR THE DEVIL TYRANT OBAMA???

Of course they will vote for whoever gets the nomination.

Its called choosing the lesser of the two evils and you'd be fucking retarded if you actually believe ANY tea party patriot would vote for that piece of shit Obama.

You act as though there are only two choices in elections.

Ahhhh, a little tongue-n-cheek humor there I see?

Its called choosing the lesser of the two evils and you'd be fucking retarded if you actually believe ANY tea party patriot would vote for that piece of shit Obama.

I know some retarded people. Genuine, kind-hearted folks, and I don't think they'd ever vote for 'evil', lesser or otherwise. If the Tea Party sells their souls by doing this, they're basically over with as a movement.
Its called choosing the lesser of the two evils and you'd be fucking retarded if you actually believe ANY tea party patriot would vote for that piece of shit Obama.

I know some retarded people. Genuine, kind-hearted folks, and I don't think they'd ever vote for 'evil', lesser or otherwise. If the Tea Party sells their souls by doing this, they're basically over with as a movement.

Right, so the tea party doesn't vote while the democrats bus in the catatonic, those in comas, those with dementia and those who would flunk the first grade to vote in mass droves???

Yeah, I don't think so..

Obama is poison..... ANYONE and I mean ANYONE could do a better job as president of the United States than Obama.

I'd vote for Alvin fucking Greene (D-SC) who also happens to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers ever nominated for any government position before I vote Obama.

The Tea Party will get their REPUBLICAN candidate Ron Paul nominated and I'm sure many independents will help them for their own little partisan reasons.
The Tea Party will be supporting Ron Paul who is IN FACT running as a Republican, if he doesn't get the nomination do you really fucking believe the Tea Party will VOTE FOR THE DEVIL TYRANT OBAMA???

This is why non-partisan voters don’t take you nitwits seriously.

And this is why I don't take you bipartisan ignorants seriously.

The guy only took over GM like a socialist dictator would. He only forced 300 million US citizens to bailout a minority amount of union workers and public sector employees, and to put the icing on the cake started the cash for clunkers program to STIMULATE a demand for the product (union made product) of the company he took over like a socialist dictator and stuck the taxpayers with the bill again.... Mean while those in the non-union private sector were struggling to put food on the table while the UNIONS that played a large role in getting Obama elected were eating steak and making demands for larger pensions..

Oh yeah..... Don't get me started with his bold faced fucking lies....

Maybe you're just fucking dumb for not paying attention???
The Tea Party will be supporting Ron Paul who is IN FACT running as a Republican, if he doesn't get the nomination do you really fucking believe the Tea Party will VOTE FOR THE DEVIL TYRANT OBAMA???

This is why non-partisan voters don’t take you nitwits seriously.

And this is why I don't take you bipartisan ignorants seriously.

The guy only took over GM like a socialist dictator would. He only forced 300 million US citizens to bailout a minority amount of union workers and public sector employees, and to put the icing on the cake started the cash for clunkers program to STIMULATE a demand for the product (union made product) of the company he took over like a socialist dictator and stuck the taxpayers with the bill again.... Mean while those in the non-union private sector were struggling to put food on the table while the UNIONS that played a large role in getting Obama elected were eating steak and making demands for larger pensions..

Oh yeah..... Don't get me started with his bold faced fucking lies....

Maybe you're just fucking dumb for not paying attention???

Gosh, you're so persuasive when you're angry.

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