Agree or not: The rich benefit the most from tax money?

Cause you live in simple minded world where the only thing that matters in life is how hard you work, and nothing else. Well, reality is a lot more complex than that with a plethora of variables that can effect someone's financial status and success in life

With the exception of lottery winners and inheritances, a strong work ethic is mandatory for financial success.
Either that or become a politician, bureaucrat or tenured educrat.

LMAO.....or a rubber room regular in the NYC school system.
This is one thing that peeves me about closet Marxists authoritarians like you...You believe that gubmint and exhorbitant taxes that made America great.

Cause you live in simple minded world where the only thing that matters in life is how hard you work, and nothing else. Well, reality is a lot more complex than that with a plethora of variables that can effect someone's financial status and success in life

With the exception of lottery winners and inheritances, a strong work ethic is mandatory for financial success.

Given the remarkably high percentage of lottery winners and those who inherit lots of money as well as some high value entertainers, sports figures, etc. who wind up broke and in debt a relatively short time later, I think a strong work ethic is probably advisable for everybody. Those with a strong work ethic know the value of a dollar amd translate that to up close and personal time, energy, effort, muscle, and sometimes sacrifice.
This is one thing that peeves me about closet Marxists authoritarians like you...You believe that gubmint and exhorbitant taxes that made America great.

Cause you live in simple minded world where the only thing that matters in life is how hard you work, and nothing else. Well, reality is a lot more complex than that with a plethora of variables that can effect someone's financial status and success in life

With the exception of lottery winners and inheritances, a strong work ethic is mandatory for financial success.

True, but its not the sole determining factor
Now I've heard it all.... taxation made this country great.

Wow. I need a drink.

Ketel One martini please... straight up.... couple olives.... NOT DIRTY DAMNIT!!!!
Yeah, living in poverty is wonderful. The rich got their riches thanks in part to our government, infrastructure, and stability, which is what my point was.

And the rich are hardly suffering from their higher % of taxes being paid. I don't understand why so many complain about the rich paying so much in taxes when I assume most of the people making those complaints aren't rich themselves.

I got rich and the government had nothing to do with it. Hell I quit school at 15 was in prison at 17. And now thirty years later I own two homes, a cattle ranch with over five thousand acres of land after selling two thousand acres to a real estate investor for 1.7 million five years ago I bought 10 acres of land and a house in Mexico. I partnered with a few friends and we purchased a Gulfstream G200, best investment I've made.

I started out in this world with nothing now I have everything I could ever want and all done through smart investments and hard fucking work which is something you liberal idiots don't seem to understand. The majority of the rich people in this country were not born rich they worked their asses off and made high risk investments that paid off.

While I respect these accomplishments for what they are, it is this kind of boasting that makes me more of an independent thinking citizen. It is a turn off to your message. I would like to see you being homeless for a month caught in the poverty trap with no money. Boasters like this would not last three days.

Homeless for a month? I was homeless for over two years before I got three hots and a cot courtesy of the Texas Department of Corrections. After my release I spent some time in a halfway house before I met Red Adair and he took a shine to me and hired me as a laborer and as they say the rest is history.

I'm not meaning to boast, I'm just saying that all one has to do is keep their head down, their nose to the grindstone, be as honest to themselves as they are with others. have faith in something bigger than themselves and they can aquire as much wealth as they want. It's not easy, it takes hard work and dedication, but it can be done.
Cause you live in simple minded world where the only thing that matters in life is how hard you work, and nothing else. Well, reality is a lot more complex than that with a plethora of variables that can effect someone's financial status and success in life

With the exception of lottery winners and inheritances, a strong work ethic is mandatory for financial success.

True, but its not the sole determining factor

More often than not, it is.
Seems to me that the 47% that doesn't pay any Federal Income tax would benefit the most.

Yeah, living in poverty is wonderful. The rich got their riches thanks in part to our government, infrastructure, and stability, which is what my point was.

And the rich are hardly suffering from their higher % of taxes being paid. I don't understand why so many complain about the rich paying so much in taxes when I assume most of the people making those complaints aren't rich themselves.

And that same infrastructures can be used for someone to get to a job.

And don't forget a business paying for shipping freight on public roads pays a fuck of a lot more gas and excise taxes than the average slob. So don't be intellectually dishonest by somehow implying that someone with one car who drives to work pays anywhere near the same in taxes for infrastructure as business does.

Seems to me you have it backwards and the commuter gets the better deal by being able to drive on roads that are paid for via gas taxes paid by big companies that manufacture and buy all that fuel and all those vehicles move goods around. If they weren't paying all those gas and excise taxes, your average idiot would be paying higher gas taxes. So instead of denigrating businesses, why don't you thank them.

And I'll bet the lower income people use the police a lot more than any rich dude.
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With the exception of lottery winners and inheritances, a strong work ethic is mandatory for financial success.

True, but its not the sole determining factor

More often than not, it is.

Sure, forget the fact that some people dont' have intelligence or finances to go to college, forget about potential diseases and disabilities incurred by people. Forget about the fact there are not enough jobs, let alone decent paying jobs, for everybody to get one, no matter how hard they worked, as unemployment has never been 0%.

It's just convenient for people to rationalize that all people getting help are lazy bums that want a free handout. Ignore that they may have had help and things in life out of their control that helped them get to the point they have. Generalizations and simplifications of complex life, especially when it comes to very diverse human population, is never a strong argument for anything.

Are there lazy bums that leach off the system? Sure.Are there people that had unfortunate events or made one mistake in life that now they need help, you bet. Are there people who were able to dig themselves out of trouble and start to succeed thanks to government assistance keeping them afloat, yes siree. THere are all kinds of variables in life.
The wealthy benefit more from federally funded infrastructure than the poor.

Trains, Planes, Ports and Roads are all subsidized in some way, and are used by corporations to move goods and people to further their profits. Those profits work their way to the rich in the form of capital gains.

In the same way, the protection of the military, the police and fire departments all benefit the rich more than the poor. A good "for instance" would be the military protection of the Oil Industry.

Corporations and their stockholders benefit from the bloated military spending that makes it's way into their pockets.

Generally poor people have too hard of a time putting food on the table to invest "spare" money into loads of stock.

There is definitely an inequality in the use of government funding between the wealthy and the rest of us, yes.

Them goods don't move themselves.

You idiots forget that it's these "evil rich people" who gives people like you a job.

While I am sure there are "evil rich people," I am also sure there are good ones. The ones many of us would like to see nailed are the SELFISH who place their needs over that of everyone else. These people are bad, just bad, and should be dealt with like cock roaches, spray them to prison.

Everyone has the potential to be selfish, wealth or the lack thereof has nothing to do with it. Fact is conservatives give more to charity than liberals.

Case in point:

Let's take a look at Obama in the years 2000 through 2007, Obama donated between 0.4% and 6.1% of his net income to charitable causes. McCain released his 2006 and 2007 tax returns, and in those years he gave 28.6% and 27.3% of his income to charitable causes.

Quite a difference wouldn't you say? Now who do you think is the most selfish?
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When did any of them ask for all that "benevolent patronage" of Big Daddy Big Gubmint?

And this has what to do with the OP and what I was asking?

You are a FUCKING MORON. You prove it every time you post your drivel. If you are a scientist you are one of those people that has absolutely no common sense or wisdom to go with your intelligence. In other words, a perfect dupe for the Democrats.
Seems to me that the 47% that doesn't pay any Federal Income tax would benefit the most.
Seems to me that the more wealthy one is, the more they benefit from the GOVERNMENT'S protecting their Right to Private Ownership.
When did any of them ask for all that "benevolent patronage" of Big Daddy Big Gubmint?

And this has what to do with the OP and what I was asking?

You are a FUCKING MORON. You prove it every time you post your drivel. If you are a scientist you are one of those people that has absolutely no common sense or wisdom to go with your intelligence. In other words, a perfect dupe for the Democrats.

:lol: yes, cause this post shows what real intelligence is :lol::cuckoo:
Seems to me that the 47% that doesn't pay any Federal Income tax would benefit the most.
Seems to me that the more wealthy one is, the more they benefit from the GOVERNMENT'S protecting their Right to Private Ownership.

Because no one else owns anything right?
Typical Straw Man.

The word MORE does not imply no one else owns anything. It just means they have more than those who have less.
In a true "Capitalistic" system the taxes should be based on capital assets rather than income.
What do you think the taxes in a Capitalistic system should be based on?

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