Aging Poorly

What I noticed, before cancelling cable altogether, that watching old TV shows on HD on a 43" TV showed the make up too vividly in the close ups- it stands out from watching Gunsmoke when it was in Black (can I say that) and White-

I've heard that on old Knightriders, you can see the stunt driver in his suit made to look like the seat, driving the car.
What I noticed, before cancelling cable altogether, that watching old TV shows on HD on a 43" TV showed the make up too vividly in the close ups- it stands out from watching Gunsmoke when it was in Black (can I say that) and White-
No racist, you have to use the word gray scale from now on. Those old shows are in gray scale. ;) If not some crazy melanin man might attack you.
I remember one episode of Barney Miller from the mid-70s where the 'comedy' theme was a woman who turned up at the police station to accuse her husband of rape. Every time she mentioned it the laugh track would kick in and all the regular male characters would look at each other with an expression of bemused surprise on their faces.

A little disturbing to watch today.
Starsky and Hutch used to beat the shit out of people..
.....but it went the other way also---portraying WHITE Archie Bunker as evil
....also, many old movies portray whites as being evil to Native Americans and not vice versa/to other NAs
I notice some older TV shows and/or episodes therein seem based on social norms or assumptions that are seen quite differently today. It is anthropologically interesting but somewhat disquieting.

Just watched a couple of episodes of "Good Times" the other night. Eerie that some of the topics on the show (from 1976) were directly related to today.
Any family like that would not be living in any projects today. In fact even back then they could have done better.

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