Age of the universe


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
both ages are from a religious viewpoint, and neither can be proven,,,

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.

Kabbalists have said the Universe in 13B years old, not sure why you insist on the 6,000 year number

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
The problem is that, in modern-day America, any arguments based on science are immediately and summarily discarded by about 30% of the population.

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
  • The belief/label of 6,000 years was based on recorded history and primitive understanding of the world 2,000 years ago. So what does that make it now, 8,000 years?

  • I understand the basis for 13.8 billion years but that too is suspect. That merely represents the ceiling at which all attempts to look farther back in time fail. We really don't know what lay beyond. For all we know, beyond that is the shell of the outer bubble of our island universe, one among a sea of innumerable universes, like strings of atoms in a greater universe still.


I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
The problem is that, in modern-day America, any arguments based on science are immediately and summarily discarded by about 30% of the population.

That only happens when the people thinking they're spouting "science" are using non-scientific concepts like "consensus" and "settled science"

Who can pay any attention to such nonsense?

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
The problem is that, in modern-day America, any arguments based on science are immediately and summarily discarded by about 30% of the population.

That only happens when the people thinking they're spouting "science" are using non-scientific concepts like "consensus" and "settled science"

Who can pay any attention to such nonsense?
If you want to throw out all scientific arguments based on that alone, go ahead.

Sounds like nothing more than a pretty weak excuse to me.
Which is scientifically easier to prove / demonstrate?

The age and origin of Planet Earth?

or. . .

The beginning of a human being / child in the womb?

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
All you need is a fossil for that.

I'll buy the 13.8 billion years, but the concept of infinity still
blows my mind. So what was there before 13.8 billion years and are we surrounded by endless dark matter or what ? Matter goes through cycles but time and space must be consistently endless ( although relevant to their given locations) it seems to me.
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I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
The problem is that, in modern-day America, any arguments based on science are immediately and summarily discarded by about 30% of the population.

That only happens when the people thinking they're spouting "science" are using non-scientific concepts like "consensus" and "settled science"

Who can pay any attention to such nonsense?
If you want to throw out all scientific arguments based on that alone, go ahead.

Sounds like nothing more than a pretty weak excuse to me.

Can you read English? Try again, go find a grown up and have them read this to you

"That only happens when the people thinking they're spouting "science" are using non-scientific concepts like "consensus" and "settled science""

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
The problem is that, in modern-day America, any arguments based on science are immediately and summarily discarded by about 30% of the population.

That only happens when the people thinking they're spouting "science" are using non-scientific concepts like "consensus" and "settled science"

Who can pay any attention to such nonsense?
If you want to throw out all scientific arguments based on that alone, go ahead.

Sounds like nothing more than a pretty weak excuse to me.

Can you read English? Try again, go find a grown up and have them read this to you

"That only happens when the people thinking they're spouting "science" are using non-scientific concepts like "consensus" and "settled science""
I guess you can't read English. I addressed that.

As for me, I'm very happy being incurably curious and excited to learn new things, particularly science-oriented, knowing full well that science will surely make its share of mistakes.

The future is amazing, and it's an exciting time!

As for you, keep listening to the radio and do as you're told.

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
The problem is that, in modern-day America, any arguments based on science are immediately and summarily discarded by about 30% of the population.
No, that is not the problem, you obfuscate truth, and that IS the problem, science has lost much, if not most of its credibility because it has nakedly politicized itself, indeed, "virtually" all so-called scientific research is really radical democratic fascist propaganda masquerading as science! You might consider lesson of the fabel of "boy who cried wolf," and apply moral of story to what becomes of trust & respect when formerly respected sources descend into naked and unending political agitation....

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis. had to find this article to prove the Earth is not 6000 years old?

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
The problem is that, in modern-day America, any arguments based on science are immediately and summarily discarded by about 30% of the population.
No, that is not the problem, you obfuscate truth, and that IS the problem, science has lost much, if not most of its credibility because it has nakedly politicized itself, indeed, "virtually" all so-called scientific research is really radical democratic fascist propaganda masquerading as science! You might consider lesson of the fabel of "boy who cried wolf," and apply moral of story to what becomes of trust & respect when formerly respected sources descend into naked and unending political agitation....
Not all of us see the world through a paranoid partisan political lens.

I think science is absolutely fascinating and exciting, warts and all.

Progress won't stop, regardless of how some are afraid of it.

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.

That 6K age is just the brainchild of some medieval biblical scholar that came up with that number by counting generations mentioned in the Bible.

Hardly any credibility.

The universe is as old as God made it.

I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Done.
The earth became void and without form. It wasn't made that way. God didn't create void, or complete emptiness. He created earth, which has mass. But we know that Satan was shot out of heaven like a lightening bolt to earth. The darkness that we are told of in Genesis was an unnatural darkness, not a day and night darkness. We aren't told how long of a span there was between Gen. 1:1 and Gen. 1:3. There was no 24 hour linear time. Time wasn't created until Gen. 1:5.

Science changes with each new research. From your link:
While this estimate of the age of the universe had been known before, in recent years, other scientific measurements had suggested instead that the universe may be hundreds of millions of years younger than this

Eternal time is not linear time. 13 billion years of human time is less than a second in eternal time. This scientific study refutes nothing and is likely to change again as science evolves in the future.
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I think this is interesting in that it directly contradicts current religious orthodoxy of an age of 6,000 years, give or take. The statement of 13.8 billion years, is based on scientific analysis and research. The claim of 6,000 years or so is based on a book with no valid research or analysis to support the claim.

This scientific study thoroughly refutes unsupported religious belief, lays the bible bare and invalidates the claims made in the bible book Genesis.
Regardless of how old it is, perod of time elapsed since the big bang or whatever, the question remains of what went on before and how can time ever trully be measured in any meaningful way in that respect. There eventually must be a forever long ago or forever long in the future and the the question of the limits and boundries of space itself looms up. What is beyond our universe and what beyond that? The question of infinity will forever be limitless and boundless in space as well as time? Either way we're trivial and our worries and differences are both trivial as they are small.
The universe is as old as science can demonstrate it is. The bible is a font of wisdom and ethical teaching
but in terms of scientific knowledge it's just the efforts of primitive tribal people attempting to explain the
world all around them without any hope of success.

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