Again Trump was right.....95 blacks plan to vote for Trump!!

We all would like to vote for Trump, but between surviving the bad neighborhoods, and getting shot every day and not being educated enough to think and because we have no jobs, the rest of us don't have the energy to make it to the poll stations.

One thing is certain, Trump does get his reality from the internet and the news blogs. Like most of his mindless, he doesn't know how to research facts and digest them. His recent take on relations with cops and the black community....cops need to be more tough. His words not mine, as if murder isn't tough enough.

His supporters are nothing but fools and ingrates, his staff consists of YES women and men, his kids would support a terrorist on steroids, as long as daddy keep writing them checks and this country sadly, awaits a fate that will either keep on the right path to being okay and plunge us into the deepest hell known to mankind....either candidate can do both.

Nope. He was just in Detroit before he made that speech that has all you white libs going rabid.

You completely ignore the state of blacks in america where democrats have ruled for 50 years.

Drive through Detroit, or any major city. I had to take a friend from Spain to Detroit a while ago. I was embarrassed for my country. Its like a Third World country!

What DO they have to lose by trying something other than what their masters tell them?

Listen, if ever there was a case for painting a race with a broad brush of adverse poverty, its the notion that all blacks in this country are Detroit ridden losers. Them nigga's in detroit, baltimore, etc...they really don't have shit to lose by voting for Trump and I say go for it....but for the other 30 million of us, we do have something to lose, so we won't be voting for Trump....end of effin story!!

What do you think you would lose? Be specific, please.

Dude, you tell me what the hell you got to win with Trump???? This pathetic fool, has yet to give one solid plan on how he plan to do shit, not one. Seriously you can ask this shit??? His fuckin tax plan is the same old give money to the rich and watch them create jobs bullshit that has never worked and you fucks know it. His bring Jobs back from China and Mexico or else tax them to death, will only make shit more expensive here, cause jobs ain't coming back. The fact he's still are over there, says something.

Don't try to play me for stupid, I'm not white and I pay attention.

You posted this:
"but for the other 30 million of us, we do have something to lose, so we won't be voting for Trump."

I am beginning to think you are stupid. I asked you what to you have to lose and you go off on a bullshit rant about about his tax plan. I don't know about you, but I always worked for a rich man since a poor man didn't have enough money to pay me.

WTF you mean go off about his tax plan? His gotdamn tax plan like that last mf tax plan of Bush cost my co workers their fuckin jobs. For the last fuckin time, Trump is not the candidate for me...and nothing you nor he can say, other than provide a do-able plan on how he plans on doing shit is gonna change that. I wasn't born yesterday and I'M NOT SOME WHITE DESPERATE MF WANTING A WHITE MAN BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE. END OF FUCKIN CONVERSATION...NOW GOOD DAY, SIR
If you think the LWNJ's are angry now.......imagine what will happen if Trump wins.

This message board will get really quiet. There will be a lot of head explosions if Trump wins. Imagine the mess we'll have to clean up...
The last time you simple minded mf's bragged about winning......that uh, landslide shit of 14'.....not only could you hear a pin drop, I do recall feeling my computer shake from all the do nothing shit they've accomplished since then...just careful dumb fucks what you ask for.
Nope. He was just in Detroit before he made that speech that has all you white libs going rabid.

You completely ignore the state of blacks in america where democrats have ruled for 50 years.

Drive through Detroit, or any major city. I had to take a friend from Spain to Detroit a while ago. I was embarrassed for my country. Its like a Third World country!

What DO they have to lose by trying something other than what their masters tell them?
Listen, if ever there was a case for painting a race with a broad brush of adverse poverty, its the notion that all blacks in this country are Detroit ridden losers. Them nigga's in detroit, baltimore, etc...they really don't have shit to lose by voting for Trump and I say go for it....but for the other 30 million of us, we do have something to lose, so we won't be voting for Trump....end of effin story!!

What do you think you would lose? Be specific, please.
Dude, you tell me what the hell you got to win with Trump???? This pathetic fool, has yet to give one solid plan on how he plan to do shit, not one. Seriously you can ask this shit??? His fuckin tax plan is the same old give money to the rich and watch them create jobs bullshit that has never worked and you fucks know it. His bring Jobs back from China and Mexico or else tax them to death, will only make shit more expensive here, cause jobs ain't coming back. The fact he's still are over there, says something.

Don't try to play me for stupid, I'm not white and I pay attention.

You posted this:
"but for the other 30 million of us, we do have something to lose, so we won't be voting for Trump."

I am beginning to think you are stupid. I asked you what to you have to lose and you go off on a bullshit rant about about his tax plan. I don't know about you, but I always worked for a rich man since a poor man didn't have enough money to pay me.
WTF you mean go off about his tax plan? His gotdamn tax plan like that last mf tax plan of Bush cost my co workers their fuckin jobs. For the last fuckin time, Trump is not the candidate for me...and nothing you nor he can say, other than provide a do-able plan on how he plans on doing shit is gonna change that. I wasn't born yesterday and I'M NOT SOME WHITE DESPERATE MF WANTING A WHITE MAN BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE. END OF FUCKIN CONVERSATION...NOW GOOD DAY, SIR
The only thing we know for certain is you are a slave, still owned by democrats, and I think that is hilarious.
Listen, if ever there was a case for painting a race with a broad brush of adverse poverty, its the notion that all blacks in this country are Detroit ridden losers. Them nigga's in detroit, baltimore, etc...they really don't have shit to lose by voting for Trump and I say go for it....but for the other 30 million of us, we do have something to lose, so we won't be voting for Trump....end of effin story!!

What do you think you would lose? Be specific, please.
Dude, you tell me what the hell you got to win with Trump???? This pathetic fool, has yet to give one solid plan on how he plan to do shit, not one. Seriously you can ask this shit??? His fuckin tax plan is the same old give money to the rich and watch them create jobs bullshit that has never worked and you fucks know it. His bring Jobs back from China and Mexico or else tax them to death, will only make shit more expensive here, cause jobs ain't coming back. The fact he's still are over there, says something.

Don't try to play me for stupid, I'm not white and I pay attention.

You posted this:
"but for the other 30 million of us, we do have something to lose, so we won't be voting for Trump."

I am beginning to think you are stupid. I asked you what to you have to lose and you go off on a bullshit rant about about his tax plan. I don't know about you, but I always worked for a rich man since a poor man didn't have enough money to pay me.
WTF you mean go off about his tax plan? His gotdamn tax plan like that last mf tax plan of Bush cost my co workers their fuckin jobs. For the last fuckin time, Trump is not the candidate for me...and nothing you nor he can say, other than provide a do-able plan on how he plans on doing shit is gonna change that. I wasn't born yesterday and I'M NOT SOME WHITE DESPERATE MF WANTING A WHITE MAN BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE. END OF FUCKIN CONVERSATION...NOW GOOD DAY, SIR
The only thing we know for certain is you are a slave, still owned by democrats, and I think that is hilarious.
And you are still blinded by the Hitler mystique, and?
If you think the LWNJ's are angry now.......imagine what will happen if Trump wins.

This message board will get really quiet. There will be a lot of head explosions if Trump wins. Imagine the mess we'll have to clean up...
The last time you simple minded mf's bragged about winning......that uh, landslide shit of 14'.....not only could you hear a pin drop, I do recall feeling my computer shake from all the do nothing shit they've accomplished since then...just careful dumb fucks what you ask for.
The only "mf's" talking "landslide" are LWNJ's like you.

At least you have your anger and rage to comfort you!
If you think the LWNJ's are angry now.......imagine what will happen if Trump wins.

This message board will get really quiet. There will be a lot of head explosions if Trump wins. Imagine the mess we'll have to clean up...
The last time you simple minded mf's bragged about winning......that uh, landslide shit of 14'.....not only could you hear a pin drop, I do recall feeling my computer shake from all the do nothing shit they've accomplished since then...just careful dumb fucks what you ask for.
The only "mf's" talking "landslide" are LWNJ's like you.

At least you have your anger and rage to comfort you!
Another lie, I challenge you to show one sentence where anybody on the left is predicting a landslide. Again are you still celebrating your landslide of 14"? NOT!!! LOLOLOLO
Nope. He was just in Detroit before he made that speech that has all you white libs going rabid.

You completely ignore the state of blacks in america where democrats have ruled for 50 years.

Drive through Detroit, or any major city. I had to take a friend from Spain to Detroit a while ago. I was embarrassed for my country. Its like a Third World country!

What DO they have to lose by trying something other than what their masters tell them?
Listen, if ever there was a case for painting a race with a broad brush of adverse poverty, its the notion that all blacks in this country are Detroit ridden losers. Them nigga's in detroit, baltimore, etc...they really don't have shit to lose by voting for Trump and I say go for it....but for the other 30 million of us, we do have something to lose, so we won't be voting for Trump....end of effin story!!

What do you think you would lose? Be specific, please.
Dude, you tell me what the hell you got to win with Trump???? This pathetic fool, has yet to give one solid plan on how he plan to do shit, not one. Seriously you can ask this shit??? His fuckin tax plan is the same old give money to the rich and watch them create jobs bullshit that has never worked and you fucks know it. His bring Jobs back from China and Mexico or else tax them to death, will only make shit more expensive here, cause jobs ain't coming back. The fact he's still are over there, says something.

Don't try to play me for stupid, I'm not white and I pay attention.

You posted this:
"but for the other 30 million of us, we do have something to lose, so we won't be voting for Trump."

I am beginning to think you are stupid. I asked you what to you have to lose and you go off on a bullshit rant about about his tax plan. I don't know about you, but I always worked for a rich man since a poor man didn't have enough money to pay me.
WTF you mean go off about his tax plan? His gotdamn tax plan like that last mf tax plan of Bush cost my co workers their fuckin jobs. For the last fuckin time, Trump is not the candidate for me...and nothing you nor he can say, other than provide a do-able plan on how he plans on doing shit is gonna change that. I wasn't born yesterday and I'M NOT SOME WHITE DESPERATE MF WANTING A WHITE MAN BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE. END OF FUCKIN CONVERSATION...NOW GOOD DAY, SIR
When are your happy pills going to kick in?
If you think the LWNJ's are angry now.......imagine what will happen if Trump wins.

This message board will get really quiet. There will be a lot of head explosions if Trump wins. Imagine the mess we'll have to clean up...
The last time you simple minded mf's bragged about winning......that uh, landslide shit of 14'.....not only could you hear a pin drop, I do recall feeling my computer shake from all the do nothing shit they've accomplished since then...just careful dumb fucks what you ask for.
YOU should not be calling anyone "simple minded".
If you think the LWNJ's are angry now.......imagine what will happen if Trump wins.

This message board will get really quiet. There will be a lot of head explosions if Trump wins. Imagine the mess we'll have to clean up...
The last time you simple minded mf's bragged about winning......that uh, landslide shit of 14'.....not only could you hear a pin drop, I do recall feeling my computer shake from all the do nothing shit they've accomplished since then...just careful dumb fucks what you ask for.
The only "mf's" talking "landslide" are LWNJ's like you.

At least you have your anger and rage to comfort you!
Another lie, I challenge you to show one sentence where anybody on the left is predicting a landslide. Again are you still celebrating your landslide of 14"? NOT!!! LOLOLOLO

Here ya go.

Nate Silver: What A Clinton Landslide Would Look Like
Hillary clinton needs to hit on the important things
Hillary's lead goes from 2% to 13% in new Monmouth University poll

Start spinning.

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