AG Merrick Garland: It's ‘Unlawful’ for Texas to Stop Bussing of Illegal Aliens into U.S.

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
INSANE ]/B] Attorney General Merrick Garland says it is “dangerous and unlawful” for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to stop the federal government’s bussing of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States.

This week, Abbott issued an executive order that bans local, state, and federal law enforcement officers from providing ground transportation for border crossers and illegal aliens who have been detained by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or who have been ordered removed under the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Title 42 authority.

The order also allows Texas state troopers to “stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion” of transporting border crossers and illegal aliens and “to reroute such a vehicle back to its point of origin or a port of entry if a violation is confirmed” as well as allowing state troopers to impound vehicles that are caught violating the order.

In response, Garland wrote a letter to Abbott in which he claims Texas does not have a right to interfere with President Joe Biden’s expansive Catch and Release operation and threatening a lawsuit if the order is not rescinded:

I urge you to immediately rescind Executive Order GA 3 7, entitled Relating to the transportation of migrants during the COVID-19 disaster. The Order purports to mandate that “[n]o person, other than a federal, state, or local law-enforcement official, shall provide ground transportation to a group of migrants who have been detained by [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] for crossing the border illegally or who would have been subject to expulsion under the Title 42 order.” As explained below, the Order is both dangerous and unlawful. [Emphasis added]

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What does he not understand about the IMMIGRATION LAWS OF AMERICA...Can you imagine this leftist putz being a SCOTUS?????
Since Joey Xi Bai Dung was fraudulently elected more than one million CCP Covid-19 infected illegal aliens have been allowed to cross our borders and enter the U.S. That also does not include the thousands of pounds of narcotics that have also been smuggled across our borders.
Needless to say that the numbers of deaths that can be attributed to both infected aliens and narcotics rests upon the shoulders of Bai Dung and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies that caused his ascendency to the presidency and continue to support this dementia ridden puppet.
You can condemn Bidens actions but Garland is correct.
INSANE ]/B] Attorney General Merrick Garland says it is “dangerous and unlawful” for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to stop the federal government’s bussing of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States.

This week, Abbott issued an executive order that bans local, state, and federal law enforcement officers from providing ground transportation for border crossers and illegal aliens who have been detained by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or who have been ordered removed under the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Title 42 authority.

The order also allows Texas state troopers to “stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion” of transporting border crossers and illegal aliens and “to reroute such a vehicle back to its point of origin or a port of entry if a violation is confirmed” as well as allowing state troopers to impound vehicles that are caught violating the order.

In response, Garland wrote a letter to Abbott in which he claims Texas does not have a right to interfere with President Joe Biden’s expansive Catch and Release operation and threatening a lawsuit if the order is not rescinded:

I urge you to immediately rescind Executive Order GA 3 7, entitled Relating to the transportation of migrants during the COVID-19 disaster. The Order purports to mandate that “[n]o person, other than a federal, state, or local law-enforcement official, shall provide ground transportation to a group of migrants who have been detained by [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] for crossing the border illegally or who would have been subject to expulsion under the Title 42 order.” As explained below, the Order is both dangerous and unlawful. [Emphasis added]

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What does he not understand about the IMMIGRATION LAWS OF AMERICA...Can you imagine this leftist putz being a SCOTUS?????
You need to read the Constitution. The states have limited power.

The rest of us, the decent folks, the non-racists, had to watch as Trumpolini tortured immigrant children, so now you can simply shut up.
Since Joey Xi Bai Dung was fraudulently elected more than one million CCP Covid-19 infected illegal aliens have been allowed to cross our borders and enter the U.S. That also does not include the thousands of pounds of narcotics that have also been smuggled across our borders.
Needless to say that the numbers of deaths that can be attributed to both infected aliens and narcotics rests upon the shoulders of Bai Dung and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies that caused his ascendency to the presidency and continue to support this dementia ridden puppet.
You're a traitor. Biden was elected. That is very obvious. Your agitation is an attempt to stir up insurrection. You are a vile fascist and traitor, who has no business living in this country. Move to Russia now, scum.
Democrats hate American citizens. This is not up for debate.
You're a vile traitor. That is not up for debate, boy. Who raised you to be so hateful of democracy. I know that you need to keep your mouth shut while you're ´packing for Russia, facha boy.
The constitution requires the feds to protect the states from invasion they are not only not doing so they are aiding the invasion......Thanks Joe Xiden!
Refugees do not constitute an invasion, numbnuts. Of course YOU are terrified, but then you're a cowardly incel dweeb, so just shut up.
Garfinkel is a real rat bastard...but then 99% of our 'leaders' are.
The rat bastards are you traitors (and whoever raised you to be as you are) who hate govt while loving the corporations who in fact are running the show. You're not only ignorant, racist, paranoid and perverted, you're stupid as a rock!

Just what do you want government to do... deliver underage girls to your door? Is that their only role according to you? I know that's what your type is like.
The rat bastards are you traitors (and whoever raised you to be as you are) who hate govt while loving the corporations who in fact are running the show. You're not only ignorant, racist, paranoid and perverted, you're stupid as a rock!

Just what do you want government to do... deliver underage girls to your door? Is that their only role according to you? I know that's what your type is like.
Racist...everybody is a racist. Grow up. Now be a good girl, and go make me a curry.
You need to read the Constitution. The states have limited power.

The rest of us, the decent folks, the non-racists, had to watch as Trumpolini tortured immigrant children, so now you can simply shut up.
The rest of us, the decent folks, the non-racists, had to watch as barrag-o tortured immigrant children, locked in cages, and now xiden is doing the same.... so now you can simply shut up.
The rat bastards are you traitors (and whoever raised you to be as you are) who hate govt while loving the corporations who in fact are running the show. You're not only ignorant, racist, paranoid and perverted, you're stupid as a rock!

Just what do you want government to do... deliver underage girls to your door? Is that their only role according to you? I know that's what your type is like.
The rat bastards are you traitors (and whoever raised you to be as you are) who hate govt while loving the corporations who in fact are ruining AMERICA. You're not only ignorant, racist, paranoid and perverted, you're stupid as a rock!
if you want little girls delivered to your door, just ask beijing xiden, he might let you have 1
You are a vile fascist and traitor, who has no business living in this country. Move to Russia now, scum.
The rat bastards are you traitors (and whoever raised you to be as you are) who hate govt while loving the corporations who in fact are running the show. You're not only ignorant, racist, paranoid and perverted, you're stupid as a rock!

Just what do you want government to do... deliver underage girls to your door? Is that their only role according to you? I know that's what your type is like.
Accusations of pedophilia against other members is against the site rules.
The Purge
Hell they should all be packed into busses and shipped back to Mexico. They aren't migrants. They are illegal aliens and one has to wonder what law school the new AG went to???
INSANE ]/B] Attorney General Merrick Garland says it is “dangerous and unlawful” for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to stop the federal government’s bussing of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States.

This week, Abbott issued an executive order that bans local, state, and federal law enforcement officers from providing ground transportation for border crossers and illegal aliens who have been detained by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or who have been ordered removed under the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Title 42 authority.

The order also allows Texas state troopers to “stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion” of transporting border crossers and illegal aliens and “to reroute such a vehicle back to its point of origin or a port of entry if a violation is confirmed” as well as allowing state troopers to impound vehicles that are caught violating the order.

In response, Garland wrote a letter to Abbott in which he claims Texas does not have a right to interfere with President Joe Biden’s expansive Catch and Release operation and threatening a lawsuit if the order is not rescinded:

I urge you to immediately rescind Executive Order GA 3 7, entitled Relating to the transportation of migrants during the COVID-19 disaster. The Order purports to mandate that “[n]o person, other than a federal, state, or local law-enforcement official, shall provide ground transportation to a group of migrants who have been detained by [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] for crossing the border illegally or who would have been subject to expulsion under the Title 42 order.” As explained below, the Order is both dangerous and unlawful. [Emphasis added]

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What does he not understand about the IMMIGRATION LAWS OF AMERICA...Can you imagine this leftist putz being a SCOTUS?????
Garland understands that the state of Texass is trying to step on federal toes.

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