After school Satan clubs courting elementary school age kids

Again, there us no atheism in schools. You are a moron! Public schools are secular. Look that word up or have a high school student explain it to you! You are chasing a boogie man of your own creation!

Secular, atheist, agnostic, all shades of the same color.

We all know the Satan clubs are really just Atheists trying to get a rise off religious people, they aren't meant to be real clubs, just a foil for a lawsuit.
We should be teaching high school kids how NOT to get pregnant. While abstinence is the best route we know that doesn't always occur. And there is NOTHING at all wrong about young women choosing not to have kids.
There is much atheism in the schools. Handing out of condoms to high school and even middle school children, teaching gender fluidity, teaching that gay sex and marriage are acceptable, teaching children about artificial birth control, and pushing race-baiting hatred. And this is just for starters.
How is that atheism? Many christians, jews, buddhists, muslims, etc. believe in those things too.
Since they only go into schools that have some religion based club, I don't see how one can argue that one is good and the other is bad. And centuries ago Christian men of steel didn't need much of a reason to hunt down people. They were so entitled that even god's commandments didn't apply to them.
Centuries ago?

You had to reach back pretty far to enable the satanic libs
How do you know that? How do you know they are atheists?

The Satanic Temple, commonly referred to by its acronym TST, is a nontheistic religious and human rights organization that is primarily based in the United States,[1][2][3][4] with additional congregations in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.[5][6] The organization was co-founded by Lucien Greaves, the organization's spokesperson, and Malcolm Jarry.[7][8] It uses Satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state, supporting their mission "to encourage benevolence and empathy [among all people]."

It's like the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, except less funny.

The Satanic Temple - Wikipedia
Secular, atheist, agnostic, all shades of the same color.

We all know the Satan clubs are really just Atheists trying to get a rise off religious people, they aren't meant to be real clubs, just a foil for a lawsuit.
I never said otherwise. Your definitions, however, are inaccurate in Mashmont's usage. He see no religious instruction in the classroom as atheist which is in direct conflict with the definition of atheism.
I never said otherwise. Your definitions, however, are inaccurate in Mashmont's usage. He see no religious instruction in the classroom as atheist which is in direct conflict with the definition of atheism.
I listed the things presented in the schools that were examples of atheism.

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