After Nearly a Year of Unrest, Portland Leaders Pursue a Crackdown


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Democrats are notoriously slow learners. No wonder they screwed up the public school system to accommodate themselves.

After almost a year of near-continuous protests since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Portland’s city leaders are signaling that it may be time for a more aggressive crackdown on the most strident street actions.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, himself a target of many of the protests as he oversaw a police department that has repeatedly turned to aggressive tactics, last week put into place a state of emergency that lasted six days and vowed to “unmask” those demonstrators who engaged in repeated acts of vandalism or arson, saying it was time to “hurt them a little bit.”

We'll believe it when we see it, Ted.

After Nearly a Year of Unrest, Portland Leaders Pursue a Crackdown
Democrats are notoriously slow learners. No wonder they screwed up the public school system to accommodate themselves.

After almost a year of near-continuous protests since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Portland’s city leaders are signaling that it may be time for a more aggressive crackdown on the most strident street actions.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, himself a target of many of the protests as he oversaw a police department that has repeatedly turned to aggressive tactics, last week put into place a state of emergency that lasted six days and vowed to “unmask” those demonstrators who engaged in repeated acts of vandalism or arson, saying it was time to “hurt them a little bit.”

We'll believe it when we see it, Ted.

After Nearly a Year of Unrest, Portland Leaders Pursue a Crackdown
He never had to deal with these things when he rode the short bus to school. The only people dumber than Ted Wheeler are the morons who voted him in. I pity the Oregonians that live outside of Multnomah county. Portland has devastated a great state and Seattle is doing the same to Washington.

Don't care let it burn and no funds or assistance from the feds...


Portland democrats make no sense.
You're either for "anarchy" or for "law and order". Pick one. WTF?!
When you have no moral compass, it shows.
Progressive Socialist tentacles are long and intertwined with each other. They most likely have sent a few people to that area from D.C. or another era to get the riots under some semblance of control. Progs have carte blanche as the media is near totally not the 4th estate as to speak to the people of what is happening but the 5th column to smooth over any issues and push their agendas.
Democrats are notoriously slow learners. No wonder they screwed up the public school system to accommodate themselves.

After almost a year of near-continuous protests since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Portland’s city leaders are signaling that it may be time for a more aggressive crackdown on the most strident street actions.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, himself a target of many of the protests as he oversaw a police department that has repeatedly turned to aggressive tactics, last week put into place a state of emergency that lasted six days and vowed to “unmask” those demonstrators who engaged in repeated acts of vandalism or arson, saying it was time to “hurt them a little bit.”

We'll believe it when we see it, Ted.

After Nearly a Year of Unrest, Portland Leaders Pursue a Crackdown

Anyone still living in Portland after more that a YEAR of nonstop terrorist attacks which were enthusiastically endorsed by the city's "leadership", deserves whatever they have coming.

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