After Hillary Pulls Out, New York Times Declares Ohio Unimportant....LOLOLOL!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
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Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Rush is right....again!

RUSH: Now Hillary has pulled out of Ohio, and the New York Times dutifully says, "That's okay! Ohio doesn't matter anymore." I've got it right here. "Ohio, Long a Bellwether, Is Fading on the Electoral Map." You know why? 'Cause it's too white.

Ohio is no longer the great predictor. Ohio is no longer the great indicator. It used to be that you couldn't win the presidency without winning Ohio, because Ohio had collectively a microcosm of the country's population. But now? Now Ohio doesn't matter, since Hillary is not doing well there -- and they say (paraphrased), "It's just too white. It's too white. There aren't enough illegals there, there are not enough minorities, and so we can't use Ohio the way we have in the past."

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She hasn't pulled out of Ohio. Rush Drugbaugh needs to get his medications adjusted.

Whatever you are smoking, STOP IT!!!!!

BREAKING: Clinton concedes Ohio: pulls out to focus on WISCONSIN ...
2 days ago - Hillary Clinton’s campaign team is conceding Ohio to Donald Trump, moving staff members and advertising money to Pennsylvania, a state that nobody thought would be competitive. ... CNN also reports that Clinton is now moving into Wisconsin to stop her from losing that heavily ...
After Hillary Pulls Out, New York Times Declares Ohio Unimportant
Free Republic
2 days ago - RUSH: Now Hillary has pulled out of Ohio, and the New York Times dutifully says, "That's okay! Ohio doesn't matter anymore." I've got it right ...
Clinton Pulls Back In Ohio - Political Wire : Political Wire
Political Wire
6 days ago - CNN reports that Hillary Clinton's campaign “is pulling back on its Ohio focus. The emphasis will now be on securing the states Obama won in ...
CNN's Jeff Zeleny: Is Hillary Clinton Giving Up On Ohio? | Video ...
6 days ago - CNN's Jeff Zeleny reports that Hillary Clinton hasn't been seen in Ohio since Labor Day, and currently has no plans to return there.
CNN's Jeff Zeleny: "So Long Ohio" ...Hillary Is Giving Up on Buckeye ...
7 days ago - “It's been 20 days since Hillary Clinton stepped foot into this classic battleground state, and she's not ... Which is rapidly coming out in the open.
Hillary pulls out of Ohio; gives state to Trump : The_Donald - Reddit
6 days ago - Didn't I just read last week she was to open 150 offices in Ohio, and now she pulls out? What a shit show with no strategy or leadership...just ...
Hillary's sperm donor father should have pulled out...
How can anyone tell given how little time she spends on the campaign trail?
George Washington couldn't survive the O care death spiral which will commence hitting the headlines Nov 1st and more importantly screws blacks and Hispanics more than whites so I'm not real concerned with the election the D must win blocs will either stay home or vote for some unClinton, not necessarily Trump but her turnout will be pathetic.

No offense Toro but watch for the demonstrations over rate hikes 11/1-8
It will all come down to angry Ocare subsidy eligible voters targeting Hillary. Toro's map is semi-legit there are so many of them but O-care will hit the poor like a second meltdown.
Why isn't Hillary up by 50 points in that battle ground state hmmm? Oh libs why are the good citizens of Ohio rejecting Hillary? Are they deplorable? Are they racist? If Hillary can't beat Trump in a battle ground state goddam I mean that's pathetic.
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How's that Twitter War with Miss Universe going, Vagifail? lol

According to the last map in your post, Trump only has to add a Win in FLA and it is finished? Seems to be closer than it was? I thought Trump has ZERO chance?

Florida Absentee UPDATE...

Florida Secretary of State ^ | 10/1/2016 | LS
Reps 1,023,909 43% Dopes. 880,436 37% Is 392,985. 19% Interestingly while the returns are still small in raw numbers, they are even better for Rs: 47%, 32%, 21%
Trump will win FL. Hillary has pledged to tweak Social Security, Trump has promised not to. Even on Billionaire's row in south beach the prospect of Hillary "improving" entitlements is not popular now it will be a whole lot less popular after Nov 1.
Rush is right....again!

RUSH: Now Hillary has pulled out of Ohio, and the New York Times dutifully says, "That's okay! Ohio doesn't matter anymore." I've got it right here. "Ohio, Long a Bellwether, Is Fading on the Electoral Map." You know why? 'Cause it's too white.

Ohio is no longer the great predictor. Ohio is no longer the great indicator. It used to be that you couldn't win the presidency without winning Ohio, because Ohio had collectively a microcosm of the country's population. But now? Now Ohio doesn't matter, since Hillary is not doing well there -- and they say (paraphrased), "It's just too white. It's too white. There aren't enough illegals there, there are not enough minorities, and so we can't use Ohio the way we have in the past."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
What will you do when your Messiah loses in November?
Rush is right....again!

RUSH: Now Hillary has pulled out of Ohio, and the New York Times dutifully says, "That's okay! Ohio doesn't matter anymore." I've got it right here. "Ohio, Long a Bellwether, Is Fading on the Electoral Map." You know why? 'Cause it's too white.

Ohio is no longer the great predictor. Ohio is no longer the great indicator. It used to be that you couldn't win the presidency without winning Ohio, because Ohio had collectively a microcosm of the country's population. But now? Now Ohio doesn't matter, since Hillary is not doing well there -- and they say (paraphrased), "It's just too white. It's too white. There aren't enough illegals there, there are not enough minorities, and so we can't use Ohio the way we have in the past."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
What will you do when your Messiah loses in November?
Nope your little treasonous bitch will lose.
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