After a 3rd woman testifies Trump sexually assaulted her, his lawyers announce they won't call any witnesses

Does his bio also admit he's a welsher who is still posting on this forum even though he lost a bet where the terms were to leave forever?

And what did he do...? Came back under some other username.

I do not know if that's true, but the child does like to bullshit and call people names. It's therefore highly probable, right up his alley. Thanks again.
Stain is all worked up. Apparently his ongoing dishonesty makes his skin very very thin. 👍
You' re always using the wrong words, all worked up, hardly. That would mean I'd have to value your opinion; which I never did. Another sad and failed attempt to get under my skin. You'll have to go somewhere else to get your kicks, we're on to you, you little troll. Goodbye.
You' re always using the wrong words, all worked up, hardly. That would mean I'd have to value your opinion; which I never did. Another sad and failed attempt to get under my skin. You'll have to go somewhere else to get your kicks, we're on to you, you little troll. Goodbye.
Stain is demonstrating yet again that he is all worked up as he verbosely denies that he is all worked up. 😎👍
Stain is demonstrating yet again that he is all worked up as he verbosely denies that he is all worked up. 😎👍
I actually have a life. Unlike you, who must live for this crap. Try to enjoy your day. I'm out of here. It's a beautiful day and I'm enjoying it.
I actually have a life. Unlike you, who must live for this crap. Try to enjoy your day. I'm out of here. It's a beautiful day and I'm enjoying it.
Nobody cares about your alleged “life,” Stain.

This is just a small sized internet Message Board. I am retired so have time to play here. You would be wise not to take it as particularly meaningful.
Um, the link in my post takes you to his "farewell" post. So yeah, it's true. Those were his own words.
how many hookers did JOe and Hunter go through with all those chinese bribes they got
Thanks for admitting it. You are indeed. 👍
now how much time did liberal god ted kennedy get for getting wasted and drowning his hot young sqeeze.....isnt he in the same jail as anthony weiner who showed his politics to young girls
how many hookers did JOe and Hunter go through with all those chinese bribes they got

now how much time did liberal god ted kennedy get for getting wasted and drowning his hot young sqeeze.....isnt he in the same jail as anthony weiner who showed his politics to young girls
Ted “glub glub hic” Kennedy is dead. His cell may be in Hell.
Democrats rolled out about a dozen DEMBOs against Cain, but none of their lawsuits made
it to court.

As soon as Cain pulled out of the race the lawsuits were all dropped, and the DEMBOs crawled back into the sewers and shadows.

But words do get intentionally distorted by fucking scumbag hyper-partisan Democraps and a variety of lowlife libtatrd, including all the deep state persecutors who are going after him for just political reasons.
On this board those snowflakes are called bots and / or trolls.

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