After 2+ Years Mueller May Fade Away Without Ever Saying A Word

most american want the report public.

There's nothing to stop Schiff from getting Mueller under oath in front of the committee and having him read the report into the congressional record.

Shiff does not have the men and especially the most powerful group in history white men

Let that sink in
Schiff has plenty. Trumps response is telling.
Schiff admittedly leaked classified. That admission should force him to step aside and recuse himself to be part of any Trump investigation. He should also be worried about being indicted himself.

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Even if your fantasies about Schiff getting indicted would have any connection to reality, it would be a completely separate investigation.

Nunez was running around hiding in the WH bushes for Trump and still he was not recused.

Hey dumbass Schitt for brains is currently under investigation for leaking classified information. That's reality. Trump has every right to see classified information. He is the President no matter how much you whine and bitch. Now remove your head from your rectum and see reality. Or are you like Schiff and are desperately searching for nudes of Trump?
After 2+ years of the exposed conspiratorial witch hunt at tax payer expense, Mueller may get to file a report Americans never get to see and fade off into the sunset...leaving speculation, a.c. usations, and zero evidence of there ever having been anything to investigate regarding the President.

Robert Mueller has spent two years investigating Trump, and he hasn't said a word. It's possible he never will.

After 2 years of dividing the country the American people are owed the truth / facts. We have already seen that the excuse of 'national security' has been used as an excuse to protect some of the witch hunters, not national security.

EVERYTHING needs to be released.
No he is going to have to face some questions: on Hilly's sale of nuke material to Russia. In 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directed then-FBI Director Mueller to deliver a sample of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia… Director Mueller personally makes the transfer himself even though the State Department has no authority or supervisory role over the FBI... Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal…
I wish you folks will make your mind up -- if Mueller is some unhinged deranged democrat partisan hack fixated on bringing down trump by any means -- why would he be quiet once the investigation is over?
Integrity Act, which would shield Mueller from inappropriate removal or political pressure.Outgoing Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake joined with Democrats on Wednesday in a failed bid to force a vote on legislation to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller -- and locked arms again with the other side of the aisle to oppose a judicial nominee, resulting in an airtight vote requiring Vice President Pence to serve as tie-breaker.
After 2+ years of the exposed conspiratorial witch hunt at tax payer expense, Mueller may get to file a report Americans never get to see and fade off into the sunset...leaving speculation, a.c. usations, and zero evidence of there ever having been anything to investigate regarding the President.

Robert Mueller has spent two years investigating Trump, and he hasn't said a word. It's possible he never will.

After 2 years of dividing the country the American people are owed the truth / facts. We have already seen that the excuse of 'national security' has been used as an excuse to protect some of the witch hunters, not national security.

EVERYTHING needs to be released.
No he is going to have to face some questions: on Hilly's sale of nuke material to Russia. In 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directed then-FBI Director Mueller to deliver a sample of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia… Director Mueller personally makes the transfer himself even though the State Department has no authority or supervisory role over the FBI... Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal…
It was a 10 gram sample given for purpose of law enforcement.

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